Niezapomniany allium: sadzenie i pielęgnacja w otwartym polu


Want to decorate your site with unusual colors? Then pay attention to allium: planting and care in the open field are simple, and the result is impressive. The beauty of the buds, the brightness and richness of shades, the enormous size of the inflorescences - all this will forever conquer your heart.

Allium Flower Description

The Allium( otherwise known as the ornamental onion) is a two-year grassy( sometimes perennial varieties) plant belonging to the Onion subfamily, family Amaryllis. Homeland of wild onions is Central Asia.

You can recognize a plant by an umbrella-shaped inflorescence in the form of a regular ball consisting of many small flowers and located on a long, bloated stalk, sometimes reaching 1 m in height. Inflorescences are dense or dandelion-like flowers. There are at least 400 species of wild onions. As for the color of the buds, they can be blue, purple, pink. Flowering occurs in late May - early June. The leaves of the plant are very narrow and long, sharp at the ends. There is also a characteristic smell and burning taste for all onions.

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Wild onions are often used in ridges, rock gardens, various flower compositions, monocultural plantings.

How and when to plant allium in autumn

For proper development and good growth, you should follow all the nuances of planting and caring for wild onions.

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Allium planting and leaving in the open field settled in the garden: the main requirements

A favorite place is open sunny areas. And the more sun, the brighter the color of foliage. Shaded areas are unacceptable for plants. The plant does not tolerate a large amount of moisture, so it is impossible to plant it in the lowlands.

As for the soil, the onions prefer light and fertile, and the pH level should be almost neutral. If the soil is too acidic, lime should be added to it.

Planting in open ground is better to do from mid-September to late October. But this should be done at a temperature of + 10 ° C.

Pre-planting bulbs are carefully inspected for rot and mildew. If they are found, the bulbs are placed in potassium permanganate and kept for half an hour.

For planting, dig pits with a depth equal to three onions. An onion is placed in a well, well watered, covered with humus from above, mulching is carried out, which protects it from frost.

It is strictly forbidden to use chicken manure and manure.

Allium onion: growing and care

Allium does not impose special care requirements. The most important rule is not to transfuse the plant, as this can translate to its death. At the same time, it is highly undesirable to allow overdrying, as this will cause growth to stop and the foliage to fall.

With the arrival of spring, the plant should be fed. To do this, use nitrogen and potash fertilizers. Otherwise, the foliage will lose its brightness and become pale.

Read also: Acquainted with the mysterious allium nectaroscordum

The plant requires regular weeding, as well as mulching.

The yellow foliage that forms at the end of flowering should not be cut off, as this is accompanied by the accumulation of nutrients in the bulb.

At the end of June, when the bulbs absorb all the necessary substances, they can be dug out and sent to a warm and dry place. In the land they can not be left, because they can be flooded with rain, which will lead to death.

Bulbs can be left in the ground only if you live in a hot climate. But you have to remember that the bulbs will give babies, crowded, which will lead to shallowing of flowers and rare flowering.

How to propagate and when to plant allium

Wild onions reproduce in several ways.

Vegetative with the help of babies.

Three years after planting the seeds, the bulb gives the babies, which must be very carefully planted in the fall so as not to damage the roots and stems. The excavated material is stored at a temperature of 18-20ºС in a dry and ventilated room.

It is recommended to plant early flowering allium in the ground in autumn, and late flowering in spring.

Planted the bulbs at a distance of half a meter from each other at a depth of three bulbs, pre-watered the hole, and after planting promulgated with humus or peat. The next time they can be transplanted in 4-5 years.

Vegetative using

bulbs Onions are buds, which must be pretreated with a growth factor and rooted. This method of reproduction fully conveys all the characteristics of the mother variety to the future of the plant.

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Seed method

Treated seeds are usually sown in the fall or spring immediately into the ground. Some varieties require pre-stratification. This method is very long, since the plant will disband buds only after three years. Therefore, not popular.

Diseases and pests

When planting and caring for allium, a plant can be exposed to such pests:

  1. Tobacco thrips, sap-eating plants and buds. This leads to the fact that the plant becomes weak, ceases to participate in photosynthesis. Pest can be eliminated by spraying and root irrigation with insecticides. For example, it can be: “Spintor”, “Mospilan”, “Vertimek”, “Aktara”.But to prevent the emergence of an insect should create a high humidity at the landing site.
  2. Neck rot affects the bulbs if not properly stored. In order to prevent its occurrence, the bulbs must be dug out and dried in the sun, and then heated at 48ºС for 12 hours.
  3. Onion Fly. Symptoms of the disease are early yellowing of foliage, rotting of the bulb and its subsequent death. You can protect the bulb with the help of its early planting in the ground. If the disease has developed, you can use a solution of salt or drugs such as "Ratibor", "Medvetoks-U", "Karate".
  4. Downy Mildew. It can be prevented by exposing the bulbs to warming at 40-42ºС for 12 hours before planting.

As you can see, planting and caring for allium in the open field is not difficult at all. If you follow all the rules, the plant will please you with a lush bloom: huge colorful balloons.

Planting Allium in the Garden - Video

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