We make unique design beds on our site.

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videothat the beds on the plot in this matter are no less important than other aspects. It depends on the correct design of the beds how attractive and well-groomed the site will be and whether it will be able to please you with its appearance. To create a suitable composition, it is necessary to take into account a number of important factors, each of which has a special meaning. Among them, the shape of the beds, their height, location and much more. Only by giving this issue all your attention, you can achieve the desired result, which will please for many years.

Creating a form and sizing for beds

Forming beds at the cottage, in the first place, requires the definition of the form. In this matter, everything depends solely on your imagination, since this is your plot and only it is up to you to decide which beds can surround it. These can be classic stripes, round beds or some special forms that together will create a single composition. It is not necessary to adhere to strict forms, dividing the area by squares and rectangles.

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Even on the contrary, the use of irregular shapes allows more efficient use of free space. For example, you can follow the features of the relief, or even create a shape that repeats an object. Here the main thing is not to overdo it, since too much of the curly beds on the plot will create a clutter effect and, rather, will cause negative emotions.

If we talk in more detail about the size of the beds to be created, there are also no restrictions here. However, it is important to understand that the bed is not only a decoration of the site, but also a functional piece of land on which something grows. You will need to take care of the plant, which means you should be able to reach any place without any special effort. That is why the size of the beds in the garden, as a rule, does not exceed one meter in width. Also, do not forget about the paths, which should be below the beds and provide free access to any section.

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Organization of the beds: what features

should take into accountfurther use. The following points can be attributed to such rules:

  1. It is best to locate the beds from north to south, since in this case the soil will warm up better, which will favorably affect the condition of plants that will not experience discomfort.
  2. Special attention should be paid to the situation when the plot is located on a gentle slope. In this case, many are concerned about how to arrange the beds as efficiently as possible? The best solution would be the location across the slope.

    If the slope is too steep, you can use special terraces, also located across. This way you can protect the soil from being washed away during floods and rains.

  3. Regardless of the form you choose, do not forget that the bed must be strictly horizontal. In this case, you can avoid the accumulation of excess moisture in any particular place and protect your plants from unnecessary problems.
  4. Owners of small areas should not be upset because they do not have the ability to place the desired number of beds. This problem has a simple solution, because you can make multi-level structures and use various tricks. For example, a suspended structure, designed in a recreation area, will not only get an additional bed, but also give the site an additional appeal.
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Everyone can follow the basic rules. At the same time, you will be able to avoid unnecessary difficulties and create on your site those beds that will satisfy all the available characteristics.

Non-standard conditions: how to avoid an error

In addition to classic situations, you can always face the need to arrange a bed in a lowland area. What to do in this situation? Variants of design beds in the country there are in huge numbers and such an important issue was not overlooked. Lowland zones, as a rule, are distinguished by increased moisture, therefore, when designing them, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Garden beds should be compact. It is best to make small areas the size of a meter per meter and a height of no more than 30 centimeters. Thus, you can get a functional flowerbed and at the same time protect the soil, which will be better to warm up and quickly get rid of the melting snow. In addition, it will be possible to plant crops a couple of weeks earlier than the generally accepted period.
  2. The process of creating such a bed itself requires a minimum of effort, since it is enough to create a square of the required shape from the boards, lay it on a flat horizontal surface and cover it with earth, to which the necessary fertilizers are added. Further, it all depends on your imagination. For example, you can beautifully arrange the resulting curbs to make the garden more attractive.

In addition to low-lying areas, raised beds are noteworthy - these are beds that are located at a certain elevation and have side walls that prevent scattering. Every year they are becoming increasingly popular. Such popularity is due not only to the undoubted aesthetic advantages, but also to practicality, because with the help of a raised bed you can get a ripe harvest earlier.

If you want to build a similar structure on your own site, then special attention should be paid to the question of what the beds are made at the cottage and what is the principle of action. There are several main stages:

  1. At a selected place, you need to dig a hole about 40 centimeters deep and lay the ground aside.
  2. The question of the size of the beds is better to follow the standard principles and not to make the width more than a meter, because otherwise you risk not reaching all the plants located here.
  3. A frame is installed along the perimeter of the resulting pit at the height you need up to 50 centimeters. Bricks, bars, stones or something else can be used as the material for the frame.
  4. The frame is closed with film on the inside, and the bottom of the pit is covered with a wire mesh, which will protect you from the appearance of rodents.
  5. After laying the net, about one-third fill the pit with any long-lasting decomposing materials, such as wood chips, fabrics or paper. Powder this layer with earth and pour it thoroughly. Synthetics can not be used, because then you can not achieve the expected effect.
  6. Fill the remaining space with soil mixed with all the necessary fertilizers, whether special minerals, compost or manure.
  7. It is also worth leaving the fertile soil as a reserve, because in a year the land in such a bed will sit down a bit and the upper layer will require renewal.
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You can easily find the photo ideas for garden dacha on the Internet, which will allow you to choose the best option for yourself. We present several interesting options:

By adhering to simple rules and digging up beds twice a year, you can truly decorate your site with amazing and functional elements that will delight you and your loved ones for many years.

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