Most people are convinced that is a raspberry plant for the unpretentious , but every gardener knows perfectly well how a lack of attention to her “majesty” affects the crop.
Anyone who wants to savor the sweet berries must be armed with the necessary knowledge and desire to provide the raspberries with the necessary care.
Table of contents
- Good care for raspberries in August and September: pruning, pruning, fertilizer and other
- How to properly care for raspberries after harvesting
- Autumn processing scheme
- How to prepare bushes for shelterHow to cut and prune in the fall
Good care for raspberries in August and September: pruning, pruning, fertilizer and other
The list of necessary actions for raspberry is as follows:
- fertilizer;
- pest removal;
- trimming and trimming;
- control bushes sprawl;
- mulching;
- garter and bend.
It is difficult to say which care is in priority, all of the above is important.
The fertilizer needs
in order for the plant root to obtain the necessary minerals and beneficial substances without which it cannot fully develop. Thanks to the feeding, the raspberry stalks will be able to thicken and fill with fructose, helping to survive the frosts.Removal of harmful insects, fungi and other detractors is done by pruning, because most of them settle in on the tops of plants.
If you do not get rid of pests, the plant may die or become weak, unfertile. Still spend spraying in order to surely destroy enemies.
Pruning needs not only to remove pests, but also to harvest old raspberry shoots. Old-timers will slow down the development of the plant, will not give the desired yield, because the ability to give birth to two-year branches is greatly reduced.
Using pruning, adjust the height of the plant, on which the saturation of the branches with nutrients depends. Depending on the variety, the height varies between 1.2–1.7 m.
The control over the growth of the bushes is necessary for the to produce a tasty harvest. Raspberries grow at a fast pace and if you don’t follow this, then in a year a neat row will turn into abandoned thickets.
With a dense neighborhood, young berries do not receive the necessary sunlight, ripen slowly and as a result sour. The ideal distance between the bushes is 60–70 cm, and rows are 1.5 m.
This layer will help to effectively deal with the weed, to preserve moisture in the soil, to improve the water-air regime.
Garter and bending down represent two stages of a single action. - prepare and save bushes from frost and winter drafts. Their essence is to interconnect the stalks of bushes and bend them to the ground, which is the best heater.
How to properly care for raspberries after harvesting
Just had time to enjoy the harvest of this season, as soon as you need to think about the following. Taking care of raspberries in August after picking berries in August implies:
- pruning of shoots and dried branches;
- soil loosening;
- top dressing with fertilizers;
- tying bushes.
The first thing to do is to pick the last berries - to cut the branches where they grew .Anyway, next summer young shoots will actively produce.
For this manipulation, it is better to choose a pruner with long handles, thanks to which you can reach the backwoods of the bush. Cut branches are thrown or burned in an iron container.
It is necessary to cut not only old shoots, but also diseased branches. A properly cut plant should have 6–7 young shoots.
If necessary, you need to thin the bushes, giving the well-groomed look .This will not only add aesthetic beauty, but also allow the plant to breathe better.
. Now it’s time to loosen the soil easily. Raspberry root is shallow, so making a thorough digging with a shovel is prohibited.
The ideal option would be surface loosening with small forks of .After this action, the roots will get more oxygen, weed growth will decrease.
Loosened soil is an excellent base for fertilizer. Suitable phosphorus or potassium, which is scattered around the circumference of the bushes. For each bush use 1 tbsp.lfertilizer.
In order to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases, will not prevent spray with insecticide spray solution, for example, 1% Bordeaux liquid.
Those who wish to fertilize raspberries with liquid organics or nitrogen should leave their thoughts until spring, in winter they will not bring any benefit. Nitrogen fertilizers apply a maximum until mid-September.
The garter remains at the finish, which is that the strong wind and snow drifts do not break the branches of the bushes.
It is necessary to build a support, for example, it can be a lattice fence, and in several places tie each bush to it. Thanks to the garter the plants will gain additional strength.
Such simple actions will help the raspberry to winter and pamper in the summer with tasty berries.
Autumn Processing Scheme
The autumn processing of a raspberry is not much different from the post-harvest care. Basically, all raspberry varieties finish producing in the fall, after which the processing begins: pruning, thinning, loosening, fertilizing, tying .
If you ignore these actions, even remontant varieties will lose the ability to give birth twice.
Do not clean raspberry leaves that have fallen under the bush, it is better to sprinkle them with sawdust. By spring, this layer will become humus.
You may be interested in our articles:
- How to grow raspberries in the country?
- The main diseases of raspberries - struggle, treatment and prevention
- Proper cultivation of raspberries on the trellis
To the previously described care should be added:
- pinching;
- treatment of plants against pests.
Pinching produces to form the bushes and accelerate the ripening of annual shoots that contribute to yield.
Thanks to this agrotechnical reception, the growth of the uncircumcised branches is enhanced, the buds are awakened, contributing to the growth of the lateral branches.
Only tall varieties of raspberries, not prone to branching, should pinch, and for low-growing plants, this technique does not need .
In order to pinch them not to harm the raspberries, they make them from the second year after planting a healthy, strong seedling. For pinching, they connect two tops of young shoots, 7–10 cm long, between them.
In addition to cleaning the territory, digging and thinning, should take care of the destruction of dangerous insects or do the prevention of .If there are infected leaves and branches, they should be cut off and be sure to burn.
For the fight against diseases or pests use the following tools:
- Fufanon - spray solution, prepared in the proportion of 10 ml of insecticide per 10 liters of water. Consumption - 1-1,250 liters per bush.
- Actellic - ampoules, 1 ampoule is used for 2 liters of water. On 1 bush to use 1.5 liters of the finished solution.
- Intavir - tablets. Before processing, dilute 1 tablet into a bucket of water.
- Iron / blue vitriol helps to defeat moss, lichen. The solution is watered the ground near the bushes.
A separate item is the shelter raspberry from the harsh winter.
How can we prepare the bushes for the shelter of
For the wintering of crimson bushes include the following preparation measures:
- mulching;
- tying;
- shelter;
- snow retention.
In mid-October, mulch covers an average of 15 cm of for the ground, this will help the root system retain heat and necessary moisture.
In addition, when it begins to decompose, it will perform the function of organic materials, contributing to the growth of the root system, rich in fruiting.
To tie up the branches of a plant you need so that they do not break under the weight of snow. Different materials and constructions, for example, ordinary wooden posts, are used as a support, and to draw a wire between them.
The bottom wire must withstand a distance of –18–21 cm from the ground. It is necessary to do this thing in the fall before the frost so that the stems are not numb and can bend.
Tie up bushes in several places, bending the branches with an arc, using durable cord or nylon thread.
The shelter of raspberry is important for gardeners living in particularly cold, harsh lands with insufficient snowfall. This is done at the last moment after bending the plants.
In order to provide additional heat, it is necessary to stretch spandbond or lutarsil over the bushes, then press it down with something heavy along the edges so as not to be blown away.
As an option, you can build a protective structure made of polycarbonate, which bends.
Snow retention - these are measures taken to accumulate snow in areas where there is a shortage in winter. For raspberries, the snow level should not exceed 100 cm.
Melt snow water is of great importance for the land and the plants themselves, which is why it is so important to delay the moment of its separation.
To do this, you need in February, at a temperature of about 0 degrees, build heaps of snow and cover them with an shield or use different objects for a “hedge”.
How to bend down - the necessary stage of preparation for the winter
It is advisable to bend down all varieties, even frost-resistant , because in reality many of them do not survive the winters. Crouching is done so that the bushes are completely covered with snow and do not freeze, as well as to protect them from drafts.
The easiest way to , which is used in mid-October:
- Carefully trim the top of the branches and leaves.
- Slowly, in order not to damage the plant, roll up the bushes with a thick rope.
- At the other end, tie a weight and put it on the ground.
The plant will immediately bow to the ground. If everything is correct, the bushes will be bowed by an arc in one direction.
As a second method, can be suggested to tie branches together, and then tie them to a wire on a support.
Raspberries should not lie on the ground, the distance between it and the soil is 20 cm on average.