יופי גן צנוע - incarvillea

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Long before the appearance of man on earth, it was decorated a variety of colors. Among this magnificent splendor of plants, of course, grew a modest beauty - incarvillea. In accordance with popular belief, flowers are the symbolic hair of the Earth, which originally decorate it. Depending on the weather conditions, they replace each other in order to inspire and delight a person. Spring flowers are replaced by summer ones, and after them there are autumn and cold-resistant winter specimens. So for a year we have been living in the midst of silent, gentle creatures.

Most people pay attention to garden flowers. Among the many options I want to highlight one modest beauty.

Inkarville was named after the famous French missionary Pierre de Incarville. He was a zealous admirer of green plants, so he sought out the most bizarre options. When the botanist was in China, an unusual perennial flower became the gem of his collection. Pierre carefully studied this plant, observing him in natural conditions. What is he, this modest handsome garden?

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The outer garment of a wonderful flower

When you enter the garden and see delicate flowers under your feet, you involuntarily want to bend over to touch the petals. Such feelings causes incarvillea during its flowering.

The plant can grow from 20 centimeters to 150. Its shoots are smooth, decorated with delicate edges, simple or branched. On their tops, original paniculate inflorescences are formed. Each flower of incarville consists of 5 tubular petals, whose diameter reaches 6 cm. The color can be:

  • white;
  • saturated pink;
  • red;
  • yellow.

In form, the bud looks like Gloxinia, because of this, some color lovers call it incarvilley. The first bloom falls on June. Often lasts a month and a half. It all depends on the variety. The second wave of blooming buds - in August, although not so lush. A careful study of the photos of incarville helps to clearly visualize this natural masterpiece.

See also: Pineapples are flowering and fruiting at home

In this period, the pods appear from the inflorescences. When they ripen and crack, large gray seeds fall to the ground. Their germination lasts up to 4 years. The sheet plate has a corrugated surface. In length reaches 30 cm. Color is dark green.

Garden rhizome tuberous, slightly branched. It has an elongated cylindrical shape that looks like dahlia plots. These features should be considered when growing Incarvillea and caring for it.

The plant is used to decorate rocky areas of a garden, in flowerbeds and in rock gardens. For its bright outfit, the flower is sometimes called the garden "orchid".It looks original in bouquets, although it can only be stored for 2 days.

Secrets of growing oriental beauty

In order to grow Incarville in your garden you should take into account the following moments:

  1. The plant likes moderate sunlight. Given this fact, the cultivation of incarville in semi-shaded areas contributes to long-term flowering.
  1. Orchid garden rhizome does not tolerate high humidity. In order to avoid rotting of the root system, before planting the plants, drainage is laid out on the bottom of the hole. To do this, you can use crushed stone, expanded clay or crushed brick.
  1. Fertile soil. Incarvillea prefers the loose nature of the soil with good moisture permeability.
  1. Long-term drought tolerance. Thanks to this flower does not need frequent watering.
  1. Regular feeding. In order for the plant to bloom as long as possible, it needs feeding. The best option is to work the soil near the bushes with fertilizers once every 14 days.

Incarvillea can flourish wonderfully without a transplant for 5 years.

Often in severe winters with little snow, plants can freeze slightly. To protect the flowers from this, the tubers are carefully dug. You can store them in the basement in a small amount of soil or in the refrigerator, richly covered with sawdust.

Read also: Amazing scrubber requires special careIn early spring, stored tubers are planted in humus pots. You should not close the root neck. By the time the plant is planted in open ground, new leaves will appear. Thanks to this, incarvillea will bloom in mid-June.

Caring for garden beauty, it should be properly watered. Although the plant tolerates dry periods well, there is no need to arrange a desert for it. It is enough once a week to thoroughly moisten the soil under the flower.

Watering should be infiltrating, not superficial. It is desirable that the moisture reached the root of the tubers of the plant. So incarville can flourish painlessly at the dacha.

Introducing the popular varieties

Exotic flower, which came to us from China, is of different kinds. Gardeners have about 14 options. The most popular ones are:

  • Delaware;
  • Myra;
  • Olga;
  • Chinese;
  • Thick.

A short description of each of them will help to get to know them.

Incarvillea Delaware

Having seen the photo of Incarvilleia Delaey, it is not difficult to fall in love with this gentle, modest flower. The plant was first found in southwest China. The flower grows up to 120 cm in height. The leaves are collected in the form of rosettes near the rhizome. Their length is 30 cm.

The incarvily buds are pink-colored. The middle of the cup is yellow. The diameter is about 6 cm. The flowers are collected in several pieces into pretty wrist inflorescences. Buds bloom in June and bloom until mid-summer.

Planting and care of Incaville Delais includes the following operations:

  1. Sowing seeds. The plant can be sown in early spring in pots, and when the earth warms up - in open ground. The first shoots appear in a week. Bloom in the first year of incarville will not.
  2. Rhizome division. This type of planting flower practiced in early spring or late autumn. The rhizome dug out of the ground is cut into pieces, and then it is added dropwise with a small amount of soil.
  3. Cuttings. In mid-summer, cuttings of Incarville delaavey are cut with a small part of the shoot. Put them in a container with water until the roots. Ready seedlings planted in the ground.
Read also: Resuscitate a dying anthurium plant

A rooted plant requires moderate watering. For the winter, it is desirable to cover the flower. The decorative form of Dilaway with the white color of the buds is Incuvillele Snowtop.

Myra Variety

A flower grows up to 30 cm. The leaves are slightly cut. The outer part of the buds is painted in a rich pink color, the inner part is yellow with small white spots. It blooms in early summer. Not afraid of the cold.

Inkarvillea Olga

This variety grows to half a meter. Strong shoots, slightly branched from above. Leaves dissected, pinnate. Particular attention is required by the white incarvillea, Its buds are gathered in a whisk and are located on the top of the shoots. Flowering begins in mid-summer and lasts a month and a half.

Incarvillea Chinese

Some species of Incarvillea Chinese have inflorescences of creamy yellow or pinkish color and feathery leaves. The flower grows up to 30 cm. Blooms 2.5 months after planting.

Incarvillea Dense

Dwarf variety, growing to 30 cm in height. Shoots smooth nature, slightly lowered. The leaves are oval, with the roots of feathery. Blooms in June with large buds of white or pink color with a yellow middle. The variety is frost resistant, so it winters without shelter.

To select the best option, you should consider the local climate, type of soil and the flowering time of the plant.

When you are closely acquainted with various plants, it is easy to present your garden in all its glory. Incarvillea - a modest garden beauty can be the perfect decoration of the dacha.

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