Long ago, when medicine was just beginning to develop, ancient healers had already evaluated the medicinal properties of wild garlic. With the help of this plant, they cleaned the intestines, diluted blood, treated scurvy and even cholera. Although not one millennium has passed since then, this miraculous herb occupies a special place in traditional medicine.
Ramson is a perennial plant belonging to the family "Onion".It appears in early spring on forest edges, meadows and near marshes. For food use oblong leaves, an onion and stalks.
Description of the valuable elements of the plant
For a long time, scientists have scrupulously investigated the beneficial properties of wild garlic. It was noted that the main reason lies in its chemical composition. The plant contains:
- various essential oils;
- proteins;
- natural antibiotics( for example, lysozyme);
- soluble minerals.
In addition to this chemical composition, wild garlic contains a huge amount of vitamins that beneficially affect the performance of the body. Among other things, I would like to mention the following elements:
- vitamins of the groups: A, B( 1, 2, 3, 8, 9), C, PP;
- beta carotene;
- thiamine;
- riboflavin;
- folic acid;
- Niacin;
- ascorbic acid.
In addition, the greens and roots of wild garlic are rich in such useful micro- and macro-elements:
- fluorine;
- iron;
- zinc;
- aluminum;
- molybdenum;
- chrome;
- manganese;
- copper;
- selenium;
- phosphorus;
- magnesium;
- potassium;
- sodium.
For some, these transfers say little, but it is known for certain that all elements are part of the human body. Therefore, they need to constantly replenish. It is not surprising why wild garlic is part of some drugs that are prescribed as an antihelminthic, bactericidal and antimicrobial agent. The use of such drugs has a positive effect on the digestive system, increases appetite and intestinal motility.
Any medication should be taken as directed by the physician, even if it contains elements of herbs.
The medicinal properties of wild garlic and the methods of harvesting
When the ancient healers noticed the beneficial effects of Bear onions on the body, they actively began to use it for the treatment of various diseases. To this day, traditional medicine has not lost its credibility in the fight against ailments.
The presence of potassium in a wonderful plant improves heart function. Mineral components influence the blood composition. As a result, it dilutes, and the walls of blood vessels strengthen. Such changes in the body reduce the risk of hypertension, atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.
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The special medicinal properties of ramschip has on men. With regular consumption of forest garlic, their potency improves. This indicates the plant's ability to influence blood circulation, stimulating its intensity. In addition, folk healers advise to include Bear onions in the diet of health food. But when and how to collect wild garlic in order to preserve its useful elements?
Biologists believe that a plant that grew at a temperature not higher than 17 degrees retains the entire set of valuable components. If the weather is too dry, they are lost, which adversely affects the taste of this plant. Gather it in early spring in the southern regions around mid-March. Residents of middle latitudes are looking for him in April or in early May. Most often, only the leaves of the plant are cut, and sometimes the bulbs that accumulate valuable substances during seed ripening.
When collecting wild garlic, it should be remembered that it is very similar to lilies of the valley, whose leaves contain toxic substances and are not suitable for food.
In order not to confuse the plant with anything, you need to rub the leaf plate with your fingers. Garlic smell indicates a useful product that stores a storehouse of useful substances.
Harvesting the Underground Part of
The bulbs are harvested before the flowering of the plant in order to preserve valuable components. They are carefully dug up, after which they are sifted and cleaned of dirt. Well dried specimens are dried or placed in the freezer.
Harvesting of greens for the future.
First, the leaves of wild garlic are carefully sorted out, discarding dry and sluggish options. The remaining greens are first washed under a tap, and then dried in a dark place. The main thing is that they do not fall into direct sunlight.
When freezing, the leaves are finely chopped, put into bags or plastic containers.
Dried herb retains a small amount of valuable substances, although it remains a useful raw material for medicinal tinctures.
Use in folk medicine
The famous medicinal plant - wild garlic has long been used to combat severe ailments. Some recipes are still used, albeit in a modified form. Consider some of them.
If you have a runny nose, take 50 g of onion chips of garlic. Wrap it in a piece of gauze. After this gag lay in the nose. The secreted juice of the plant has an antimicrobial effect, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient.
People suffering from hypertension, appreciated the beneficial properties of wild garlic. Recipes tinctures of several components have become a lifeline for them in the fight against an invisible enemy.
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Option number 1
Grind the lemon zest in a blender or meat grinder. To it add the chopped wild garlic and grated horseradish. The ingredients are well mixed. The mixture is poured with clean boiled water and infused for 30 days. Take the drug before meals 3 times a day.
Knowing how tincture works and what is garlic, helps approach the treatment with prudence.
Option # 2
Fresh leaves of wild garlic and bloomed inflorescences are passed through a meat grinder. The slurry is poured with water( 1: 5), put in a dark, cool place. Insist 21 days, regularly shaking. At the end of the term, the liquid is filtered through two layers of gauze. Take as medicine for 20 drops, drinking plenty of water. The course of treatment usually lasts about 4 months.
Understanding what treats ramson and how it affects the body, encourages, not afraid to use different approaches in its application. To get rid of warts, use bear onion juice. In a small gauze bag put gruel from fresh foliage, squeeze the juice, and then applied to the affected place. And against baldness prepare slush from grated onions, which is regularly rubbed into the scalp. In any case, to check the effectiveness of the drug, it must be tested on yourself. At the same time take into account that each person has its own characteristics.
Cooking methods in cooking
Some wonder: can you eat raw ramson leaves? Practice shows that they contain a huge amount of nutrients. In early spring they are used to prepare various salads. To do this, the leaves washed with cold water are first kneaded slightly, then chopped into small pieces and filled with oil.
There are many ways to use wild garlic for cooking first courses. For example, it makes a good green soup. The leaves are added to the dish at the end of the process to preserve the entire set of valuable substances.
The enterprising housewives even learned how to pickle bear bow stalks for the winter. Also, the plant is frozen, salted and dried to strengthen the body's systems throughout the year
Even if you put the ramson in the soup and immediately remove it from the heat, it will not lose its taste and utility.
Often the product is added as a refined ingredient to such dishes:
- dumplings;
- patties;
- pies;
- meat casseroles;
- fish masterpieces;
- filling for pies;
- homemade bread.
Experienced chefs know well where to add ramson to spice up the dish. Miniature bulbs are put in various sauces to extinguish the meat of wild animals( wild boars, hares, goats) and birds. The leaves are often used raw, because their garlic aroma is a savory highlight of any delicacy. They make a delicious spring salad, which is full of useful elements.
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An amazing spring plant - ramson, and with what it is eaten, never disappoint fans of greenery. Even if you wrap a slice of hard cheese in a piece of paper, you’ll have a wonderful snack. Some culinary experts salt the inflorescences of the plant, which are added to the dishes as an aromatic ingredient. Seeds are similarly used. Fresh green garlic sprinkled with boiled pasta, crushed potatoes and even Italian pizza.
Is it possible to poison wild garlic? In some cases it happens, so it’s better to go to the doctor right away.
An invaluable benefit for women.
As with any plant, bear bow is considered a particularly useful treat for the beautiful half of humanity. The presence of various acids in it affects the shine and beauty of hair. Mineral components contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin. And microelements strengthen the central nervous system, as a result, women are less likely to suffer from depression. Therefore, they have long known what it is - ramson, and its effect on the body.
Surprisingly, the plant contributes to weight loss, because 100 grams of the product contains only 35 calories in fresh form. Delicious wild garlic, sorrel and onion salads help cleanse the intestines. Due to this, those extra pounds are lost.
In addition, I would like to note a few factors of what is good for ramson for women. Regular masks, made of gruel of crushed leaves, whiten the skin and neutralize purulent rashes.
With the help of homemade tampons filled with chopped leaves of garlic, many women treat gynecological ailments. For nursing mothers, the plant is a lactation stimulant. Although its consumption is important to maintain balance. An excessive amount of bear onions leads to a change in the taste of milk. It can become bitter, and the baby will refuse from the breast.
And how is ramson useful for pregnant women? As practice shows, the concentration of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the body, not only women but also the unborn child. But if you lean too much on the product, problems may arise. Therefore, the main criterion of health is a balanced approach to nutrition. And the ramson will become a reliable friend in the struggle for a healthy existence under the sun.
All about the benefits and dangers of wild garlic - video