Features of cultivation of walnut varieties Ideal

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video The ideal walnut bred in the middle of the last century became one of the first Soviet varieties of this crop. From the traditionally cultivated trees in the southern regions of the walnut trees, enormous yields of hundreds of kilograms were gathered. But the varieties available to gardeners were very thermophilic, tall, and grew for a long time before they reached fruiting pores. To expand the walnut cultivation area, simplify agricultural practices and speed up harvesting, new varieties were needed.

In 1947, scientists from the Uzbek SSR successfully coped with the task. In Fergana, breeders managed to get hardy, ripening plants with high yields and excellent quality of ripe nuts. Created by ssKalmykov walnut variety Ideal for many gardeners is really close to perfection.

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Description of the walnut variety Ideal

Ideal for most southern varieties, the Ideal is distinguished by its high early maturity, short stature and high frost resistance.

On average, mature trees reach only 4–5 meters in height, which is 1.5–2 times less than in other varieties. The first ovaries on still young plants appear as early as 2-3 years after planting, and the Walnut Ideal comes out on stable yields by 5–7 years.

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As it should be a walnut, the bark on the standard part of the trees has a pronounced grayish-brown hue. Skeletal branches and fruiting shoots are covered with brown bark, and the young growth is painted with green tones with a clear bluish bloom. The leaves of a valuable garden crop are large, dense, dissected into several unpaired, oval-pointed parts.

The first flowering of walnut seedlings Ideal occurs in the second or third year. In the same season, after the greenish-white brush-collected small flowers are pollinated by the wind, the first ovaries form on the branches.

The peculiarity of the culture is the dioecious flowers and the presence of a second wave of flowering, which in successful years helps to get two harvests of excellent nuts at once.

The reappearance of floral brushes, according to the description of the walnut variety Ideal, begins 7–15 days after the first, most massive wave and does not end until autumn. If the spring tender flower buds are affected by frost, the gardener may not worry about the harvest. Not so plentiful, but it will definitely be.

The ripening of large, oval fruits covered with a dense green shell begins from September and lasts until the end of October. The average weight of a walnut Ideal is 8-11 grams. The shell of a light beige shade is rather thin. After drying, it easily splits, freeing the core with excellent taste, high in protein and fat. For a season from a large tree it is possible to receive up to 100–120 kg of selected nuts.

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The advantages of the variety include:

  • the early entry into fruiting;
  • decent yield;
  • compact size;
  • frost resistance, which allows a walnut to tolerate winter temperatures of up to 30–35 ° C without serious loss.

The ideal soil mix is ​​not needed for planting a walnut. Ideal. Plants acclimatize well and go into growth on the soil with a high content of salts and acids.

The only restriction to consider when transferring a seedling to the ground is the proximity of groundwater. They are extremely undesirable for a walnut tree with a core structure of the root system.

Features of planting and cultivation of walnut varieties Ideal

Propagate the walnut Ideal seeds and grafted seedlings of 1-2 years of life. The second method is preferable, since seedlings, although more unpretentious and hardy, do not always retain their parental traits, especially if there was the possibility of cross-pollination from a plant of another variety.

If a walnut seedling is grown on a plot, it should be planted with a varietal handle. Vaccination with a kidney is less reliable due to the danger of freezing.

Healthy nuts are selected for sowing, which are pre-stratified for 30–45 days and then transferred to prepared soil in spring or early autumn. Young trees are also planted in spring or autumn, a month before the arrival of probable cold weather. In the first year of life, the ideal walnut grows very reluctantly, but after wintering it grows very actively, reaching 1–1.3 meters in height by the autumn.

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For planting choose a sunny area where the tree will not interfere with the crowns of other crops. From the first year, the spreading tree needs a formation, which is carried out with the expectation that:

  • each branch of the crown has enough sun;
  • the whole crown aired;
  • pollination of flower brushes did not interfere with casting and shoots growing inwards.

With proper care, walnut Ideal pleases with high yields and magnificent views from 40 to 50 years. This is somewhat less than that of the southern counterparts, but such is the sort of fee for compactness and the possibility of growing even in the Black Soil, the Volga region and central Russia.

Comparison of the Ideal nut with other varieties - video

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