How to cook a tender, juicy and fragrant French fries with your own hands

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Recipes for homemade pear pies at any time of the year.

Recipes for homemade pear pies at any time of the year.Recipes And Blanks

Content of the article: Pie with fresh pears and apples Video-recipe for a simple gentle pie with pears Puff pie with cheese Dorblu with pears Grated pie with pear ja...

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Some interesting lentil soup recipes

Some interesting lentil soup recipesRecipes And Blanks

Content of the article: Spanish lentil soup recipe Nowadays you’ll hardly surprise anyone with everyday soup. But the hostess comes to the aid of a very simp...

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How tasty and quickly saline pink salmon

How tasty and quickly saline pink salmonRecipes And Blanks

The content of the article: How to prepare fish for salting. The taste of pink salmon is better disclosed in salting, so the question: how to pickle pink salmon worries many hous...

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