The mulberry tree is an culture valuable to humans, whose beneficial properties are mainly attributed to silk production.
However, few people know that the fruits and leaves of the plant have at least valuable properties. They are widely used in cooking, traditional medicine and cosmeceuticals.
The well-known homeopathic remedies are boiled from the fruit, and the extract from the leaves is part of the medical preparations.
Table of Contents
General Characteristics of the Mulberry Tree Where It Grows, How
Lookscharacteristic of the mulberry tree, where it grows, as
looks. The mulberry tree is a plant from the Mulberry family and the Mulberry genus, consisting of 17 common species. These are fast-growing deciduous trees that reach 10 to 15 m in height.
The average lifespan of mulberry trees is 200 years, individual plants are known to be 300-500 years old.
Mulberry is otherwise called mulberry or “royal tree”.Depending on the color of the bark and stems of , white, black and red mulberries are released.
The history of white mulberry, known to man, begins in ancient China from the Neolithic times. At this time, for the first time, they found durable shiny threads from a cocoon of a worm that feeds on tree leaves. Subsequently, the threads were called silk and wood mulberry.
Gradually the culture spread to the countries of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. The homeland of red mulberry is North America, and black southwest Asia.
Natural area where the tree grows, zones with a warm temperate and subtropical climate. These are countries of Asia, Africa and North America. In Russia, the crop is grown in the southern regions of , rarely winter-hardy varieties grow in the middle lane.
What do the fruits look like? Mulberry fruits up to 2-3 cm in length, depending on the type of , are dark purple, black, white and red color .
These are sweet berries with a long aftertaste and specific aroma. The appearance of the fruit strongly resembles a blackberry.
Mulberry has a high yield. On average, from one tree is collected from 100 to 300 kg of berries.
Mulberry fruits are absolutely not transportable and do not tolerate long-term storage. Therefore, overseas of their range fall only in the processed form.
Useful properties and benefits of the berries and leaves of the mulberry
In the ancient treatises and writings you can find a large number of references to the useful and healing properties of different parts of the mulberry. Today they are confirmed by numerous studies of the chemical composition of wood.
Nutritional value of fruits( 100 g):
carbohydrates 9.8 g;
proteins 1.44 g;
fats 0.39 g;
water 87.68 g.
Energy value 43 kcal .Carbohydrates are divided into sugars( 8.1 g) and dietary fiber( 1.7 g).
A small amount of calories, healthy sugars and the presence of dietary fiber make mulberry fruits attractive for dietary nutrition.
In addition, fruits contain organic acids ( 1.2 g): malic and citric. The main function of these substances is to improve digestion.
They stimulate peristalsis and juice secretion in the gastrointestinal tract, regulate the structure of the stool, inhibit the development of putrefactive processes in the digestive organs.
potassium 194 mg;
Calcium 39 mg;
phosphorus 38 mg;
magnesium 18 mg;
sodium 10 mg.
Fruits contain iron, copper and zinc.
All the mulberry macronutrients are essential for human life. They regulate water and electrolyte balance and the heartbeat cycle, participate in the renewal and growth of bone tissue.
Stable intake of these substances will be beneficial: they support mental activity, muscle contraction and human energy potential. These properties are especially useful for children and older people.
ascorbic acid( C) 10 mg;
Niacin( B3) 0.620 mg;
Riboflavin( B2) 0.01 mg;
thiamine( B1) 0.029 mg;
folic acid( B9) 6 μg;
phylloquinone( K) 7.8 mcg;
Retinol( A) 1 µg.
Thiamine contributes to stable supply of glucose to the brain, improves memory. Riboflavin is beneficial for the structures of the eyes, niacin prevents nervous stress.
Vitamin B9 contributes to nucleic acid synthesis, cell division and the formation of red blood cells.
Vitamin C is one of the most significant antioxidants , which protects the body from environmental toxins. Ascorbic acid has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
Regular and proper use of fruits strengthens the immune system, promotes the improvement of mental work, increases endurance of the body. Therefore, they are recommended for the diet of active people and when the body is depleted after prolonged illness.
The leaves of the plant contain , a rare complex of nutrients that makes them as valuable as fruits. Their composition contains:
organic acids;
essential oils;
β-sitosterol, capersterol;
vitamins of group B, C.
In traditional medicine, sugar-reducing, multivitamin and fortifying agents are prepared from the leaves.
Mulberry leaves relieve pain and swelling in the inflamed joints of .To do this, they are simply applied to the affected area for 30 minutes, 3-5 times a day.
Infusion of leaves is treated with brain spasms, taking 100 ml of the drug 3 times a day.
Mulberry - the tree of life:
Contraindications and the harm of mulberry to the organism
Mulberry fruits are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity of the organism. Even minimal use of can cause a severe allergic reaction to .
For the same reason, , they are not recommended for children under 1 year of age .After this age, in order to minimize harm, the product is introduced into the child's diet gradually.
Restriction in the use of is recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and ulcerative and acute gastrointestinal disorders are a contraindication. In case of any chronic diseases, consultation of a physician is necessary before use.
Fruits of mulberry should not be consumed on an empty stomach, washed down with cold water and mixed with other products.
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