Where to rent a washing machine

If you decide to change an old washing machine to a new one, you might be disturbed by the question: what should you do with an old washing machine? Of course, it is necessary to use your old washing machine with profit, because the disposal of washing machines for money is the most pleasant way to say goodbye to old equipment. But you can find interesting, and sometimes even creative applications for the old SM. All the ways that we'll talk about will not require you to expend, effort and necessarily bring some benefit or benefit.

We are not buying! We only collected the best advice from the masters and users.

Content of the material:

  • 1The most profitable ways to get rid of stylalki
    • 1.1Return to store
    • 1.2Scrap metal
  • 2Give it away
  • 3Sale by Ad
  • 4Connect
  • 5Hand over for spare parts
  • 6Dump - also an option
  • 7Become creative

The most profitable ways to get rid of stylalki

Thinking about where to rent an old washing machine, you will never guess that it can be returned to the store without problems!

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Return to store

The version sounds incredible, because the machine has already worked its way, and is unlikely to come in handy to the store, but in fact everything is simpler. Of course, at the price at which you took a new styralka, you will not receive it, and in general it is unlikely that you will be paid for it. What is the salt? And the fact that in many stores there are stocks, according to which when you pass the old equipment you will get a good discount for the purchase of a new one.Return to store

Important! Such discounts can apply to both operating and non-working equipment. But in order not to go to the store for nothing, call ahead and ask the manager for all the conditions of the action.

The only downside is that this method often requires an independent delivery of the machine to the store. Therefore, the method is not easy, especially if the machine is heavy, and there is nothing to transport it. But if you 100% give a good discount in the store, do not hesitate, act!

Scrap metal

To sell a non-working washing machine to a scrap metal reception point is also a good solution, which will bring you at least some money. Of course, the price is influenced by a number of factors: the model and brand, the state and weight of your AGR. Nevertheless, before you go to the reception point of "iron ring back in advance.A machine is a metal

Required! Specify whether there is a service point for the removal of non-working equipment. So you will also save.

Give it away

Firms offering free export of household appliances are a real storehouse for those who are interested in simply eliminating washing machines. To find such an office, it is enough to "google". If you drive into the search engine "reception of washing machines b u" and indicate your city, then for sure the system will give you a lot of sites with such a service.Give it away

Attention! This is not the most profitable way, since it does not bear material profit. But, if you can not physically take out the machine yourself, but it really hinders you, then this is what you need.

If you care, why the old technique is taken away for free, and what is the scam, then we will assure that it is not scams. Just firms involved in the export of machines, they know where to realize both metal and "stuffing that is, parts and electronics. Therefore, having done for you a good deed, the recycling firm will also earn good money.

Sale by Ad

This is a favorite way for owners of CM, if you need to pass a washing machine for money, especially if it is serviceable. In principle, it is also possible to sell a washing machine for spare parts through a newspaper or bulletin board on the Internet. If you chose Avito as a place of sale, then proceed as follows:

  1. Take a picture of your typewriter. It is better from several angles. If there are documents left, a guarantee, an instruction, all of this is also captured in the photo. It is desirable to take pictures not on the telephone camera.
  2. Create an adabout the sale of the machine. Do not conceal the reasons for the sale - describe why and why you get rid of the technology. The questions will still be later, so stop this immediately, honestly telling about your typewriter. If you know what a breakdown occurred with the machine, specify it. Perhaps the machine will be bought for spare parts or can be repaired.
  3. When composing an ad, you canuse "keywordswhich will help buyers find your product faster. For example, if you sell for parts, you can write "a sponge for spare parts to sell and also specify the brand, preferably Russian letters. Write down the model and year of manufacture.
  4. Functions, modes, state- this also needs to be told very honestly.
  5. Please specifyprice.Announcement with a price is always more interesting for buyers.
  6. Place an ad.

Place an ad.

Approximately by the same principle, place ads for selling styralka on other boards. You can also go to sites that offer the purchase of faulty washing machines, and send them an application.

Important! If the machine is serviceable, and you want to sell it quickly, do not ask for too much for it - people at a modest price will gladly buy such a SM for a rented dwelling or for a dacha. To buy even faster, offer shipping. And if there is no such possibility, tell me right away about the self-delivery so that you will not be bothered with additional calls once.


Do you live in a block of flats? So, you know the information power of "grandmothers on the bench." Inform them in a casual conversation that you have a good, working and cheap car, and soon it will be learned about it even in neighboring entrances and houses. Cheap and effective advertising.Where to rent a washing machine

Hand over for spare parts

To hand over the washing machine for spare parts, you can choose any of the above methods by submitting ads or finding a special company. If you are not interested in cheap CM reception for parts, you can act slyly: disassemble a washing machine, determine the integrity of the details, take pictures of those that are of value, and post ads.

This is the longest way to sell a car - you can wait a year for your buyer - but the most profitable. In some cases, by selling the styaralka "piecemeal you can beat off almost all of its value.

Hand over for spare parts

Dump - also an option

It would be better to sell a washing machine for spare parts for a penny, then it would at least be exported. So it is unprofitable now to throw out anything bulky!Dump - also an option

If you want to just throw out the equipment, then perhaps the services of movers and carriers. Still it is necessary to find such dump, on which there are special containers, but, certainly, not everywhere such dumps are.

Become creative

Those who do not imagine their life without a creative, do not have to explain what to do with the old stylalka.Become creative

Creative people will never agree to sell a broken washing machine and will certainly make something of it:

  • BBQ or fireplace,
  • furniture - ottoman, chair, table,
  • flower bed,
  • lamp and much more.

Basically, the drum and the hatch from the washing machine are in use - these are the most interesting details of CM, which can be used, as you wish. It all depends on your imagination.

Now you know that the main thing is to find a place where you take old household appliances for money: a company, a shop or a private craftsman. But the most profitable way is to sell spare parts. Well, or do something creative, or maybe just throw out the "old lady". Choose your way to get rid of the old machine and stay in the black.

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