The keyboard on the tablet does not work: how to return the keyboard to working condition?

The keyboard on the tablet does not work: how to return the keyboard to working condition?Keyboard

Currently, the tablet has become an almost equivalent replacement for the computer. However, an important element of a computer, including one that distinguishes it from a tablet, is the keyboard....

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The keyboard does not work on the phone: how to fix and configure

The keyboard does not work on the phone: how to fix and configureKeyboard

Modern smartphones do not have a physical keyboard; it is replaced by a touch screen. This is very convenient, but frequent crashes disable this tool. It is necessary to find the cause and methods...

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The keyboard does not work after installing Windows 10: how to restore the keyboard, connecting the on-screen keyboard.

The keyboard does not work after installing Windows 10: how to restore the keyboard, connecting the on-screen keyboard.Keyboard

The keyboard is one of the most important accessories for a computer, without which the user will lose the ability to fully control the device. On the modern market there are a huge number of very...

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The new keyboard does not work: causes, solutions

The new keyboard does not work: causes, solutionsKeyboard

Not every modern user understands the importance of the keyboard. Even without any input devices, the computer will start up and be able to fully perform its tasks. But It will be almost impossibl...

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It does not work the keyboard backlight: Why does not the keyboard backlight, how to enable and customize the keyboard backlight.

It does not work the keyboard backlight: Why does not the keyboard backlight, how to enable and customize the keyboard backlight.Keyboard

Usually, various keyboard models do not differ greatly in feature set and the number of tasks performed. Their main purpose - is to enter text information. For standard keyboard commands quite the...

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PS / 2 keyboard does not work: why the keyboard on the computer may not work, what to do if the computer does not see the PS / 2 keyboard.

PS / 2 keyboard does not work: why the keyboard on the computer may not work, what to do if the computer does not see the PS / 2 keyboard.Keyboard

Computer operation is a complex interaction between various components and devices. Only due to the presence of all components in good condition can the normal functioning of all systems be ensure...

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Windows 10 touch keyboard not working

Windows 10 touch keyboard not workingKeyboard

Keyboard failure in the Window 10 operating system has become one of the common problems. Malfunctions are found both on desktop computers and laptops. Most often, the problem manifests itself on ...

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SHIFT does not work on the laptop keyboard: why SHIFT and other buttons on the laptop may not work, actions if several buttons on the keyboard do not work.

SHIFT does not work on the laptop keyboard: why SHIFT and other buttons on the laptop may not work, actions if several buttons on the keyboard do not work.Keyboard

One of the most important components of any computer is the keyboard. The peculiarity of laptops is that it will be very difficult to change it in case of any malfunction - in any case, it’s much ...

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Usb keyboard does not work: signs and reasons for what to do when it does not work

Usb keyboard does not work: signs and reasons for what to do when it does not workKeyboard

The keyboard is an integral part of the configuration of any PC. It can be connected via different ports, but recently, USB devices have become increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that s...

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The USB keyboard on the laptop does not work: why the USB keyboard on the laptop may not work.

The USB keyboard on the laptop does not work: why the USB keyboard on the laptop may not work.Keyboard

The keyboard is an important element. With its help, you enter and search for the necessary information, as well as control a laptop or computer. But she is not immune to damage, no matter how exp...

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