Najkorzystniejsze dni do sadzenia ziemniaków

The definition of favorable days for planting crops on a plot is familiar to summer residents. All actions related to the care of the garden, some gardeners spend strictly in accordance with the location of the moon. It doesn't matter if they grow carrots or onions. Should I trust the lunar calendar when growing potatoes, try to figure out the article.

. Contents:what time to plant without an

calendar; Favorable days for planting

potatoes; The crop yield in many respects depends on the on the climatic and weather conditions , the quality ofchvov, seedlings, soil care and fertilizers, as well as many other factors.

The priority should be the weather conditions, not the state of the moon.
These factors include the location of the moon. However, if we take into account such a calendar, there are few favorable days.

When planting

in May In almost all regions, , except for the southern , potatoes are planted in May. The soil is already warm enough, and warm days allow you to calmly plant a culture without the possibility of freezing.

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However, in May there are not so many favorable days, based on the lunar calendar, in which potatoes can be planted:

In the first decade 4, 7, 8, 9 May
In the second decade, the most successful day is May 19
In the third decade two days on May 24 and 31

If you follow the recommendations of the astrologers, you must first plan a landing day and prepare the material. To do this, it should be removed in advance from the cellar or storage, dried, give time to warm up in air.

When the tubers sprout, it means you can start planting. By following all the rules, you can significantly increase the yield.

When you can sow the seeds

Potato seeds can be purchased in specialized stores or collected in their garden in the autumn.

Purchased seeds are much easier to obtain than collecting yourself.

In the still green fruit of the potato, which resembles green berries, contains seeds. It is these seeds that are suitable for the biological reproduction of potatoes.

If you sow the seeds in a container, seedlings will appear in a week. It is necessary to prepare seedlings for transplantation into the soil for further cultivation.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in the garden at a time when the weather has stabilized outside and the air temperature is around 15 degrees. The best time for planting seedlings from seeds in open ground in late May.

If you focus on the lunar calendar, you should pick up the date, are in the waning moon .

The planting dates in different climatic zones of the

Ural gardeners should be aware that the north on the map is their city, the later the soil warms up. It is necessary to make sure that the night frosts are over. Since Siberia is big enough, there is time for potatoes in each locality.

In most places it will be possible to sow only in mid-May. In Irkutsk, it is recommended to plant a plant after May 20.In the conditions of Karelia, planting medium-late and late varieties is not advisable.

In the middle zone of Russia, is the most favorable time for planting potatoes on May 6, 7, 8, 9, 26, 27, 28.In the South, it is good to plant early ripe varieties in April. In the southern regions can be obtained twice the harvest per season.

The beginning of April is suitable for planting mid-season varieties in the south.

General Terms for Planting


Most of the established tradition of planting potatoes in early May. But generally accepted standards are not suitable for every region.

To plant potatoes need to the heated soil , if planted earlier, the fruit will grow poorly or freeze at all. It is also impossible to delay the planting of potatoes. Drying of the soil may occur and this will also affect the yield.

According to statistics, the deviation from the deadlines should not be more than 10 days in one direction or another.
A warm soil will have a negative impact on the success of planting

The influence of the moon on the yield

Not everyone follows the recommendations of the garden in phases. Therefore, the harvest is obtained from someone better, and from someone worse. Although it may be neighbors. The lunar arrangement has a direct effect on all living things, as well as on all plants.

On the basis of this, it is possible for to foresee the lunar factor before carrying out suburban work. Appeal to the lunar calendar is a non-standard approach to obtain a rich and high-quality harvest.

Planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar

Among experienced gardeners, there has always been the concept of a “favorable day for planting.”The primary consideration is the influence of the moon on planet Earth. The state of the whole living organism of the planet depends on these influences.

The lunar calendar for sowing is based on certain long-studied patterns. Namely - impact of phases on the growth of plant crops.

The basic calendar rule is to draw attention to an aging and growing moon. If it is decreasing, then it is advisable to plant the roots, yielding fruit deep in the ground.
It is not possible to prove scientifically the dependence of garden success on the lunar calendar.

If there is a new moon or a growing moon in the sky, it is recommended to plant land plants that grow on an open surface.

Such factors are explained by the fact that the root system is strengthened when the moon is waning .But the bush itself does not develop very well. And vice versa, it occurs in the mirror period - land plants develop and the root systems grow poorly.

Potatoes belong to crops that grow down. Therefore, a descending period is most suitable for planting and plant care. The best days are worth choosing, carefully tracking the calendar.

Why you shouldn’t trust such calendars

The influence of the moon on life processes has long been proven, but you must comply with the requirements of this calendar only if this is confirmed by common sense.

If it is recommended to plant potatoes in the calendar in early May, and the weather suggests otherwise, then it is better to postpone the planting. When the weather conditions match the with the “auspicious days” on the moon, it is possible to plan to plant the root crop on that day.

Professional potato growers recommend looking first at the readiness of the soil. If the earth has warmed up, then only after this fact can we turn to the sowing calendar.

At what time to plant

without a calendar. The most important thing when planting is to observe the early seeding dates. Due to the compliance with the deadlines, the root system develops, which leads to a good harvest.

The potatoes are planted based on the following principles :

  • tubers begin to grow at a soil temperature of +5 at a depth of 10 cm;
  • when planting is very important to determine the exact time of seeding culture. Sowing is calculated on the basis of the variety: early ripe, medium early, mid-season or late.
Recommended planting with germinated tubers. Production varietal potatoes are planted last.

To increase yields and carry out quality work on your site, you can refer to the lunar calendar as an additional source. But to completely trust the calculation of favorable terms of landing is not worth it. It is better to be prudent and to focus on the more realistic factors of .

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