Sea buckthorn fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, organic acids and essential oils for the human body.
For the entire time of shrub cultivation, a person has carefully studied the possibility of using fruits all year round with maximum preservation of beneficial properties.
As a result of this, gardeners today can use to use for the processing and storage of sea buckthorn, which have been perfected.
- How can I save the sea-buckthorn berries in the home: the methods
- On cold
- Freeze
- Storage of fruits in water
- Drying fresh
- berries in sugar
- How to store in a preserved
- Preparation for processing and
storage How can I save the sea-buckthorn berries in the homeconditions: methods
Therefore, harvesting activities are combined with fruit processing, which is recommended within 1-2 hours.
The fruits of the sea buckthorn are harvested as they mature, is a prerequisite - dry weather .Harvest should be folded in spacious baskets lined with thin paper.
Before processing or storing for temporary storage, the fruit must be sorted out by .This removes all damaged, rotten, small, dry, overripe or immature fruits.
The basis of each storage method of is to prevent the development of microorganisms, which together with the natural enzymes of the fruit lead to rapid deterioration of the product.
The highest quality storage is considered to be at which the chemical composition and taste of the product remain close to the original.
This can be achieved by using freezing, drying, preserving, placing the fruit in water or sugar. Each option has its advantages and when choosing a method you need to focus on the individual possibilities of the storage room.
In the cold
This storage method is important when there is no time for thorough sea buckthorn processing. To do this, fruits are placed in a refrigerator or cellar at a temperature of 0 ° C-5 ° C .
The shelf life will increase if you put the product in sealed plastic bags. In such a package, as a result of the respiration of the fruit, a large concentration of carbon dioxide is formed, which displaces oxygen.
In such an environment, the metabolism and intensity of respiration of the fruit slows down, which stops the rapid disintegration and ripening.
A reliable way to store sea buckthorn is freezing. The basis of this method is the rapid impact on the fruits of low temperature , which contributes to the death of microorganisms destroying the fetus.
When fruits are frozen slowly, ice crystals form in the pulp, which, when thawed, causes the shell to break and juice to flow.
With a quick freeze, ice in the pulp is formed in small amounts of , which allows you to keep the consistency of the fruit in the best possible way.
Sea buckthorn freezing:
- washing and drying, selected fruits;
- distribution of fruits on a flat container with a small layer;
- placing fruits in the freezer at -30 ° C for 1 day;
- product distribution into convenient containers for long-term storage.
For storing sea buckthorn it is better to choose containers made of glass, plastic or thick paper of no more than 1 kg. This is convenient for planning costs for future use and prevents defrosting of excess product.
Fruit storage in water
The quality of the sea buckthorn fruit is perfectly preserved in the aquatic environment. To do this, sorted fruit is placed in a pasteurized glass jar .The container is poured with cold boiled water and covered with a plastic cap.
In this form, sea buckthorn is stored in a dark room at a temperature of + 4 ° C.
Strong fruits are selected for storage without any signs of mechanical damage. The dense shell of the fruit protects the flesh from the decay of organic substances.
To avoid additional damage, fruits should not be washed before putting in storage.
Drying Fresh
Berries This way of harvesting sea buckthorn has an advantage when there are no conditions for storing preserved or frozen foods.
Under the influence of high temperatures, the destructive activity of enzymes in the pulp of the fruit is suppressed, and the product retains the greatest amount of beneficial substances .
At home, is best suited for drying sea buckthorn in special dryers or in an oven.
Before the drying procedure, the fruits are washed under running cold water. This should be done with light movements, any pressure can lead to damage to the structure of the fruit, which later will result in the rapid decomposition of valuable substances.
Drying stages in the oven:
- In the first stage, the temperature is maintained at 35 ° C-40 ° C for 2 hours. The initial effect on the fruits of high temperature leads to the formation of dense crusts on the upper layers of the pulp, which complicates the evaporation of water from the product.
- After this, the temperature is raised to 60 ° C-80 ° C.At this stage, you need to constantly monitor the formation of condensate and periodically ventilate the oven.
- At the final stage, the temperature is lowered to 40 ° C.At this time, the evaporation of moisture from the fruit practically stops, and they can burn.
Properly dried sea buckthorn is a fruit that retains its natural color, with a wrinkled surface, elastic and not fragile. They do not form lumps and do not paint hands.
Dried sea buckthorn should not be immediately removed to storage. They are first sorted out, removing the burnt and undrained fruit.
After this, the sea buckthorn is placed in a wooden box for 2 days for aging .During this time, the remaining moisture inside the product equals due to its absorption by drier fruits from the underdried areas.
Ideal for storing dried sea buckthorn dark glass containers with tight stoppers or canvas bags. They should be placed in a dry, cool and ventilated room.
In the absence of ventilation, fruits are often affected by mold spores, fungi and become attractive for the development of berry moth.
in sugar Taste and useful qualities of sea buckthorn are well preserved for 3-4 months when stored in sugar.
This is possible due to the significant content of organic acids in the fruits, which, despite the absence of heat treatment, help to preserve the quality of the product.
Pasteurized jars will be needed for this storage option. The ideal version of the tank with a volume of 0.5-1 liters. In such containers, the fruits will be rationally consumed, not having time to sugar.
During this time, the product will harden and the resulting void can be supplemented with fresh fruits. A layer of 1 cm of granulated sugar should be poured onto the surface.
Sea-buckthorn banks can be sealed with polyethylene lids or simply with parchment. The best place to store a refrigerator or cellar, where the temperature is maintained at 0 ° C-4 ° C.
This version of the product is ideal for preparing fruit drink, jelly or using it unchanged as a dessert.
How to store in canned form
Long storage periods of sea buckthorn are achieved by sterilizing the product .This is a heat treatment of hermetically packed fruits in a container, in which all microorganisms die, leading to deterioration of the product.
Heat-treated jellies, jams, jams, jams and compotes in glass containers are removed in a dark room for two weeks.
Product defacement most often occurs due to irregular sugar concentration, which leads to the formation of ethanol.
With the rapid detection of marriage, culinary preparations can be saved, a long state of fermentation dramatically change the taste and quality of products. To correct the problem, unsuitable for storage, jam or jam is digested by adding sugar 100g / 1kg.
It is important to know the freezing temperature of preservation:
- compotes -5 ° C — 7 ° C;
- jams, jams, jam -20 ° C-30 ° C.
When the volume of ice formed is more liquid, the can is cracked. This is important to consider when filling containers, should not overflow them and adhere to the recommended rules for the conservation of .
Basically this criterion is important for compotes. Jam, jam and jams withstand low temperatures without significant changes in quality.
Therefore, if the area of the house does not allow the product to be stored in the recommended conditions, blanks can be placed in the cooler room of the .
Preparation for processing and storage of
Before harvesting and processing fruits of , it is important to prepare in advance the optimal storage space for .To this end, walls and shelves are disinfected in the cellar or in another utility room with a 10% solution of blue vitriol.
In this way, the development of spores of fungi, mold and the activity of harmful insects is suppressed. After treatment, the room is aired during the day.
Ventilation of the room is of great importance. Stagnation of air leads to the formation of moisture, and as a result of mold and fungi. Therefore, the room should have vents, in the absence of which you can use a split system.
Increased dampness causes to develop rust on the metal lids of the cans. At the same time, tiny holes appear through which air with pathogenic microorganisms penetrates into the container.
They fight with dampness in the summer, when the weather is stable and dry, during the autumn rains it is difficult to do. To do this, you need to dry the room with the help of a roaster and apply antiseptic water to the wooden elements of the room.
The optimum temperature for storing vitamins from sea buckthorn is 0 ° C- + 15 ° C.An increase in temperature leads to complex processes in sugars and fruit cells. As a result, the useful composition and taste of the product changes.
For ease of monitoring the temperature in the room on the wall you need to hang a thermometer. Billets periodically inspect, if they find damaged, they must be removed from the premises.
It is necessary to constantly air the room of the .Subject to all rules of processing and storage, canned sea buckthorn can be consumed throughout the year.
How to prepare sea buckthorn for the winter, canning for syroedov:
Sea buckthorn fans consider it a source of longevity. The basis of this statement is a wide range of medicinal properties of the fruit of the plant.
is used to treat vascular diseases, hemodynamic and metabolic disturbances, skin, eye diseases, and disorders of vital organs with the help of herbal remedies made from sea buckthorn.
To strengthen the immune system, it is enough to introduce sea buckthorn berries into the daily diet. It will protect against viral and bacterial diseases for a year and will be a worthy replacement for vitamin complexes.