Os benefícios e danos da serragem para o jardim

Inexpensive and affordable natural material - sawdust. They can be purchased at the nearest sawmill, obtained at their own site during construction, sawing firewood. Farmers have found many ways to benefit from this waste. But do not forget that they can be harmful. Further in the article let's take a closer look at aspects such as the benefits and harms of using sawdust in the garden. As well as how to fertilize or treat the beds.


  • Applications sawdust cottage or garden
  • Varieties small wood waste
  • Benefits and harms
  • Mulchirvanie
    • Pluses opilochnoj mulch
  • As can composting
  • Bookmark in soil and greenhouses
  • Neutralizer harmful substances
  • acidulant in the beds in the garden
  • Pine sawdust inas a dehumidifier
  • Temperature insulator
  • Repeller for pests on the garden plot
  • Additive to seedlings
  • Using substrate as fertilizer
  • Environment for winter storage of rhizomes and tubers

Applications of sawdust in the country or garden

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Sawdust and shavings are sometimes burned, receiving mineral fertilizer - wood ash. But in this way valuable organic matter disappears, bulk loose substance disappears. More profitable to do differently:

  1. Mulching.
  2. Compost.
  3. Bookmark in the soil and greenhouses.
  4. Neutralizer of harmful substances.
  5. Acidifier.
  6. Dryer.
  7. Temperature Insulator.
  8. Pest Repeller.
  9. Additive to seedlings.
  10. Substrate for mycelium, germination of seeds and tubers, forcing flowers and greenery.
  11. Environment for winter storage of rhizomes and tubers.
  12. Covering garden paths.
  13. Bedding in livestock and poultry, in a dog kennel.
  14. Filler in a country toilet.
  15. Material for stuffing garden scarecrow, garden furniture and cushions.
  16. Building materials( insulator, insulation, filler for opilkobetona ).
  17. Fuel in boilers.
  18. The source of smoke in the smokehouse.
Sawdust close-ups

Varieties of small wood waste

Small waste from sawing wood is divided into chips, large and small fractions. Differences are also available according to the type of wood: from softwood or hardwood. Sometimes differences are important, for example: deciduous waste rot faster;conifers are not suitable for smoking products, etc. But the value is any organic. Before use, it is desirable to handle sawdust.

The Benefits and Harm of

  1. For humans and the environment, the presence of impurities such as creolin, chemical oils, paint and varnish particles, glue, and gasoline is dangerous. That is why it is necessary to take pure wood processing products, and not chipboard or sleepers.
  2. Resinous substances inhibit seed germination and plant development. This deficiency is neutralized by scalding the substrate with boiling water, as well as during composting.
  3. Imperfect organic matter( when introduced into the soil and on its surface) begins to decompose by microorganisms, which heavily consume soil nitrogen. Because of this, plants experience nitrogen starvation - they turn white, develop worse. Therefore, it is recommended to put only rotten sawdust into the ground, and when mulching with fresh, flavor it with nitrogen fertilizer.
  4. Sawdust compost acidifies the soil. Alkalinization is necessary simultaneously( in the fall - with lime, in the spring - with dolomite flour, ash).
  5. Rustic sawdust soils dry out too quickly. It is necessary to observe the recommended proportions of the components, to monitor the regularity of watering.


Sawdust mulch is a cheap and convenient option. She is covered at the cottage:

  • surface of ridges with vegetables and strawberries
  • soil in raspberry trees, flower beds
  • pristvolny circles in the fruit and berry garden
Sawdust in bags ready for mulching of the soil by 104

.and to fruit and berry and ornamental crops - it is also possible in the fall. At the beginning of the season, old sawdust compost of the past or the year before last is used; at the end of the season, organic composting is suitable.

Mulch is acceptable and fresh sawdust. They are prepared in advance : they are impregnated with a strong solution of nitrogen fertilizers. To do this, 3 buckets of mulching material are poured with 10 liters of water, where a quarter of a kilogram of urea or saltpeter is dissolved. It is best if this mixture is allowed to stand for a couple of weeks before being mulched( covered with polyethylene), after which it can be poured over the beds. Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with fresh manure or manure( 2 liters), but this mulch will not work with strawberries and some vegetables( for hygienic reasons).

Advantages of sawdust mulch

  1. material is not clogged seed
  2. weeds gradually pereprevaya, mulch enriches the soil with organic
  3. conserving moisture
  4. no soil crusting and erosion
  5. insulated roots smoothed temperature differences
  6. comfortable beneficial soil dwellers( microorganisms, earthworms)
  7. hampered output of some pests
  8. there are no dirty splashes during rain and watering - cleaner products and less disease
  9. restrained weed growth
  10. ridge, garden, beds of digesyadyat manicured and beautiful
Mulching with sawdust beds

potatoes How can compost

best option for disposing of sawdust - competent composting. Just poured in a big pile, they will be spent several years( especially from coniferous trees). The decay is accelerated by layer-by-layer mixing with such substances as

  • manure, litter
  • feces
  • peat
  • foliage
  • grass humus
  • dolomite flour, ash.

Mass is regularly shoveled and shed with water, as well as with solutions of mineral fertilizers, herbal infusions, and biopreparations( Baikal, Florumb Super, Shining).The process of maturation of compost usually lasts from six months to two or three years. The minimum waiting period is 2 months.

Mixed compost is considered the best organo-mineral fertilizer for all crops.
Compost obtained from sawdust

Laying in the soil and greenhouses

It is recommended to bring sawdust compost into the ground for digging( 5-15 liters per 1 sq. Meter), after lime fertilizers. Well-rotted organic matter is used in the spring - they are put under digging, in the wells and landing pits.

The fertilizer “works” in the earth for 3-5 years: it nourishes the plants, loosens heavy loams.

Small wood waste is also used when laying biofuels in greenhouses and greenhouses. They are mixed in: fresh sawdust to fresh manure, rotted to rotted( in a ratio of 1: 1).

Use of sawdust in greenhouses

Neutralizer of harmful substances

A fresh mass of small wood waste serves as an “emergency aid” in case of emergency. It is added to the ground if a surplus of nitrogen and other fertilizers is noticed. So the plants will avoid fattening, accumulation of nitrates and harmful salts.

Podkiditel on the beds in the garden

Fresh sawdust is useful for planting and mulching of those plants that love the increased acidity of the soil( hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers, blueberries).

Pine sawdust as a dehumidifier

Compost from

sawdust Fresh sawdust can soak up as much liquid as 5 times its volume. They are well filled with drainage ditches, paths between high ridges in wetlands.

Temperature Insulator

In regions where there are low temperatures in the winter, dry root dust and freezing of the root zone and branches of bushes( grapes, hydrangea, rose, clematis), planting of winter garlic and perennial flowers( lilies, irises, chrysanthemums) from freezing. To avoid podpryvaniya, shelter is produced when the onset of sub-zero temperatures, and disclosure - in the spring early. To protect against moisture, a waterproof material( polyethylene, roofing felt, etc.) is placed on top.

Some fruit and berry crops bloom very early, and the ovaries freeze. If the root zone is filled with a powerful sawdust layer, the trees and shrubs will wake up later. Flowering will move back to a more comfortable time.

Rose shrubs sprinkled with sawdust for the winter

Repeller for pests on the garden plot

Small wood waste is impregnated with tar or gasoline, laid out to scare away rodents, onion and carrot flies.

Adding spiky sawdust makes it difficult to move snails and slugs. The resinous aroma partially protects plants from the attack of beetles( Colorado, raspberry, tsvetoeda, weevil).

soil additive with a concentration of 10 to 50% refined sawdust compost recommended for

  • seedlings of vegetable and flower crops
  • rooting cuttings and strawberry whiskers
  • growing seedlings with a closed root system.

Other components of this soil are garden soil, peat, some sand. Loose soil requires frequent watering or special additives that retain moisture( hydrogel, vermiculite, coconut substrate).

Intact organic matter can cause starvation of young plants. If the foliage is pale, then it is necessary to give a nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer.
The path covered with sawdust

Using the substrate as fertilizer

Cucumber seeds( as well as squash, pumpkin, melons and watermelons) are germinated in fresh small sawdust, and seedlings are kept. The substrate is poured boiling water, then the water is immediately drained. The procedure is repeated twice to wash away the resinous substances. A warm wet mass is laid out with a layer of 6 cm, and dry seeds are placed into it to a depth of 1.5 cm( with a distance of 3 cm from each other).Crops are covered with film and placed in a warm place. Shoots "shoot" after 3-4 days. Seedlings are ready for planting in two weeks.

In sawdust you can produce forcing green onions, tulip flowers. Substrate must first be shed with boiling water, seasoned with complex fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen. Similarly germinated before planting tubers of potatoes and dahlias.

The middle fraction of the crushed wood of deciduous trees is used in the artificial cultivation of oyster mushrooms.

Environment for winter storage of rhizomes and tubers.

In the autumn, flower growers dig up dahlia tubers, callas and begonias, cannes rhizomes. They are stored in a cellar or a refrigerator, sprinkled with dry fresh sawdust. Resinous components inhibit rotting.

This method is not suitable for the preservation of lilies and onion sets( they will lose turgor).

Farmers - zealous and creative people. They are able to convert waste into income, especially when it comes to organic. As you can see, the use of pine or any other sawdust can benefit in capable hands.

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