Description of edible and ornamental honeysuckle varieties

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There are many varieties of honeysuckle. All of them have their own characteristics and distinctive features. At the same time, edible varieties can be distinguished, which give a good harvest and ornamental, designed to decorate the garden. Also, varieties are distinguished by ripening. They can be:

  • early maturing;
  • mid-season;
  • late ripe.

If you plant on your site different varieties of honeysuckle, their description is given below, you can harvest for 3 to 4 weeks.

Edible varieties of early ripening honeysuckle

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Edible varieties of early ripening honeysuckle will fruit earlier than all other berries. At the same time, they are valued for taste and healing properties.

Variety Blue Bird

One of these early varieties is Blue Honeysuckle. It is a fruit shrub that reaches a height of 1 meter. Ellipsoid berries grow 2 cm long. This variety is not whimsical in care, tolerates frosty winters and has a weak crumbling.

The Blue Bird variety is self-explosive. In order for it to bear fruit, it is necessary to plant several more types of self-pollinated honeysuckle. Cross-pollination will achieve a good harvest.

Honeysuckle Leningrad giant

Honeysuckle Leningrad giant can be considered as another early variety. Its berries are quite large and elongated, with a sweet and sour taste and strong aroma. The bush can grow in height more than one and a half meters. It tolerates winter well and is resistant to diseases and all kinds of pests. For the bush to bear fruit, it is necessary to plant a variety of pollinators next to it. They can become Morena, Malvina and others.

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Morena's honeysuckle

Early-season is Moreno's honeysuckle, which is described. It is characterized as a winter-hardy crop with large fruits( 2.5 - 3 cm) and high yield. Berries have a sweet and sour taste and a weak aroma. This variety is self-pollinated, so additional varieties in the neighborhood are not required. Fruits keep well on the bush for a long time and do not crumble.

Edible Honeysuckle Varieties of Medium Maturing

Bakcharsky Giant

One of the varieties of medium ripening is considered to be Bakcharsky giant honeysuckle. The berries are large in size( 4–5 cm), and the bushes grow to almost two meters. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste and ripen in late June. Their flesh is tender, and the bones are barely felt. The bush begins to bear fruit 2 - 3 years after planting. For good fruitfulness, several varieties should be planted side by side, such as: Bakchar, Azure, etc.

The Bakchar giant varieties begin to crumble quickly, therefore, after their ripening, it is better to harvest immediately and not to postpone it for a later period.

Honeysuckle Grade Amphora

Amphora honeysuckle can be considered universal for medium maturity. Its berries grow large in size and have a jug-shaped shape. Their taste is slightly sour and resembles lingonberries. The fruits have a thick peel, which is convenient for their transportation. Due to the high yield variety can bring great benefits. Amphora is a self-infertile variety, so other varieties should be planted close to it. This honeysuckle is resistant to shattering and does not bloom again.

Variety Raisin

Honeysuckle raisin also refers to varieties of medium ripening. Its fruits are large enough to 2.6 g each. The elongated berries are blue and gray in bloom. When ripe, they practically do not fall. You can use them in any form. The taste of berries is sweet, without any bitterness. Bushes of this variety are medium tall and slightly sprawling. It grows well in sunny places and endures the winter.

Read also: How to plant raspberries in the spring

Honeysuckle Azure

Matures shrubs closer to mid-June. Its berries are quite stable. They do not crumble and mature together. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste, and the aroma resembles blueberries. When planting this variety should choose a more lighted place. In addition, you need to take into account that the bushes are not too close to each other, becausethey can grow in width. The optimal distance between them is 1, 5 meters.

Be aware that warm autumn can cause re-flowering. Because of this, there may be no harvest next year.

Edible varieties of late-ripened honeysuckle

Honeysuckle Kamchadalka

Honeysuckle Kamchadalka is considered to be a representative of late ripening. Her bush is compact and medium sized. It can reach a height of 1.5 meters. The berries have a blue-blue color and are covered with a waxy coating. They have a sweet and sour taste and strong aroma. The fruits as they are being sung are not showered and come off quite difficult.

Grow Kamchadalka can both in the sun and in the shade, but the first option is more preferable, as in partial shade the shrub does not bear fruit well. In addition, the plant is self-productive. It will give a good harvest if you plant varieties next to it: Gidzyuk’s Memory, Cinderella, Blue Spindle and others. The bush will bear fruit for 3–4 years after planting. He will give a crop every year.

Decorative varieties of honeysuckle

Decorative varieties of honeysuckle can serve as an excellent decoration of the garden plot. Especially effectively, they look during the flowering period. Such honeysuckle is not whimsical and grows in the form of a dense liana, which can braid a gazebo, arch, fence, etc. Depending on the variety, it will have different colors and different flowering time.

Serotina Honeysuckle

Serotina honeysuckle is one of the decorative varieties that deserve attention. It is a decorative liana with beautiful flowers, which later become red decorative fruits. Initially, flower buds have a red-burgundy color, and after they bloom, a creamy core is visible. This honeysuckle blooms from June until autumn. The smell of flowers resembles a lime blossom and is especially felt in the evening. Liana of this variety can grow 3 - 4 m in height. Each year, it can grow another 1 m. For the winter, it is better to remove it from supports and put it in a horizontal position, but you can not cover it.

Read also: Blue spindle - one of the largest and frost-resistant honeysuckle varieties

Decorative variety - Brown's honeysuckle

The main advantage of this variety are unusual flowers. They have a bright orange-orange color. Flowers covered the vine with large bunches. This honeysuckle has a long flowering period( from June to October) and does not grow as fast in height as other varieties. It is convenient for small gardens. After flowering on the bushes appear hard fruits that are not suitable for human consumption.

Brown is a thermophilic honeysuckle variety. In winter, it is better to cover its shoots with foil or dry leaves, otherwise it may disappear.

Forest Honeysuckle

Wood honeysuckle is considered a decorative variety. Often it is called wolf berries, and it grows in the forest. Despite this, lately it has been used more often to decorate the site. This honeysuckle grows a small shrub and begins to bloom in May with white flowers. In the middle of June dark red berries appear on the bushes. They grow together in pairs at the base. They can not be eaten, but can be used for medicinal purposes. This honeysuckle heals wounds well, has an antibacterial and analgesic agent.

Due to the fact that the Forest honeysuckle is used to the wild growing conditions, it does not require special care. The shrub breeds independently in a vegetative way, Its branches lie on the ground, after which they take root.

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