תיאור ומאפיינים של זני גזר המלכה של הסתיו

The name queen of autumn justifies its name due to its leadership among the late varieties of carrots, which gardeners appreciate for their high yield, good taste, appearance and long storage period.

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Description of the variety and its characteristics

Variety of carrots The Queen of Autumn belongs to the group of late-ripening crops. Harvesting begins in mid-October .

Plant with a leafy rosette with medium leaves of a light green color.

Fruits have a regular elongated shape and length up to 30 cm. The weight of an individual vegetable ranges from 160 to 200 g.

Pulp has a traditional orange tint and is characterized by density, juiciness and sweetness .

The sugar level in carrots varies from 6 to 11%, and the carotin index per 100 g of the product varies from 10 to 17 g.

The variety belongs to the group of late-ripening crops. Harvesting begins in mid-October

_The advantages and disadvantages of the Queen of Autumn

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When describing a variety, should indicate its advantages , thanks to which the plant deserves its place in the garden:

  • abundant yield, which with favorable growing conditions is 9 kg / m2;
  • intensive germination of planting seeds and harmonious ripening of fruits;
  • the attractiveness of the appearance of vegetables and the superiority of taste;
  • resistance to cracking while ensuring uniform proper watering;
  • good immunity to various diseases of fungal and infectious origin;
  • long-term preservation without loss of taste, subject to competent storage;
  • is a universal product, it is consumed fresh, stewed, juices, purees are prepared and used for harvesting for the winter.

In addition to the positive characteristics of , there are some disadvantages of , which include:

  • forming root crops of different sizes;
  • difficulty in extracting long fruits from dense soil;
  • insufficiently saturated coloring of vegetables.
Advantages of the variety: high yield, resistance to cracking, long storage

Key secrets of growing carrots

In order to maximize the yield of vitamin Korolev Autumn Autumn, it is necessary to follow certain rules of planting and care, while taking into account all the features of the variety.

Preparing the soil for planting

It is necessary to prepare the soil well in advance so that the sowing of carrot seeds into the ground is carried out successfully.

Carrots prefer a light, permeable, fertile soil .Heavy soil forms a crust that impedes the process of germination and may cause deformation of root crops.

A place for carrots should be level and illuminated during the whole daylight by the direct rays of the sun. Cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, onions are considered to be good predecessors.

needs to be dug up in the late fall by fertilizing it with nutrients .In spring, repeat the procedure to create optimal conditions for placing the seeds.

A few weeks before planting equip the soil with ash and humus .There is no need to add fresh manure to the ground, as the crop does not tolerate its acidity.

Also, it is not possible to fertilize with nitrogen-based products, this can cause a rapid accumulation of a huge amount of nitrates by root crops.

A few weeks before planting, equip the soil with ash and humus, dig up

Seed preparation technology

Of particular importance in the agricultural technology of carrots are high quality seeds and their preparation for sowing.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose high-quality planting material and for quick germination soak them in warm water for 24 hours , changing it after every three hours.

After which the seeds wash well and put in the refrigerator for stratification .

Sowing rules

Sowing seeds should be carried out in late May or early June in temperate climates. In southern latitudes, landing is recommended in the middle or end of June, where October does not threaten with frosts.

Planting consists of the following operations:

  1. Form grooves with a depth of no more than 1-2 cm and water the soil well. The distance between rows should be at least 15 cm for easy care of the culture.
  2. Sow the planting material to a depth of 0.5-1.0 cm, sprinkle with earth and slightly compacted.

When performing all cultivation techniques, the crop ripens 117-130 days after conducting the sowing of seeds.

Sowing seeds should be carried out in late May or early June

Complex of measures for the care of vegetable crops

Careful care will allow you to achieve stable yields. To do this, you must perform the following activities:

  • regularly remove weeds and loosen the beds to saturate the soil with moisture and prevent the formation of a crust;
  • moderately watering at all stages of plant development, which will allow vegetables to form smooth, juicy and sweet;
  • thinning with the utmost care as the tops grow, so as not to damage the root system of the remaining plants;
  • feed carrots with fertilizers using organic and minerals.

Diseases and their prevention

Despite the fact that the variety has excellent resistance to diseases, one should not exclude the possibility of disease and mass reproduction of pests, and carry out all necessary plant protection measures in a timely manner.

At the time of growth and after harvest, the crop is most often exposed to harmful microorganisms. The most dangerous are considered infectious and fungal diseases that cause rotting and fruit damage.

Prophylactic measures that help to cope with diseases: crop rotation, timely sowing, the addition of potash fertilizers, loosening the soil, the elimination of plant residues in the autumn.

The treacherous pests of the root crop are carrot fly and its larvae .The appearance of a bronze shade on the leaves indicates their appearance. Damaged carrots become bitter, loose and unusable.

To prevent the occurrence of this pest, it is necessary to constantly loosen the beds, prevent stagnation of water and shade. And in case of detection of the problem to destroy by spraying with insecticides.

The larva of the carrot fly in the root crop

Harvesting and storing the crop

Timely harvest will have a positive effect on the storage time of the root crop. Therefore, this should be:

  • correctly determine the period of harvesting , because the carrots that are unripe are prone to rotting, and the overripe is subject to the influence of parasites;
  • a few days before harvesting reduce the number of irrigations , which will help preserve the sweetness and juiciness of carrots;
  • choose a sunny sunny day and harvest the crop with your hands or podkapat with a shovel, carefully removing the clod of earth together with the roots, and then pulling them one by one from the tops;
  • do not clean the vegetables from the ground and do not wash them , as this may accelerate the development of diseases;
  • gently cut the tops of the tops with a knife below the growth point of 0.5 cm, because the greens not only reduces the weight of carrots by absorbing its juices, but also greatly impairs its nutritional value;
  • , after trimming the root crops, dry the and place it in a dark place at a temperature of 10-14̊С for 15 days, this will allow the fruits to heal injuries, and for the affected specimens to reveal defects;
  • on the expiration of the specified time to sort the harvested crop, removing the damaged, sick and soft specimens;
  • after all the processes are completed, you can proceed to the laying of the crop for storage.
On a dry day, harvest, cut the tops, dry the carrots.

The product must be provided with certain storage conditions. The ideal storage is considered to be the cellar or basement of the , in which it follows:

  • maintain a constant temperature in the range of 0 to 5̊ C;
  • organize optimal humidity of 90-95%.

Such conditions will help preserve the roots until the next harvest without loss of quality.

Choosing the Queen of Autumn variety is considered to be the ideal solution for both experienced and novice gardeners who want to get a generous harvest of carrots and preserve it throughout the winter period.

As fresh and juicy vegetables are not only a tasty delicacy, but also a natural source of beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals.

מניעה וטיפול במחלות מערכת השורשים של המלפפונים

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