Graceful handsome plectrantheus: common types for home cultivation

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Beautiful shrub, all covered with graceful leaflets of a wide variety of different varieties, a wide variety of different varieties, a variety of different varieties, and a wide variety of varieties, a variety of different varieties, and a wide variety of varieties, and a wide variety of varieties, a variety of different varieties, and a wide variety of varieties, a wide variety of varieties, a wide variety of varieties, a wide variety of varieties, a wide variety of varieties, a variety of different varieties, and a wide variety of varieties, a wide variety of variegated varieties, a wide variety of varied, varied, varied leaflets, a variety of varied variety of varied leaflets of a wide variety of varieties, a variety of varied leaflets, a wide variety of varied leaflets, a wide variety of varied patterns, a wide variety of varieties, and a variety of varied patterns, and a variety of items, etc. Even those who know absolutely nothing about plectranthus probably have at least one plant on the plot or in the apartment, as described, like a flower.

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One of the most common types of plectrantus for home cultivation include:

  • plectrant coleus;
  • bush plectrant;
  • Plectrantus Ertendal;
  • PlectrantHadiensis.

Practically all flower varieties emit a delicate mint flavor, due to which the plektranthus is also called “room mint”.

All kinds of flower are evergreen decorative leafy plants. They have a beautiful, fluffy leafy cap, consisting of leaves of a rounded shape with a wavy edge. This shape of the leaf plate is characteristic of most varieties, but there are also such varieties that differ significantly from their counterparts.

So, the plektrantus is oak-leaved, it possesses leaves like two drops of water similar to oak( hence the name).In addition, he publishes a coniferous scent instead of mint. The shoots of the plant are erect, and the leafy plate is covered with a long nap.

Plektranntus can be grown as a separate plant or planted to larger flowers( palm trees).

Plectrant coleus-shaped

In the scientific literature, this species is often called the Madagascar plelectrant. The plant has the shape of a bush with straight shoots. The leaves are very large, up to 6 cm long, slightly elongated( like an egg).The main color of the leaf plate is bright green. Both the lashes, and the leaves of the colecranus plectrantus are covered with a gentle fuzz, while the shoots themselves are dark pink.

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In home gardening, a variety with green leaves is rare, most often other varieties are grown that have a more decorative color for the leaf plate:

  • Plectranthus coleoides “Marginatus” —a white border is “traced” on the green leaves;
  • Plectranthus "Green on Green" - on the edge of the sheet is a yellow border with a slight green tint;
  • Plectranthus coleoides “Display” - the leaf surface is red, the central part of the plate and the border are green, and the reverse side of the sheet has a light green tint;
  • Plectranthus coleoides "Otto Mann" - orange leaves covered with a yellow rim with a greenish tinge, slightly moving to the central part of the leaf;
  • Plectranthus coleoides "Easy Gold" - the middle of the sheet plate is slightly colored green, and the main color of the sheet is golden yellow.

Shrubby Plectrant

One of the largest shrubs covered with plain leaves in the shape of a heart with a wrinkled, slightly pubescent surface. With proper care, the plant is able to reach 1 m in height. Shoots are also covered with fluff.

The leaves of the shrub pleckranthus have a very strong mint smell that is able to scare away moths. For this reason, the plant is often referred to as the "molar tree."

. Individual features of the species include:

  1. Active growth. The bush very quickly builds up the leafy cap and forms new shoots, especially in the summer, and has almost no rest period. With the onset of autumn and before the beginning of winter, the growth of the flower slows down a bit, but does not stop completely.
  2. Abundant flowering. In the middle of winter, this common type of plectrantus throws out many small blue inflorescences resembling spikelets, which emit a fragrant scent. Flowering lasts until the end of spring.

Some gardeners are advised to tear off inflorescences, so as not to spoil the general decorative appearance of the bush.

Plentrantus Ertendal

A lush shrub needs regular pinching to maintain its shape, because without this procedure, its shoots can exceed 0.5 m in length. The surface of the leafy plate is green, covered with lighter, silvery, streaks, but the reverse side of the sheet is a rich pink color. The shape of the sheet plate is round, with a slightly pointed tip and a wavy edge. The leaves of the plectrantus exude a slight camphor smell when touched.

Plectranthus Ertendal with its creeping shoots is ideal for creating a ground cover flowerbed or for growing in pots.

During flowering, the plant throws large, up to 30 cm in height, inflorescences-spikes on the tops of the branches. Each flower is also quite large( almost 1.5 cm in length), painted white.

In case of too bright illumination, the redness on the back side of the sheet may pass to its surface. To return the plant to its former appearance, it is necessary to rearrange the pot in a more darkened place.


It grows in a small compact bush, forms slightly hanging down shoots. The leaves are painted in a light green color and covered with thick fluff, so this species is also called the felt pleckrantus. Fleshy, fleecy leaves are usually monophonic, but there are also variegated varieties of the flower.

The species is especially popular among the peoples of India, where it is used to prepare various dishes. Perhaps for this reason the plant is also called Indian Borage.

Under natural conditions, plectrantus hadiensis is capable of reaching larger sizes than with indoor growing. There are even specimens up to 75 cm in height and with large( up to 9 cm in length) leaves.

The plant is one of the most light-loving species. For active growth, it needs good lighting.

Read also: Growing gloxinia from seeds at homeThey do not impose special care requirements. It is enough just to pick up a bright place for the plant with diffused lighting, water it regularly and occasionally feed the flower. For this, the pleckranthus will thank the owners with a chic leafy cap and will attract good luck, according to folk signs.
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