Beet pests and control

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Care vegetable crops includes measures to combatpests. In cramped conditions does not save even a crop rotation. Thus, the pests of cruciferous plants at the same time harm the mary. Insects that have developed on fruit bushes colonize beet leaves, if not processed in time. Know the pests of beets and measures to control them is necessary for every gardener.

Preventive measures

Before sowing beets, the soil is prepared. If rodents or earthen moles and a bear are present on the plot, they are a threat to any greenery. Therefore, all control measures are aimed at removing unwanted guests from the site. Best of all, if the expulsion occurs even before sowing seeds. For this purpose, traps and excavations of holes of the Medvedka, poisoned baits, flooding of the motions done by moles and Medvedas are used.

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If vole mice live on the plot, then the question of who gnaws the beets on the garden bed is decided unequivocally. It is necessary to have a kitty, and the mice will leave.

In addition, hunters to feast on young sweet tips and roots are enough. But if since autumn the plot has been cleared of plant residues, there are no stocks with which mice could feed in winter, then there is more guarantee that rodents have not settled for residence. To reduce the number of remaining pests in the ground can:

  • digging the soil in autumn and spring;
  • decomposed traps and lures for bears and wireworms;
  • sprinkling of the holes and seedlings of beets with ash, tobacco dust, scaring agents;
  • content of a bed of beets clean from weeds and in a moist condition of the surface soil layer.
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Digging the soil destroys the pest paths. At the same time going to the wire. It is especially good to carry out digging in the fall before freezing, in order to destroy pests in the upper fertile layer.

Ash is fertilizer for beets at all stages of its growth, but it will not allow for the bed of beet flea cones and slugs. Weeds are breeding grounds for the primary development of insects, which are then moved to cultivated plants.

Pest beets and fight against them

In order to fight you need to know the enemy in person. Of the many insects and diseases can be identified the most harmful and common. Photo disease and pests beet will help identify the disease.


From the very beginning of the development of young plants, adult beetles are harmful for eating leaves and growing points. The beetle is dark green, with a pearly luster. It is small, about two millimeters, the same small larvae. You can fight with it with the help of ash powder and Inta-vir.


A dangerous pest is a polar bear or an earth carcinoma. This is a 50 mm beetle. He lives in the ground, winters in deep non-freezing layers. Medvedka arranges nests and lay eggs. The larvae cause no less damage, nibbling the roots of plants. The fact that this pest has appeared in the garden can be judged by a path of privyadh plants and minks in the ground.

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Another secretive pest is a nematode, a worm that lives in the ground and causes great harm by eating roots, and laying cysts in root crops. When settling nematodes, the plant is stunted and dying. You can fight this pest with the help of autumn sowing of siderats - mustard, rape. In this case, nematodes crawl to the plants, which then mow and ground deeply plowed. So much of the pest is destroyed.

Beet fly

One of the most common pests. If the beet leaves dry, you need to carefully look at the inner side, the larvae are transparent and similar to caterpillars. To get rid of the pest, you can trim the leaves with pests and treat the planting with an insecticide. Land should be loosened and shed ash solution. The fly lives on weeds and moves to cultivated plants.

Beeton bug

Insect causes considerable damage to plants. Small, only 3-5 mm of a bug eats five times a day more than its weight. It multiplies rapidly and leaves, infected with a bug, become bubbly. If you do not fight the pest, the plant will die. And again the root cause of the spread of the insect is weed, on which it is bred.

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Moth miner

A small brown butterfly, fluttering among plants, does not cause fear among summer residents. But this is a malicious pest, a mole of miners. She makes laying eggs on the cuttings of beet leaves, and young caterpillars penetrate deep into the fruit and gnaw at it moves. This pest damages all kinds of beets. She dies. If a miner mole appeared, then after harvesting it is necessary to remove the tops and treat the land with insecticide.

Fomoz and chalcosporosis of root crops

Diseases of beet have an infectious and physiological origin. To physiological include changes in the plant due to the lack of nutrients or their imbalance. This disease can be fomoz root vegetables and leaves with a lack of boron in the soil. From this the hollowness of root crops is formed.

The first signs of fomoz will be a change in the leaf blade. It is a bleached spots with dark dots in the middle.

Beetroot leaf growing begins with high humidity or prolonged rain.

In addition, beets are affected by various rot, powdery mildew and beet root. All of them occur when improper care for plants.

Video about the beet pest - nematode

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