Amazing varieties of thuja folded will occupy a worthy place in the suburban area

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Thuya folded - one of the most common evergreen conifers. Refers to the Cypress family, the species of gymnosperms of the genus Tuy. The native land of this tree is East Asia, and also North America. It is widely used in landscape design, in particular to create hedges.

Thuya folded: description

The plant is an evergreen tree or shrub that has a dense crown. It is formed mainly due to branched in one plane shoots. In the natural environment, the plant can reach an average height of up to 60 m. The diameter of the trunk in most specimens is approximately, m.

If the plant is cultivated, it reaches a more modest height - no more than 15 m. Small trees stand out as a fluffy crown. They were bred specifically for the design of gardens and parks. In the Russian climate, they are less hardy than the more popular western varieties.

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The trunk of the thuja folded is covered with a fibrous crown, which has a reddish-brown hue. It is because of this feature that this tree is often called red cedar. Another unofficial name is the western red cedar. Its crown is quite thick, often characterized by a pyramidal shape. The leaves of the plant are very narrow. Their width rarely exceeds 1 mm. As they grow, they overlap each other, acquiring a gloss with a characteristic luster on the front surface. On the back of the leaves there are pronounced strips of white.

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This variety is distinguished by oval-oblong fruits. They are presented in the form of cones, the length of which reaches approximately 12 cm. In two fruits, two seeds are usually found. They are fairly flat, have two wings.

Thuja folded: photo, planting and care

Despite the fact that this plant is not very whimsical to the conditions of growth, when it leaves, it is still necessary to adhere to certain rules. Folded thuja, planting and leaving which is very simple, can grow both in the shade and under direct sunlight. It is advisable to use well drained soil with a high percentage of moisture. With dry soil, the growth of the tree will be noticeably slower, it will be more difficult to develop. Under such conditions, the crown of the plant will begin to noticeably thin out. Otherwise, young specimens are quite stable.

The rate of irrigation is determined depending on the state of the soil. If it is sufficiently moist, then you can skip watering. However, it should be borne in mind that during the summer period, excessive drying of the soil should not be allowed. Some experts recommend watering at least once every 10 days. This is the most optimal period for an adult tree or bush. One copy leaves at least 10 liters of water. In the evening, the crown of the plant can be sprayed. Doing this is highly not recommended during the day when the sun shines strongly. If the seedlings are still young, then the procedure is preferably carried out daily.

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In winter, this plant is able to withstand the temperature drop down to -30 ° C. However, severe frosts can badly affect the state of thuja, so it is still recommended to grow it in a relatively protected from low temperatures and wind place. As fertilizers, you can use complex mineral fertilizing, which is designed for coniferous trees.

Tui varieties that are dyed enough to be variegated should be grown in well-lit places, otherwise plants will quickly lose their decorativeness. In too dark areas, their needles will quickly become dim.

What are the varieties?

Today, several species of thuja are folded. Each of them has its own peculiarities and is distinguished by high aesthetic value. Thanks to their typical forms, they are equally good looking both in groups and alone. The following varieties are distinguished:

  1. The name Thuya folded Vippord originated from the English name "Whipcord often used in scientific literature. The translation of this word sounds like "string which characterizes this variety perfectly, which is distinguished by threadlike shoots.
  2. Thuya folded Holderland has a bushy shape. Her crown develops rapidly. Instances of more than 10 years old often reach heights of up to 4 m. Crown in this variety has a glossy surface. In the winter, it takes on a bronze shade.
  3. Thuya folded Cancan is a small tree. Adult plants reach a height of one meter. This is a sufficiently frost-resistant variety, which is not exacting to growing conditions. However, even in the most favorable environment, its growth remains slow.
  4. Thuya folded Cornice is a fairly powerful tree, the crown of which has a pyramidal shape. Its shoots are broad, the needles are bright green, the branches are short, slightly dangling at the ends. The plant can grow up to 5 centuries under favorable conditions. For rapid growth and normal formation of the plant requires fertile and moist soil.
  5. Thuya folded Zebrina Extra Gold stands out for its rapid growth. The branches of this variety are separated from each other. Due to the large and decorative needles, the tree is often used in the gardening of garden plots and parks. The name is due to the fact that in the summer and autumn period the plant stains like a zebra - it is yellow with golden-green blotches.
  6. Thuya folded Forever Goldie. This variety is characterized by a conical crown. Needles of the plant are yellowish-green. The color is preserved even in winter. Most often used for the formation of various landscape compositions. Adult specimens reach a height of up to, meters. Their diameter does not exceed a meter. Growth rates are relatively average.
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Virtually all garden types of tuya are excellent to be cut. They can be given any shape and used to decorate garden areas. They are great for creating bright contrasts in compositions from various trees and shrubs.


Acquaintance with one of the tuya folded varieties - video

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