Prawidłowe karmienie pomidorów w szklarni i na otwartym terenie

Szczegółowy opis i charakterystyka vinetów odmianowych

Szczegółowy opis i charakterystyka vinetów odmianowychZiemniaki

Variety Vineta for a short time managed to break the lead in cultivation. Potatoes are famous for early ripeness, yield, drought tolerance .Suitable for salads, when frying an appetizing golden c...

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Jak głęboko sadzić ziemniaki

Jak głęboko sadzić ziemniakiZiemniaki

Potatoes - unpretentious culture. With suitable soils, it is successfully grown even in cold climates. Productivity can be significantly increased with strict adherence to the rules of planting p...

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Charakterystyka i opis odmian ziemniaków Królowa Anna

Charakterystyka i opis odmian ziemniaków Królowa AnnaZiemniaki

Potatoes are considered to be the main agricultural crop, which has been grown on household plots for many years. Therefore, most vegetable growers want to have a universal variety: fruitful, tas...

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