De bästa åtgärderna för att bekämpa mögel på krusbär och vinbär

Any disease reduces the yield of gooseberries by half, and sometimes the infection causes the death of the plant. The earlier treatment is started, the less harm will be. It is even better to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner and to provide appropriate conditions for the cultivation of fruit bushes. One of the most dangerous diseases is powdery mildew, the control measures with which we will consider in the article.

Table of Contents of

  • Dutch red
  • Cue
  • Consul
  • How to process and spray in the fall to protect against powdery mildew
    • Iron vitriol
    • Copper sulfate
    • Urea treatmentoh
  • nuances autumn garden processing
  • Symptoms of powdery mildew in gooseberries and currants

    One dangerous diseases is mildew. The affected area includes bushes, shoots tops, buds and berries. You can save currants and gooseberries with early diagnosis of the problem and the correct choice of processing method.

    White bloom in the form of a spider web

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    appears on the underside of the foliage. Over time, the focus grows, spreading to the stalks, shoots and apical greens. The layer of whitish spots is compacted, it is not possible to remove it mechanically.

    Powdery Mildew on Gooseberry Berries

    The leaf of the affected shrub soon spins, becomes similar to the boat, loses its color. The berries do not ripen, shrivel first, and then just crumble. The patient's shoot is deformed, slowing down of development, shortening of internodes is noted. The plant without treatment gradually weakens and often does not tolerate wintering.

    It is not allowed to eat the affected berries of currants or gooseberries.

    Sources of infection of bushes and berries with powdery mildew

    Powder of powdery mildew lies in ways to transfer the spores. They can get onto fruit shrubs with wind or insects. Warm weather and humidity contribute to the development of fungus. beginning of summer is considered to be a favorable time for intensive reproduction of microorganisms.

    A glut of soil with nitrogen fertilizers can also trigger powdery mildew. Therefore, before applying various nutrient mixtures, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage when preparing the working solution or introducing granules into the soil.

    The danger of infection increases with excessive pruning of shrubs. The main mistake is allowed when removing extra shoots, when the cut point made above the set level remains unprocessed. Various microorganisms penetrate there, among which may be fungal spores.

    Red and white currant varieties are less likely to be affected by powdery mildew than black berry bushes.

    Methods and control measures with the help of drugs and folk remedies.

    There are many methods for combating powdery mildew. Along with folk remedies are widely used biological agents and fungicides.

    If signs of disease are found, affected shoots should be removed immediately.

    If signs of disease are detected, should be removed from the bush, and shoots from should be removed. This should be done carefully so that the spores do not settle on the surface of the soil. In the ground, they can easily survive the severe frosts and activate at the beginning of the summer season. Cut branches better burn.

    Before the beginning of the flowering period and after harvesting, the shrubs are treated with special preparations:

    • Topsin M( 10 g. Per bucket of water);
    • Topaz( 8-15 ml per 10 l of water);
    • Saprol( up to 20 ml per bucket of water);
    • Strobe( 2 g. Per 10 liters of water).

    More gentle treatment provides for the use of the following products:

    • soda solution( 50 g. Soda ash, 20 g. Grated household soap, 10 l water);
    • slurry diluted with water( proportions 1: 3);
    • solution based on 1% potassium salt( per 10 liters of water 100 g. Salt);
    • a mixture of whey( 3 l), water( 7 l), a teaspoon of copper sulphate;
    • solution of potassium permanganate( 1.5 g. Per 10 liters of water).
    The non-chemical procedure is performed even during the ripening period of the berries.

    Rules for processing currants and gooseberries:

    • spraying the bushes need from all sides ( not limited to the affected area);
    • working solution should fall on the upper and lower sides of the leaves;
    • procedure should be carried out in dry weather in the evening;
    • spraying regularity - sprinkle 1 time in 4-7 days( until the white bloom has completely disappeared).

    For work, it is recommended to use spray gun or brush with soft long bristles.

    Than to treat for the prevention of disease

    Treatment of the bushes is effective only on small beds of

    There are a lot of ways to combat the disease and most of them are effective when using on small beds of .If berry bushes are grown in large quantities, then it is quite difficult to overcome the intensively growing fungus. Therefore, regular preventive measures are considered the best protection against powdery mildew.

    • Pruning shrubs at the end of each season.
    • Treatment of gooseberry and currant in early spring with copper sulfate solution. The procedure is combined with soil disinfection.
    • Timely irrigation and fertilization helps to strengthen the immune system. Healthy plants better resist diseases and pests.
    • For each period of the season it is necessary to apply the appropriate fertilizers: in the spring - nitrogenous, during the growing season - phosphorus-potassium;in the fall - organic.
    • Periodically( 1 time in 7-10 years) it is necessary for to change the landing site of shrubs. Long-term growth in one area greatly depletes the soil, top dressing does not have a regenerating effect.
    • When buying seedlings to give preference to varieties that are resistant to powdery mildew.
    Regularly, you should inspect disembarkation to identify problems at an early stage.


    gooseberry and currant varieties It is recommended for novice gardeners to acquire resistant varieties of berry bushes for planting that are resistant to powdery mildew and time-tested, then the disease will not have to be fought.


    Variety of black currant Riddle

    Variety of black currant with an average but stable yield of 3 kg from the bush .The plant is frost-resistant, large-fruited with a straight forming crown. The weight of one berry reaches 1.2-2.2 grams. The peculiarity is the need to remove peripheral branches, the timely introduction of fertilizing.


    High slightly sprawling plant, begins to bear fruit in July. The weight of the currant is dark ink about 2 grams.

    Berry incredibly aromatic with a sweet and sour taste. The culture has a strong immunity, which makes it possible to give a stable harvest even under adverse weather conditions. With a bush removed from 3-3.8 kg fruit.

    Dutch red

    Currant Dutch red

    Old, time-tested variety with high yields( over 4.5 kg from a bush).The average weight of a red berry is 0.7-1 grams. In taste there are both sour and sweet. At separation, the juice does not stand out, which indicates good preservation and transportability.

    Among the main advantages of currants: resistance to low temperatures, diseases and attacks of pests.


    The gooseberry bush is formed from upright branches of medium height. The formation of thorns is average, the mass of berries is 4.2-4.5 g., The taste is sweet with a hint of sourness.

    Peel is not too dense, has good elasticity, which allows you to transport the crop without loss of presentation.


    A mid-range bush is distinguished by parameters( height up to 1.8 m) and a small number of spikes. Round-shaped berries have a reddish skin tone, the mass of an average fruit is 6.4 grams. Taste is gentle with sweet-sour tones. At least 5.5-6 kg crop is removed from the bush.

    The plant easily tolerates heat and waterlogging. Good immunity is manifested in resistance to fungal diseases and pests.

    Gooseberry Consul

    How to process and spray in the fall to protect against powdery mildew

    Every fall, gardeners pay attention to the careful treatment of shrubs in order to get a good harvest in the new season. For treatments use different tools and methods, each of which has its own advantages.

    Autumn spraying is part of preventive measures aimed at increasing the resistance of crops to fungal diseases and pests.


    Means is used as disinfector for fruit trees and berry bushes. In addition to disinfection, the product enriches plants with such an important substance as iron .

    For spraying currants and gooseberries prepare a solution of the following concentration: 250 gr.iron vitriol on 10 liters of water. Spraying is performed by after the is falling off the leaves, trying to cover the entire surface of the stems and branches. It is also necessary to capture the soil around the shrubs.

    Copper sulfate

    The product belongs to fungicides, is used for the disinfection of soil and plants .Copper sulfate is considered a highly effective means of preventing the development of fungal diseases.

    The working solution is prepared from 50-75 gr.drug and 10 liters of water. It is possible to sprinkle with the means after the foliage has fallen off, which allows for more thorough spraying of the stems and branches.

    Copper sulfate

    Urea treatment

    Fertilizer in the form of granules is used as a nutrient for plants due to its nitrogen content. Urea solution is used to process in spring and autumn.

    For cooking, dissolve 500-700 grams in a bucket of water. Liquid sprayed shrubs, trying to grab all the leaves, twigs and stems. In the garden, the solution performs the function of disinfector, burning out harmful microorganisms, larvae and insects.

    The nuances of autumn garden processing

    Autumn processing of shrubs lays the success of a light wintering and good fruiting next season.

    Mandatory autumn activities include:

    • pruning of branches( old, over 5 years old, weak and sick);
    • drawing on the place cut garden vara;
    • thorough cleaning of soil from plant debris( larvae and insects spend the winter in them, as well as fungal spores);
    • tillage with a solution of colloidal sulfur or karbofos;
    • soil fertilizer with organic or complex mineral compounds.

    After snowing, should be used to warm the soil to the roots of bushes to protect the plants from severe frost. A shrub wrapped up under a snowcover overwinter without much loss, the cold season, and in the spring will yield many new basal shoots.

    In order to get rid of and cure American powdery mildew, it is important to follow the measures of care, to treat the soil and plants as a prophylaxis in time, then the risk of infection is significantly reduced, and it will not have to be treated.

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