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Carrots are a popular and very useful vegetable crop among Russian gardeners. To get a good harvest, it is worth considering which predecessor plants grew in the garden in the previous season. Further in the article we will consider, after which plant this crop in open ground and at what distance.

The contents ofGarlic

  • Cucumber
  • Crop rotation table
  • Planted carrot
  • Circulation of crops in the garden: what can be planted in the garden

    It is important to correctly plan their plantings. This takes into account what kind of culture grew on the ground last year. After some plants, other vegetables grow poorly, get sick and give a small crop. In addition, many plants require the use of special fertilizers. Carrots also can not be planted after some of them. Competent gardeners should closely monitor the crop rotation on their site and know in which order it is best to plant vegetables.

    When carrots give a good harvest for the next year

    When growing various vegetables in their own area, remember a simple and universal crop rotation rule:

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    The crops that are grown for root crops are planted the next year after the plants with which fruits are valued.

    Of course, this rule has minor exceptions. For example, carrots grow well after potatoes, onions and garlic. It is also planted after tomatoes, green salads, cucumbers, cabbage and some legumes. After harvesting these crops, the bed should be completely freed. The soil is deeply dug up and enriched with mineral fertilizer.

    It is necessary to know the crop rotation, after which crops carrots grow especially well

    After which crops to plant a vegetable it is undesirable

    The place of planting carrots needs to be changed every season. It is possible to sow this culture again to its former place not earlier than in 4 years. It is not recommended to plant an orange root vegetable after beans.

    After what fertilizers the orange root crop does not plant

    Experienced gardeners know that carrots do not like spreading manure. Therefore, if it is already introduced into the soil, the garden should be occupied with other vegetables( cucumbers, onions, cabbage or potatoes).Orange root vegetable can be planted on this place only next year. Manure makes the fruit ugly, as well as unsuitable for storage.

    Carrots do not like dung beds

    What plants are planted after carrots

    Peas, onions, tomatoes are the best friends of the orange beauty. It is best to plant them on the garden next season. Greens, potatoes, peppers, radishes, turnips, radishes, celery, beets and beans will also grow.

    Carrots grow well after pea beds


    The alternation of plantings is important for all crops in the garden. Cabbage grows after cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and squash. In addition, late varieties grow well after potatoes. And early - after onion and garlic plantings.

    The next year after the cabbage, they plant beans, carrots, and turnips. You can also plant peppers and eggplants.

    Cabbage is a great predecessor for the carrot


    Beetroot is a useful root vegetable. It grows well after:

    • Potatoes;
    • Cucumbers;
    • Pumpkins;
    • Greens;
    • Spicy Herbs.

    Beet followers can be tomato, onion, garlic and some other crops. However, there are no such plants that grow very well after beet plantations, there are only acceptable ones.

    After carrots beets, planting is not advisable


    Early varieties of cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, greens, legumes, peppers, eggplant and spicy herbs may be the predecessors of onion plantations. The choice of plants is quite wide.

    And after the onion, the beds can be sown with cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, potatoes and legumes.

    After the onion beds it is good to sow the cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage


    Garlic is very similar to onions in its properties. For a good harvest, it is also planted after cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, greens, eggplants, peppers, legumes and greens.

    After garlic, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage or legumes are planted next year.

    After garlic, cucumbers are planted the next year


    Cabbage of all kinds, beets, tomatoes, garlic, potatoes and all other crops ensure an excellent existence for cucumbers.

    Cabbage, onions, legumes, corn grow well after cucumbers.

    Cabbage, onions, legumes, corn grow well after cucumbers.

    Table rotation

    Title Culture Best predecessor Worst predecessor
    Potatoes Legumes, root, pumpkin sunflower, nightshade, sorghum
    Cabbage Beans, onions, carrots, potatoes Cruciferous
    Carrots tomatoes, onions, potatoes beans, parsley
    Beet cucumber, onion, tomato carrots, chard, kale
    cucumber onions, celery, potatoes
    Pumpkin tomato cabbage, cucumber, bean Solanaceae
    Pepper onion, cucumber, cabbage Solanaceae
    Eggplant Onions, beans, pumpkin Solanaceae, physalis
    Greens pumpkin, potatoes, beans Carrots, beets

    planting scheme carrots

    This orange most useful root requires special attention. The plant prefers a fertile soil, loose and permeable, with a high content of humus. A sufficient amount of sunlight should fall on the bed( in the shade the vegetable grows slowly and sluggishly). In order to get a good harvest every year, you should plant according to a certain pattern.

    Carrots are not grown in one place. You can return to the old bed only after 4 years!

    Carrot crop rotation implies changing the place of cultivation each year. That is, the gardener should have 4 available places for planting this red root. Before planting, carrots in the soil could grow:

    • cabbage;
    • tomatoes;
    • pepper;
    • eggplant.

    If you grow cumin, dill, parsley or anise in a garden, you cannot plant a red root vegetable! These herbs leave behind themselves dangerous pests that are able to survive the winter even in cold weather.

    It is best to plant carrots after potatoes, because when it is dug up, the soil remains loose.

    In order to ensure a good harvest of carrots, it is necessary not only to take into account predecessors, but also to properly prepare the soil. To increase the looseness and lightness of the land, experienced gardeners add some sand or ground eggshell. To grow sweet and tasty root vegetables, you must make mineral fertilizer, following the instructions.

    Scheme of planting carrots

    Carrot beds can be arranged in different ways. Some plant a vegetable in rows, others in bulk, and still others in grooves. Regardless of the planting scheme chosen, this culture needs to be thinned out on time. In this case, weak individuals are removed, making room for strong and strong ones.

    Thus, the change of beds and the place of growth is a very important point in the cultivation of vegetable crops. Gardeners who want to get a stable and good harvest from their summer cottage must take into account all the nuances of sowing in the spring. Each plant can have its followers and predecessors. This simple knowledge will help to plant and grow vegetables with pleasure!

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