Basic rules for pruning roses for the winter to preserve their pristine beauty

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graphics for the queen of roses

  • hearts of many gardeners. Unfortunately, they bloom only in the warm season, so it is important to know when and how to cut roses for the winter. It depends on their pristine beauty, and whether they will bloom again next year.

    With what delight color lovers watch how tender buds bloom. What a variety of shapes and colors fills the garden plot. A subtle aroma emanating from the majestic flowers, brings real satisfaction. And all this requires a lot of work and effort.

    Pruning rose bushes - a serious garden procedure.

    . To constantly contemplate the lush bloom in your garden, you need to prune roses for the winter. Initially it may seem that the more branches, the more flowers. But this is just an illusion. Well-cleared bushes bloom much better.

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    Some types of roses bloom only once for the entire summer period. Therefore, the wood of the flower bush manages to ripen before winter.

    Determine the resistance of roses to cold, helps the color of its bud. Yellow flowers are considered the most delicate and fragile. White buds withstand temperatures up to 10 degrees. Red or pink - survive in severe frosts.

    Therefore, the question arises as to when to trim the roses in the fall so as not to harm the plant. The optimal period is in November, before covering the bushes for the winter. It is advisable to choose a clear windless day.

    This radical procedure helps to strengthen the plant from the inside. Pruning gives the plant unimpeded access to light. In winter, cut branches and buds will be evenly ventilated. It also increases the frost resistance of the bush.

    Getting rid of old branches affects the formation of young shoots and new buds. With the advent of heat, they will bloom with new forces to please their fans. Pruning roses for the winter shown in the video allows you to do the procedure correctly without harming the plant:

    Practice shows that not only perennial bushes should be cut, but also just planted roses. This approach ensures the cultivation of strong and juicy species of roses.

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    In order to understand well when and how to cut roses for the winter, it is important to take into account such moments:

    • remove all inflorescences from the bush;
    • to break the buds that did not have time to mature;
    • to cut off weak undigested branches;
    • get rid of diseased shoots.

    If these elements are left for the winter, they will rot in the shelter. As a result, the bush can infect fungus or other diseases.

    To protect the plant from various harmful microbes, cut branches should not be left near the bush. It is advisable to remove them away or burn.

    It is also important to disinfect the tools that are used for pruning with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will protect the bush from external contamination.

    And, of course, the main principle of pruning roses in the fall for beginners is not to overdo it. It should be borne in mind that the volume of the rhizome of the rose should correspond to the ground part of the bush. Otherwise the main nutrient system will suffer. Subsequently, the plant may become sick or die.

    The main principles of pruning roses for the winter

    Experienced gardeners strive to ensure that the flower garden does not lose its charm and even gets better. Therefore, how and when to cut roses for the winter is the main principle of creating a beautiful garden.

    Considering the size of the bush, the rose variety and the growth rate of the plant, the following trimming options are applied:

    1. Short .It is used for roses prone to tillering. For the winter, leave the base of the bushes, as well as 2 or 3 dormant buds.
    2. Strong. In this procedure, almost all ground branches of the bush are pruned. It is suitable for adult tea rose bushes, miniature species, and some weaving beauties.
    3. Medium. Moderate pruning involves the removal of weak branches, to stimulate the growth of young. At the same time, healthy shoots are cut in half, and at the base they leave branches up to 30 cm. They must have 5 live buds.
    4. Long. It is also called a sparing option, so it is important to understand well how to properly cut roses for the winter in this way. The basic principle is to remove only the tips of the shoots. After the procedure, there are high branches with 10 buds on it. This variant of pruning stimulates the early appearance of blooming buds.

    In order to perform high-quality pruning, it is necessary to prepare suitable tools. To protect your hands from the thorns of the garden beauty, long teflon gloves are useful. If you have to kneel when working with a bush, you can make special pads.

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    The basic tools are the pruner and the saw. In order to successfully prune roses for the winter, it is important that they be sharp. Otherwise, you get a ragged cut. Even worse, when a blunt shears gardener crushes a branch. The mutated stems heal for a long time, and before wintering it is completely useless.

    A shoot cut is made near a kidney, which has not yet grown, at a distance of half a centimeter. Dense branches are removed with a sharp saw.

    Winter pruning of roses is carried out according to the following rules:

    • cut the stem under an inclination so that liquid flows out of it, so the plant will not get sick;
    • so that the branches do not intersect, make a cut under the outer bud, so that the bush will get enough light and air;
    • cut the stem to the core of white;
    • optimum weather conditions - windless sunny day.

    First of all, dry branches, sick and old ones should be cut. Then, remove those shoots that are in contact with them. Orient preferably on the outer buds of the stem.

    Leave no more than 5 young branches on each plant. If you want to give the bush an original form, it is recommended to keep beautiful, evenly growing branches.

    When the question arises: is it necessary to cut roses for the winter, just look at the thickened shrub and uneven branches. Will they be the decoration of the garden without proper care? And pruning for the winter - is a manifestation of concern for the plant.

    Methods for trimming wicker roses for the winter

    Some growers believe that wicker roses do not need pruning. In fact, if you do not do this, in a few years you will not approach it. And cover before the onset of cold weather is almost impossible. Therefore, it is wise to understand how to trim wicker roses for the winter.

    For this, it is desirable to consider the variety of this plant species. They are of two types: flowering once a season, on old branches and flowering several times on young ones.

    For once-flowering species belong ramblers. The first time they bloom a year later, after planting. Re-flowering does not happen, so last year's branches for the winter is completely cut off at the root. Instead, they will grow young shoots that bloom next year.

    Weaving roses, which give inflorescences several times, form branches about 5 meters with side shoots. These include varieties such as climbing and floribunda. Flowering bushes observed for 5 years, and then weakens. Therefore, pruning for the winter is carried out at the end of 4 years of flowering. The shoots are removed at the root, and new ones grow in their place.

    For the beautiful formation of bushes of wobbling roses, it is important to regularly prune excess shoots. Removed the old main branches. Those that interfere with the flower to develop, cut off completely. From last year's branches, ready to bloom, only the tops are cut off.

    When preparing the plant for the winter, pruning is done very carefully. Acceptable thinning thickened branches of the bushes. Also shortening especially long shoots.

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    If plants have dry branches, weak or damaged, they should be removed. Dried inflorescences should not be left for the winter. Pruning is done with sharp tools to avoid damaging the growth of the bush.

    If the procedure is done carelessly, violating the basic principles, the plant may suffer from severe frosts.

    Safe shelter for the queen of the garden

    Protection of roses from the cold begins from the end of summer. During this period, it is necessary to stop feeding in order to halt the development of the rose bush.

    In early autumn, it is impossible to loosen the soil around the plant so that fresh shoots do not appear. This is especially true if the air temperature is more than 20 degrees.

    Literate pruning of roses helps protect the plant from frost. The main requirement - the height of the branches should not exceed the prepared shelter. All greens are also removed. After that, in November, the bushes are treated with iron sulfate to increase the resistance of roses to moisture.

    Before hilling, various garbage accumulated over the season is removed from under the plants. Then the ground is thrown onto the root system, making a hill 20 cm high. Due to this, air is retained in the soil which protects the root from frost.

    Fully cover the rose bushes for the winter, preferably not earlier than stable frosts up to 6 degrees. If the procedure is done earlier, young shoots can grow, and dormant buds wake up.

    A rosemary sanctuary is best done in dry weather to protect the plant from fungal infections.

    Of course, the rose bushes will not be able to thank for the safe shelter from the winter weather. But in the summer, they will again be pleased with the lush flowering and pleasant aroma of their unfailing fans.

    Shelter climbing roses for the winter - video

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