Descrierea detaliată și caracteristicile speranței varietății de varză

New varieties of white cabbage can not be known - so many of them have appeared lately, the old, proven know is necessary. Grade Nadezhda is grown for a long time and successfully gardeners, farmers and large agricultural enterprises. Using standard technology, get the heads of the optimal size, maturity, with a high content of useful trace elements.


  • Description of theand storage rules

Description and characteristics of the variety

Mid-season plant, ripens in the period 110-130 days from the appearance of sprouts. You can grow in all regions of the Russian Federation with the exception of the northern region , which includes Karelia, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, the Komi Republic.

Purpose universal:

  1. Agg.
  2. Salads.
  3. Culinary dishes cooked with heat treatment.

Main characteristics of the variety:

  • standard head size 3.5 kg.
  • The stated yield is from 10 kg / m² to 14 kg / m².Planting pattern 0.6 * 0.6 m.
  • Dark green rounded flat cabbages have a short stump inside and a waxy coating on the outer surface of the sheet.
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The socket in diameter is medium - 70 cm. The structure of the head is dense, not prone to cracking. You can grow cabbage Hope by sowing seeds directly into the ground or through seedlings. Seedlings are ready for transplant at the age of 25-30 days from germination.

Head of cabbage hope

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

For clarity, all the advantages and disadvantages of the variety are listed in the table.

Advantages Disadvantages
yield consistently high may suffer from bacteriosis
transportability good affected Kila
marketability, good taste
not crack
ideal raw material for fermentation
susceptibility to infection is low
tsvetushnosti can be grown
any region is storedat least 5 months
Crop of cabbage hope

Cultivation of seedlings

For receiving in August-September of a crop the declared sizeseeds for seedlings sown in April. Boxes for seedlings to cook in the fall. For their refueling mix in equal proportions:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • land from the garden.

Be sure to disinfect the soil, cooked with his own hands. Suitable pink solution of potassium permanganate. Cabbage seeds sow to a depth of 1.5 cm. Keep boxes in light, warm until the shoots appear. When the seeds are full, lower the temperature( 10-15 ° C) and organize the backlight.

Picking - transplanting plants with 2-3 leaves into separate cassettes or larger boxes helps to get strong seedlings.

In greenhouses and polycarbonate greenhouses, it is easier to maintain an optimal regime for the growth of seedlings.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Growth conditions for this variety

When choosing a place, take into account a number of factors that directly affect the quality of taste, size and structure of heads. The quality of the crop is affected by:

  1. Illuminance.
  2. Crop rotation.
  3. Acidity.
  4. Fertility.
  5. Tillage quality.

Shadow, penumbra exclude. Garden beds should be lit all day by the sun. Otherwise, the heads will be loose, they accumulate excess nitrates. Fruits growing in the shade are kept worse. For the health of the cabbage must comply with crop rotation. Planted after gourds, sideratov and solanaceous.

The grade does not love sour soils. Lick the soil no more than once every 5 years. In intervals to lower the level of acidity, add ash, chalk, and dolomite flour for digging.

The stated in the description of the harvest is obtained on cultivated soils with a sufficient amount of humus. The presence of weeds can provoke kela in plants.

How to prepare the soil for growing cabbage Hope

To get full cabbage heads, you need potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and trace elements: copper, manganese, copper. The soil is depleted over the years, it is necessary to restore its fertility after each planting season.

Hope responds well to organic matter( manure, humus, compost) mixed with peat. Any organic fertilizer is recommended in the fall. Mineral substances( phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen) bring the same benefits when introduced in the fall and spring.

Do not add nitrogen above the norms specified in the instructions for use. Its excess causes the accumulation of nitrates in the leaves.
Fertilized soil

How to plant cabbage correctly in open ground

The seedlings of middle-ripening varieties are planted after May 15.By this time, she has a well-formed, fibrous root system and a few leaves. Sprouts reach this development in 2 weeks.

For seedlings you need to prepare the wells, placing them at a distance of 0.6 m from each other. Some gardeners prefer to plant cabbage in a groove dug to a depth of 25 cm.

Seedlings bury to cotyledon leaves. Watering the soil after transplanting abundantly to the viscous state of the soil. Planted in a well-moistened soil, seedlings do not fade and quickly grows.

Seedlings can be pritened for a week with buckets, drawers, and cartons. In the shade, she suffers less from sunburn. When the topsoil dries out, plant watering. The recommended irrigation scheme is 1 time in 3 days. Water rate - 10 l / m².

Care of the variety after planting

After planting insist the mullein and water the cabbage bed after 3 weeks( 1 l per bucket).Watering cabbage plentifully from July to August at least once a week.

For a season 3 times to feed the cabbage with complex mineral fertilizers.

Loosen the soil weekly. Before the closure of the leaves of the plant, roll up the fold 2. Use ashes for the prevention of disease and root feeding. The rate of ash for dusting 1 square.m. soil 250 g. 2 weeks before cleaning watering stop.

Planting of cabbage seedlings

Table with fertilization scheme.

14 days after the 2nd superphosphate, potassium chloride 25: 15

Diseases and their prevention

Rare plantings of cabbage do not suffer from caterpillars. The fine mesh stretched over the ridge will help protect the cabbage leaves from the voracious pests. Many gardeners use drugs for pests:

  1. Fitoverm.
  2. Spark.

Helps manual gathering of tracks and cold water from the plumbing system. The leaves can be washed in the evening with a stream of water, the ground under the heads after the "shower" loosen.

To prevent diseases and pests, powder the soil with ash or dolomite flour. loosen aisle. Remove damaged leaves. Weed grass regularly pluck.

Caterpillars on cabbage leaves

Harvesting and storage rules

Hope, which endured a minus temperature below -6 ° C, is poorly stored and loses its product quality. A short decrease in temperature from -2 ° C to -3 ° C is permissible.

Cabbage intended for winter storage should be lowered into the cellar when frost occurs. Harvested for fermentation can be stored in cold rooms .Experts in fermentation believe that the cabbages are ready for salting, if you have suffered frost on the ground to -4 ° C.

Do not hesitate and choose to plant a variety of cabbage Nadezhda. Not difficult care of her will provide seven heads for pickling and winter storage.

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