New anthurium flower can be grown from seed

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Anthuriums, the indigenous inhabitants of tropical forests, attract the attention of indoor plants and bright foliage, and unusual aerial roots, so necessary for the life of epiphytes, and impressive buds of various colors. These plants today, more than ever, are popular all over the world, therefore the question of reproduction of a beautiful indoor anthurium flower interests both beginners and experienced growers.

Propagate favorite variety is a snap. More often for these purposes, vegetative methods are used, which is explained by a decent rooting rate, availability of planting material and low complexity of the process.

When transplanting, an anthurium shrub can easily be divided into several parts, as well as occasional shoots with its own root system separated from it from time to time.

Such anthurium children, like stem leaves or cuttings used for breeding, completely retain their parental properties. Therefore, even owners of rare hybrids may not worry that the beauty of the inflorescences or foliage will be lost.

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However, not all vegetative propagation methods are equally effective when it comes to obtaining new anthurium plants.

Reproduction of Anthurium by the

Leaf Like other members of the Aroid family, this culture is extremely difficult and reluctant to form roots on the leaf petioles.
Reproduction of anthurium by a leaf in the overwhelming majority of cases fails. Unlike the zamiokulkas, which form small nodules at the base of the leaf and have their own root system of children, the anthurium rots and the leaf dies.

If there are decorative leafy anthurium species in the grower's collection, you can try to use the leaves to get young rosettes. However, in this case it is better not to immerse the petioles in water, but to gently prikopat leafy plates in wet perlite.

Read also: Photos and descriptions of popular varieties of anthurium

In warm air and while maintaining constant humidity after 3-4 weeks, the plant sometimes forms roots and is suitable for further growing children of anthurium.

How to grow anthurium from seed?

With all the advantages of vegetative propagation, these methods do not provide an opportunity to obtain mass shoots. An adult anthurium shrub when dividing can produce no more than 5–6 young plants, a little more seedlings are obtained by cutting.

Seed propagation is the only homely available way to grow several dozen small anthuriums at the same time.

However, the use of this method is associated with a number of difficulties and risks. For example, hybrid plants, representing the majority in the modern flower market, do not always retain recognizable features and properties. In addition, intending to grow anthurium from seed, the florist should know that it will be necessary to pollinate flowers artificially.

If you look at the anthurium inflorescence, you can see that the ear consists of tiny bisexual flowers that bloom gradually from the bottom, away from the peduncle. First, the pistils ripen, and only after 20-25 days pollen appears, that is, the male stage of flowering begins.

In nature, the fragrant flowers of anthurium attract a lot of insects conducting pollination, transferring pollen from one inflorescence to another.

But at home, this role will have to assume the owner of the plant. To do this, stock up with a thin soft brush, choose a sunny day and, taking pollen from one inflorescence, pollinate it with another ear. To the likelihood of obtaining fruit was more, it is necessary to pollinate the inflorescences within 5–8 days.

Read also: What to do if the room does not bloom for a long time?

Depending on the cultivated species, an anthurium at the site of a single inflorescence can form from two to several dozen berries. Maturation lasts 8–12 months, with ripe fruits having different shapes, colors and sizes. To know that the anthurium berry has ripened, it is possible by the fact that it has become noticeably more convex and poured. Sometimes juicy berries almost hang from the cob, keeping on a thin threadlike stalk.

The number of seeds inside the fruit also fluctuates. As can be seen in the photo, anthurium seeds are not very large, and since their germination is extremely rapidly decreasing, it will not be possible to save seed for the future.

To prepare seeds for planting:

  • mature fruits knead;
  • seed removed from the pulp and washed;
  • grains are treated with a 0.1% potassium permanganate solution.

This measure is necessary because anthurium seeds are not dried quickly before sowing, and they are threatened with rotting and mildew formation.

As an adult anthurium plant, seeds need a loose, well-flowing environment for its cultivation.

It is best to sow in flat containers with a small layer:

  • light structured soil mixed with perlite or vermiculite;
  • perlite or sphagnum moss.

Seeds are laid out on a wet surface, easily pressed into the substrate, but not sprinkled. Capacity with crops should be covered with a lid, glass or film, after which it is left at a temperature of from 22 to 25 ° C.

After 1.5–2 weeks, you can wait for the first shoots to appear, and their quality and rate of formation largely depends on the degree of maturity of the collected seeds and the conditions created for growth. Before you grow anthurium from seed, a grower will have to accumulate patience and know in advance that this is the longest and most laborious way to grow plants.

Read also: Why transplanted to purchased anthurium and how to do itAs the rosettes of anthurium grown from seeds develop, they are regularly transplanted, gradually increasing the distance between the plants.

The anthurium can be converted into separate pots with a volume of 100–200 ml when the size of the outlet reaches 5–7 cm.

As in the case of adult plants, seedlings pass into a new container when the root system completely masters the volume allocated to it. If you initially plant anthurium in spacious containers, the plant develops more slowly, and the risk of acidification of the soil also increases dramatically due to over-wetting.

At home, anthuriums from seeds enter the flowering time not earlier than in a year or two or two.

Despite the large number of plants obtained during seed reproduction, their flowering does not always fully satisfy the requirements of the grower. This is due to the fact that most of the blooming varieties of anthurium sold today are hybrids.

The progeny of such plants obtained from the seeds of anthurium may differ dramatically from their parent specimens. This applies not only to the size of the outlet and the height of the plant. Most often, lovers of indoor plants are disappointed that anthurium flowers do not resemble the previous generation, neither the appearance nor the color of the bract.

Therefore, seed propagation is suitable only for varietal plants, and it is better to propagate hybrids in an accessible vegetative way.

How Anthurium Breeds -

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