O que você sabe sobre plantar e cuidar de tigridia em campo aberto?

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tigridia advances in tigridia

  • Tigridia video
  • Tigridia tigridiaDespite how thermophilic the flower is tigridia, planting and care in the open ground are possible in central Russia. It is enough to choose the right place for planting and take care of the plant during its development.

    Favorable conditions for tigridia planting

    As tigridia belongs to heat-loving bulbous flowers, the best place for its planting will be a plot protected from strong winds on the sunny side. Tigridia can be planted in open ground in the Moscow region in penumbra conditions. The color brightness and flowering splendor will hardly suffer from this, but it is advisable to tie pegs to each stalk - the stalks become thinner due to lack of sunlight and can not withstand the gravity of the buds.

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    Some flower growers tie a tigridia to the pegs so that the stems do not break due to gusts of wind.

    The soil is suitable loamy or sandy. It is important that it is not too hard, otherwise tender bulbs simply cannot develop. Therefore, before planting, you can add sawdust to the soil and properly loosen it. Do not interfere with fertilizer, mixed with sand for better moisture conductivity. Otherwise, if the liquid stagnates in the soil, the bulbs may rot.

    Tigridia prefers neutral soil composition, therefore, if the land in your area is acidic, process it with lime mortar.

    Planting Tigridia

    Planting a tigridia and caring for it in the open field begins with the choice of the method of cultivation.

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    Planting seeds

    Sow tigridia seeds preferably in winter, in pots or boxes, so that after the frosts pass, plant onion in the open ground. In this case, the bulbs will have time to get stronger by the autumn - next year you can already wait for the buds to bloom.

    Sandy soil is suitable for seedlings, you can add a little peat. Sowing depth is small - about 3 millimeters. Each plant should be at a distance of at least 5 centimeters from each other, so that later they do not have to replant them several times.

    For the first time, abundant watering of seeds is necessary, but for adult bulbs, moderate moisture will be more suitable.

    Seeds germinate quickly - with proper care, the first shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. You can divide the sprouts into separate containers, or you can leave them together, provided that the plants are sufficiently separated from each other, as in the photo. Planting tigridia in open ground is carried out by the end of May.

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    Using bulbs for planting

    It is better to plant and care for tigridia in the open field in spring with already sprouted onions. Seeds may not ripen before the onset of autumn cold, and the entire flowerbed will simply die with the onset of the first frost.

    Large bulbs are planted to a depth of 10 cm, small - 5 cm. The distance between individual plants should be at least 15 cm - tigridia blooms luxuriantly only when it is given greater freedom.

    Peculiarities of care for tigridia

    After the tigridia has been planted, care for it in the open ground is simple, it is enough to follow some rules for watering and fertilizing.

    In hot weather, you need to make sure that the soil near the bulbs does not dry out. However, surface watering will not work - it only hurts the flowers. Therefore, before watering tigridia, gently soil the soil so that the liquid reaches the bulbs and moisten them properly.

    If the summer was rainy without rain, the above-ground part of the flower may suffer from drought. In this case, the leaves and buds are additionally sprayed with water, but not in the middle of the day, but in the evening or in the morning.

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    Bush Trim

    If before planting the soil was well fertilized, then the plants do not need additional top dressing. But on the depleted land, it is better to produce two additional feedings so that the tigridia releases lush and bright buds. As a fertilizer, you can use specially selected mineral complexes. The first time they feed the soil after the leaves have appeared on the plants. The second - before the buds begin to bloom.

    To sum up:

    • It is best to plant tigridia on the sunny side of the site, where there are no strong winds.
    • Soil - sandy or loamy, neutral. You can add peat.
    • When planting tigridia in open ground? The bulbs are planted after the last spring frosts pass, and the seeds begin to germinate in the winter, in pots.
    • Watering is sufficient to keep the bulbs moist but not rotting. The soil before irrigation should be loosened.

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