Compote of grapes and apples - a useful recipe for winter

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video Among all canned foods, compotes occupy a rather large share. These tasty and varied drinks are sources of vitamins, so necessary in the winter. Compote of grapes and apples for the winter has a rich taste and useful properties.

Grapes and its benefits

The variety of varieties of this wonderful fruit is great. To taste there is a sweet, sour-sweet and sour grape. Fruits can be juicy or dense, with and without stones, large and small. Often grapes are used to produce different types of wine. Berry compotes are tasty and healthy.

Grapes are rich in vitamins( C, PP, B1, B6, P, B12) and minerals, and contain magnesium, calcium, carotene and other beneficial substances.

Properties of grapes:

  • antioxidant effect, slowing aging;
  • fights viruses and bacteria;
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  • is used for the prevention of cataracts;
  • improves brain function, fights fatigue;
  • helps treat kidney disease, constipation, indigestion, and other problems.

Refrain from drinking grape juice and compote for stomach and duodenal problems( ulcers and other diseases), diabetes, and indigestion.

apples and their benefits

One of the most common and favorite fruits in middle latitudes is an apple. Taste palette, varieties, growing conditions, shape and size of the fruit is very diverse.

Apples are rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, PP, contain iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, fiber, acids.

Properties of apples:

  • tonic and tonic effect;
  • increase immunity, help restore strength;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevention of diseases of the gallbladder, gout, constipation, rheumatism, urolithiasis, intestinal problems, atherosclerosis and other diseases;
  • helps cleanse the blood, reduces cholesterol;
  • strengthens eyesight, improves the condition of skin, hair, nails;
  • help save memory, reduce weight.

Apple compote is not recommended to drink during gastritis with high acidity( especially in the acute stage), ulcer, pancreatitis.

The combination of useful properties and great taste will allow you to prepare a good compote of grapes and apples for the winter.

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For cooking grape-apple compote it is better to use ripe juicy varieties of apples. The optimal choice of grapes will be saturated ripe berries of dark varieties of Lydia, Isabella.

There are many varieties of apples and grapes, and all are suitable for compote. Combining different varieties, you can get new tastes of this drink, canned for a long winter.

Recipe for fragrant compote of apples and grapes without sterilization

Drink, which can be quickly prepared, but not immediately recommended to drink. He should brew well before acquiring a beautiful color. The grapes must have time to convey their taste and aroma.

For a drink, you will need one can( 3 liters):

  • grapes - 350g;
  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • water( 2 l);
  • sugar( 1 glass);
  • citric acid, cloves( to taste).

For compote, take as many components as you want to get a drink in the end: do you want to get more fruit or the drink itself. Relations can be adjusted in any direction.

Read also: Preparation of fruit drinks without a juicer: apple juice at home

Preparation procedure:

  1. Wash apples and grapes under water and dry them.
  2. Cut the cores of apples. View carefully all the blocks: there should be no wormholes. If the fruits are very large, then cut them in half or in pieces. Peel can not be removed. Very small, do not cut it, otherwise the pieces will simply be melted.
  3. Cut the grapes from the twigs. To sort out the grapes, if it is held firmly on the grapes, then a whole bunch can be put into the compote;Grapes are carefully separated from the brushes, if you leave the twigs, then the compote will have a tart flavor.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan.
  5. Rinse the jars well.
  6. Pour apples and grapes into them.
  7. You can add a little citric acid or a couple of cloves of lemon, cloves. The can is half full.
  8. Pour boiling water from the pan into all the jars. Cover them with clean covers.
  9. After 5 minutes, pour the water from all the cans back into the pan, bring to the boil again.
  10. In another saucepan, boil the caps for rolling for 5-10 minutes.
  11. Ingredients in cans covered with sugar( according to your taste).
  12. After boiling water, pour cans of boiling water all the way to the top and immediately roll up the hot lids.
  13. Turn the jars upside down and wrap well.
  14. After complete cooling, they must be transferred to the pantry or cellar.
Read also: We can preserve cherry compote for the winter

The drink will have already become a pinkish shade, and undoubtedly, a divine flavor. But we will learn about this only when opening the drink.

The proportions of all ingredients are conditional and the amount of sugar needs to be determined by the degree of acid of grapes and apples.

Grape Apple Drink Ready. On a winter evening with the whole family, having dinner or having dinner, you will all remember the summer and enjoy the pleasant taste of compote. The rich color of the compote will delight you.

Do not store compote in plastic bottles - they absorb foreign odors in themselves, even if they are thoroughly washed with soda.

Dark grapes give compote a rich hue. If you have bright berries, you can use black currant fruit to get color.

Spicy flavor compote will help give a clove, cinnamon, nutmeg.

Now you can enjoy the taste, color and aroma of compote from grapes and apples in winter! And since it is also useful, then no one can refuse such a delicacy.

If you pour a compote of apples and grapes into a carafe and throw some ice cubes into it, you will surprise all guests with this drink, its long-playing taste. And not every one of them will be able to guess from what this drink is brewed and there will be no end to those who want to find out the ingredients. Compote of grapes and apples with a photo and description of the recipe will reveal your secret of making an amazing drink.

A simple recipe compote of apples and grapes - video

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