Rodzaje i odmiany vriesia do uprawy w domu

.etc.. saundersii)

  • Vriesia hieroglyphic( V. Hieroglyphica)
    • Video about species of Vriesia

  • In the South American tropics, more than two hundred varieties of these plants grow in their homeland. Types and varieties of vriezii for growing houses are not so numerous, but there are more than a hundred of them. What is the attractiveness of the inhabitants of the tropical and subtropical zones of the southern hemisphere?

    Whether land or epiphytic plants, gardeners have long loved them for their decorative rosettes of long, long leaves and large spike-shaped or paniculate inflorescences.

    Vriesias are both beautiful and unpretentious. Therefore, for indoor floriculture constantly growing new varieties and hybrids.

    These non-naturally occurring forms strike with the extraordinary brightness of bordering beaters of bracts and variegated, spotty or striped foliage. In specialized stores such plants are most often offered under the name “Vriesia Mix”.They are compact, easily coexist with other home colors and bloom quickly, without special treatment.

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    Wild-growing forms are used for breeding cultural hybrids. To find out which species is closer to acquiring a green pet, and how best to care for it, it is useful to study descriptions of species and varieties of varieas suitable for home cultivation from South American rainforests.

    . Vriesia keeled( V. carinata)

    This species is home-grown with the same success and on the branches of trees, and under their crowns, among many land plants. For gardeners all over the world, Vrieze keeled is one of the most popular indoor species. The culture is easily recognizable by a relatively small outlet with diameters up to 40–50 cm, consisting of linear leaves of light green color. The surface of the leaves, like their edges, is smooth.

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    At the beginning of flowering from the center of the funnel outlet, a strong upright stems up to 30 centimeters in height. It is crowned with flattened spike inflorescence with pink-orange bracts that do not lose their decorative effect for a long time. Rigid, brightly colored leaves conceal yellow corollas 4–6 cm long.

    Due to the small size of the flowers and soon wilt, some beginning growers mistakenly take bracts for the flowers themselves.

    Among the types and varieties of vriezii for indoor floriculture, this is best suited. The compact socket does not require a lot of space, and sometimes blooms twice a year, in the first half of summer and in the beginning of winter.

    Vriesia is brilliant or beautiful( Vriesea splendens)

    Like the previous species, Vriesia is brilliant - the inhabitant of the lower and upper belts of the tropical rainforest. The peculiarity of the plant is a rather weak root system, which does not penetrate too deep into the soil, but it can supply the plant with moisture obtained from the surrounding air. At home, variegia with variegated leaves, like strokes covered with dark transverse stripes, forms a rosette up to 40 cm wide. The color of the stripes can vary from rich green to purple. Shirokolantsetovidnye leaves at the ends are bent, and to the center of the rosettes are raised, forming a narrow deep funnel. From it during flowering erect stems appears.

    Yellow flowers, from 2 to 5 cm long, are securely covered with hard carmine-red bracts that form a compressed, broad lanceolate ear.

    The popular variety of Vriesia of the brilliant Flaming Sword, as in the photo, has no stripes on the leaves, but conquers flower growers with powerful buds with scarlet bracts and fiery yellow flowers. This type is characterized by prolonged flowering and excellent endurance.

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    Royal Vriesia( V. regina)

    One of the largest species among the varieties of Vriesia for growing at home. The leaves that make up the outlet are bright green in color and can grow up to 1–1.2 meters in length. The width reaches 15 cm. In room culture, vriezia is royal smaller than in nature.

    But even here the name of the flower is fully justified by both its size and the original type of inflorescence. This is a complex branched panicle up to two meters high. The branches bearing flowers resemble an ear and combine 10–16 flowers of whitish-yellow color. Corollas emit a light aroma, bracts white and pink, hard at the edges.

    Vriesia perforated( V. fenestralis)

    Many species and varieties of Vriesia are indigenous to the rain forests of Brazil, Argentina and other parts of South America. Local conditions are excellent for heat-loving plants. Vriesia perforated in nature is found in the mountain forests of Brazil. In the flower growers of the world, it is known as decorative foliage with bright leaves of broad linear shape with beautifully curved tips. The young foliage of this species is noticeably lighter than the adult and often covered with placers of golden-green stripes and spots. The pointed tip of the leaf has a maroon-red color, which is noticeable on the back of the leaf plates.

    The rosette of variegated leaves of Vriezia has a diameter of 50 to 80 cm. When the plant is preparing to bloom, a green peduncle up to half a meter in height appears from the center. Light yellow bracts covered with brownish-purple spots protect small yellow corollas.

    Vriesia Giant( V. gigantea)

    Another large variegated look with hard broad-lanceolate leaves that form a volume luxurious outlet. Along the edges, the leaves covered with light green splashes are deflected, becoming horizontal, and at the core, the leaf plates of a giant or chess variese take the shape of a graceful glass.

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    In contrast to the appearance of the royal or deadly, the flowering of this variety is not so impressive. Branched paniculate inflorescence is formed very rarely, and the flowers in small green stipules have a pale yellow shade.

    Vriesia of Sanders( V. saundersii)

    In nature, the variesia of Sanders prefers to live on rocky slopes, where it is more often than other species lacking moisture. Therefore, the leaves of this plant are quite dense and tough. The width of the socket reaches 50–60 cm, and its height is 40 cm. The smooth leathery sheet plates have a gray-green color, sometimes with a purple glow, which on the back side becomes the most noticeable and bright.

    Straight or wilting peduncle bears a highly branched inflorescence with spica-like racemes. Yellow flowers up to 4 cm in length are covered with stipules of the same shade.

    Vriesia hieroglyphic( V. Hieroglyphica)

    This variecia with variegated leaves is one of the most striking species suitable for indoor cultivation. Light green leaves from the base to the pointed tips are covered with patterned transverse stripes of a darker shade. The leaf plates themselves are assembled in a tight funnel-shaped outlet with a diameter of up to 40 cm.

    The hieroglyphic inflorescence of Vriesia is a branched panicle, about 50 cm in height. Yellow flowers bear slightly drooping branches. Thanks to the breeders at the disposal of flower growers today, hybrids of this type of vriezeia appeared, pleasing with more spectacular flowering, for example, with pink-orange or yellow bracts not greenish.

    Video about the types of Vriesia

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