השימוש של תמיסות אגוז על וודקה, נפט, אלכוהול ברפואה המסורתית

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You can go through the lines of the outlets with the same means of the walnut

.receiving microelements. But not much is known about the tincture of green walnut on vodka. It is necessary to make out detailed recipes and methods of applying this therapeutic composition.

It is the green nut fruit that helps to restore the amount of iodine in the body.

In addition to iodine in the tincture of green walnut on vodka there is a natural antibiotic, which is called yuglon. They are treated with fungi and other skin problems. These are proven folk methods. Interestingly, the use of tincture of green walnut does not end there.


Any type of walnut tincture is contraindicated for people who are intolerant or allergic to these nuts. It is still not safe to be treated with this remedy to all those who already have an illness associated with excessive blood viscosity or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

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Alcoholic tinctures on anything are strictly forbidden to future mothers and already breastfeeding women.

Naturally, alcohol, which forms part of a tincture of green walnut on vodka, should not be given to children and adolescents. Although it is for the treatment of certain diseases there are alternative methods of preparation. About this further.

Read also: Recipe for cooking prunes with walnuts in sour cream

Prepare tinctures according to the recipes

There is not one way to create a healing extract from the young crop. Choose the most effective:

  1. Making the most simple tincture. To do this, select only the herbs from the nuts, rinse well with warm water and cut into slices. We put the blanks in a regular three-liter jar, and then simply pour in any kind of vodka. All left for a month.
  2. Walnut tincture on alcohol. Here the proportion is already important, otherwise the nutrients will disappear. Therefore, we take exactly 15 grams of green walnut. Then the fruit is placed in a half-liter jar and add alcohol. The use of green walnut tincture in this form is a general strengthening procedure with the maintenance of vitamins in the body.
  3. Another method already proven by time is a tincture not on an alcohol-containing liquid. You can make a tincture of walnut on kerosene. This vaccine will help with hypertension, tumors, radiculitis, gastritis, and even a stomach ulcer. Next, consider the preparation of such a drug.

Kerosene and Walnut

To successfully create a drug, you need only green nuts that have reached milky ripeness. They are again cut into slices( preferably each fruit into quarters).

Read also: Benefits and harms to the body from eating walnuts

When packing, you can focus on the capacity or quantity of nuts. The treated young fruit must close two-thirds of the jar, or pan.

Choosing from kerosene, they prefer only the best. Therefore, we buy distillate for tinctures( popularly called aviation kerosene).After all, it does not need to be filtered and defended.

Fill the tank with a wonderful fuel, and then remove our healing composition for 3 weeks in a cool, dark place like a cellar. But after 21 days, you also need to squeeze. Therefore, prepare the gauze( it is better to roll on four layers) and squeeze the nuts after pouring into a new container.

It is better not to discard the remains of the nut. They will be useful as an external remedy for people and animals.

We treat helminthiasis with the same means.

Walnut tincture of parasites is an ancient medicine, based not only on the young fruit. Even foliage and salt aids are involved.

In pharmacology, these remedies are called extracts. And the essence of the medicine is this: it is the young nuts and their leaves that contain active substances that destroy the parasites inside the body.

Read also: Features of growing walnut varieties Ideal

You can make the tincture for this purpose on your own. To do this, do not need alcohol, enough honey and the main ingredient. Walnut washed and dried. On one kilogram of honey you need the same green nut.

Next, the already prepared fruits are simply passed through a meat grinder and mixed, leaving the future medicine for a couple of months.

There is nothing to spoil this drug, so we simply store the medicine until it is ready in a dark kitchen cabinet. And after a while there will be changes, because the contents will be divided into fractions - thick and liquid. All that will benefit the body of the elements we need is assembled in a liquid. Pulp can be neglected.

Use this prophylactic up to three times a day before meals. Tincture on honey will strengthen the immune system, restore mental processes.

If a person at any age suddenly began to feel the decline of vital energy, then you can easily recover by just such a simple means. It is only necessary to increase the reception from three to six times a day.

Prophylactic treatment for parasites with this tincture implies consuming all the contents - even the flesh of the nut must be eaten.

Video on the application of tincture of green walnut

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