White cabbage Megaton F1 found great love among gardeners for its high productivity. The variety is considered to be medium late and demanding to care. When growing Megaton F1, you must comply with all the rules of growing and caring for the crop.
- description and characterization of varieties of cabbage Megaton
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Growing
- nonseedlings way
- seedling method
- growing conditions, soil preparation and landing rules Megaton
- Care grade after landing
- Watering
- Hilling
- Feeding
- Diseases and pests
- cabbage moth
- Cabbage Aphid
- Whitefly
- Medvedka
- Harvesting and Storage
Description and Characteristics of Megaton Cabbage
den Dutch breeders. In Russia, it became known in the late 90s. Megaton - refers to the characteristics of medium-late varieties and differs from other varieties with increased productivity and yield .
Sheet rosette in a variety of large and the description has a light green color. Heading dense, flattened shape, reaches in size
up to 5-7 kg .With a large size of the head, the stalk of the variety is small.Yield is 9 kg per 1 square. meter. From the moment of emergence of shoots to technical ripeness, about 160 days pass, depending on climatic conditions and the method of cultivation.

Growing Megaton cabbage can seedlings and seeds in open ground.
Reckless way
This method consists in planting seeds directly in the ground , in a permanent place.

For good germination, seeds are planted in early May, after spring frosts. Before planting, it is necessary to treat the seeds:
- Soaking in hot water for 20 minutes
- Sharp immersion in cold water for 5 minutes
- Treatment in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, to prevent the occurrence of various diseases
- Washing and drying
Disinfected and processed patterns that have been used to disinfect and treat different diseases
see , spill and mulch in order to prevent the occurrence of earthen clod and drying of the soil.
Before the emergence of shoots, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Watering is done by sprinkling so that water does not knock the seeds out of the ground. After the appearance of 3 true leaves, the culture is thinned. The second thinning is carried out after the appearance of 6 true leaves.
After thinning, cabbage must be fertilized with nitrogenous fertilizers, weeded and ground the soil.

Seedling method
It is necessary to grow up seedlings in early April .The prepared seeds are sown in the nutrient soil and set in a micro-pot. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is constantly wet, while spraying is carried out using a spray gun.
When 3 sheets appear, the seedlings need to be fertilized with complex fertilizers and transplanted into separate pots.
A pick is made only after a thorough spillage of a plant. Seedlings are carefully removed with a clod of earth and pruned the main root by 1/3 .
Growth conditions, soil preparation and Megaton landing rules
In very hot weather, young seedlings need to cuddle for 2-3 days .
For a generous harvest, the beds must be prepared in the autumn. The beds are dug up on shovels bayonet and organic fertilizers are applied. Cabbage is better to plant on the beds, where previously grew potatoes, carrots or tomatoes.

Cabbage, Megaton varieties prefer fertile soil with good moisture and water permeability. If the land is acidic, then at the time of digging in the soil must be added. Ash or lime must be added to the soil. On acidic soil, cabbage can get sick with certain diseases that cruciferous plants are susceptible to.
To prevent the attack of insects - pests, marigolds, mint, cilantro and other spicy plants are planted with cabbage.
Grade care after planting
Grade care Megaton is not difficult, it consists only in timely watering, fertilization and hilling.
Watering cabbage is carried out by in the morning or evening after drying the top layer of the earth with extremely warm water.
After watering, the ground around the plant should be gently loosened to a depth of at least 5-7 cm to prevent cracking of the soil.

After planting, watering is carried out by every 2-3 days , 10 liters of water per plant. From 3 weeks watering is reduced to 1 time per week. Water consumption per plant is 12 liters. During the period of heading, watering is reduced, and 14 days before harvesting, it is completely stopped, in order to protect the heading from cracking.
The first hilling is carried out by 21 days after planting the seedlings. Subsequent hilling is once every 10 days .
Top dressing
When growing cabbage, fertilizer is applied three times per season .
- First feeding: two weeks after transplanting.
- Second: 14 days after the first feeding. To do this, apply cow dung diluted with water in the ratio of 1:10.
- Third: during the formation of the head.10 grams of urea and potassium sulfate are added to a bucket of water.
For the full production of nutrients, it is necessary to use half a liter of fertilizer for each plant.