How to plant a rose from a bouquet - growing methods and basic rules for the care of cuttings

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bouquet Many women, received as a gift a beautiful bouquet of roses, eager to cultivate the same at their summer cottage or at home on a window sill. According to experts, this is quite realistic and, moreover, not difficult. But before planting a rose from a bouquet, it will be necessary to know all the subtleties of this process, since success will depend on details that are insignificant at first glance.

We select cuttings

I would like to immediately note that not all flowers are suitable for cultivation. To grow a rose from the cuttings of a bouquet, it is necessary to choose the planting material correctly:

  • Do not count on flowers brought from abroad. In order to extend the shelf life of Dutch roses are subjected to very strong treatment with preservatives. Therefore, it is better to give preference to flowers grown in local greenhouses. A large percentage of rooting( up to 90%) show tea-hybrid, polyanthous, miniature and climbing varieties.
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  • It is very difficult to grow a rose from the cuttings of a bouquet that has stood in a pot of water for more than four days.
  • Too thick and completely green flexible stems are not suitable for germination. The best option would be a soft, slightly stiff stalk, having one or two buds above and one bud below.
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Preparation of rose cuttings

In order to grow roses from the cuttings of a bouquet, it will be necessary to carefully prepare the planting material. To this end, a stem 12-25 cm long is formed from the stem, the lower section of which has an angle of 45º and is located 1 cm further than the lower bud. The upper cut is straight and at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the top bud.

After finishing the formation, the cutting can be dipped for 12 hours in water with preparations dissolved in it to accelerate growth or be placed in aloe juice, which has the same properties.

After this time has elapsed, dry the upper part and burn it with green paint or potassium permanganate. The lower cut is preferably dipped in the root, which will contribute to better rooting. To enhance survival, all lower leaves are removed, and the upper leaves are cut in half or 1/3.Spikes, if any, are removed by shears.

Planting cuttings

Before planting a rose stalk from a bouquet, it is necessary to prepare the soil for it. If the landing is done in room conditions, then you can buy a special earthen mixture containing all the necessary components. When rooting the cutting in open ground, the ground in the garden should be fertile and light. This can be achieved by mixing humus, river sand, and deciduous and peaty land.

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Planting seedlings is carried out so that the smallest part above the ground remains. This will allow the plant to avoid moisture loss. However, it is also not recommended to bury it strongly: the upper kidneys must remain above the ground. Next, pour the rose cuttings and cover with a plastic bottle or 1.5 l in a can to create your own microclimate. To keep the ground under them always wet, it is recommended to sprinkle the top layer of soil with 2-3 cm thick sand.

You can grow a rose from a cutting of a bouquet in another original way. For this potato is used. Before planting a seedling in the ground, it is stuck with a lower cut into potato fruit, from which all eyes are pre-cut. Next, the stalk in the potato is placed in the ground as in the previous method.

According to experienced growers, this option increases the chances of rooting several times, as the plant from the potato gets more essential nutrients.

Care for cuttings

In order to grow a rose from the cutting of the bouquet at the rooting stage, special care is required. In the first 2 weeks, the seedling should receive plenty of moisture. For this purpose, it is sprayed up to 5-7 times a day. However, the soil should remain wet, but not viscous. Further similar manipulation can be reduced up to 3 times. Watering and spraying are carried out through the neck of the bottle.

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The optimum temperature, in which roses from the cuttings of the bouquet root well, is 23-25 ​​degrees. Also do not forget about the additional lighting. If the plant does not receive enough sunlight, then additional lighting is carried out with fluorescent lamps.

Somewhere in 3-4 weeks roots begin to appear at the cutting. From this point on, one can gradually accustom him to natural conditions. To do this, the coating is removed from the seedling at first for 5 minutes, then for 10 and then the amount of time spent at room temperature gradually increases.

If the entire process is carried out correctly, then after a few years you can see a fragrant bush in your balcony or flower garden. Do not be upset if the cuttings are not rooted. Since the rose is a capricious plant, it may not work the first time. So try again and do not be afraid to take risks and experiment. Perhaps you will go to your own growing method, optimally suited for your conditions.

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