video Eggplants Eggs in the same year, in an event, in an event, in an event, in an event, in an event, in an event, in an event, in an event, in an event, in an event, in an event, in a fight, in an event, in an event, in a fight, in an event, in a fight, in an event, in a fight, in an event, and in an event in an event, what to treat relatives and friends this winter. And not just to feed, but also to surprise the refinement and interestingness of the dish. Eggplants in tomato juice, most people tried in childhood, when mom or grandmother opened a jar of culinary masterpiece before the holiday. Remember this unique taste? But even if this dish will be an innovation for the keeper of the hearth, it will not leave anyone indifferent. How to choose products?
For a dish like eggplant in tomato juice, you need quality ingredients. Which ones are suitable and which ones are not? How to choose the right products?
Eggplant plays a major role in the exquisite dish. This product is popularly also called "blue":
- The product should look fresh. Where without it? The product must have a presentation. No scratches, cracks, cuts and other damage, and even more obvious signs of deterioration of the product should not be.
- Hard to touch. Soft product immediately causes suspicion - rotten. At the same time, it is important to take a ripe vegetable. The immature little blue spoils the taste and is poorly absorbed.
- The size is not large. Too large a product suggests that all sorts of fertilizers and chemical additives were used in growing.
- Fresh "tail".Thick, soft and fresh "tail" is present in a fresh, high-quality eggplant. If the stalk is dry, it means that the blue one has been overfunded and, most likely, spoiled. The absence of the "tail" should automatically push away from the purchase.
- When pressed, the trail disappears. Experienced gardeners offer to check the quality of the product in this way: press an eggplant with your finger. If the trail quickly disappears, the fruit is fresh, suitable.
Poke your finger at the base of the eggplant. If this was difficult, the fruit is not ripe. If the product is too soft, the blue one is obviously spoiled.
As for tomatoes, the ingredients must be fresh, free from damage and unpleasant smell.
Read also: National dish of the peoples of the Caucasus - khichins with potatoes and cheese
Cooking supplies for the winter
- 3 kg eggplant;
- tomatoes 3 kg;
- granulated sugar 3-5 tablespoons( to taste);
- vinegar( 9%) 3 tablespoons;
- sunflower oil 250 g( 1 cup);
- salt 2 tablespoons;
- garlic 4 heads;
- sweet pepper 1 kg;
- greens to taste;
Cooking steps
Recipes such as eggplants in tomato juice, are varied. Someone loves sweeter, someone - sharper, some also generally fry eggplant before cooking - this taste.
First you should try the most simple and versatile recipe, well, and in the future - the full will of your imagination!
The first step is to do the processing of blue vegetables. Carefully wash the products( however, like all other ingredients), separate them from the stem and cut them in any convenient way, for example, in circles or sticks.
Do not chop the eggplants too small, otherwise the product will boil down when stewing. The recommended slice thickness is more than 1.5 cm.
We thoroughly wash the pepper and also cut it( again, not finely!) In any convenient way.
Put the eggplants and peppers to the side, let's do the tomatoes. Rinse tomatoes thoroughly and chop. By the way, there are two options here:
- Blender. Before you put the tomatoes in the bowl of a blender, it is worth cutting them into quarters and more.
- In a meat grinder. It is important to note that the peel from the vegetables must be removed, the tomatoes must be chopped and preferably minced 2 or more times so that the mixture is as homogeneous as possible.
To rid the tomatoes of the peel, you need to pour boiling water over the food for a minute, then place the tomatoes in cold water for a couple of minutes. Now unnecessary peel easily leaves the ingredient.
Once finished with tomatoes, go to the garlic. After all, eggplants in tomato juice with garlic become much more savory and more interesting to taste. We clean the teeth and finely chop.
Here, again, a matter of taste - to whom the rings, to whom the cubes, but the more this ingredient is crushed, the more homogeneous and aesthetically pleasing the finished dish will look.
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By the way, it is better to chop garlic cloves with a knife than with a garlic crush. In the first case, the product remains more solid, which means that all the juice and a lot of useful vitamins in it will remain in the finished salad. If you decide to use greens in the recipe, then it should be cut at this point.
Proceed to the next item in preparation.
Put the sliced eggplants in the pan, sprinkle with salt and sugar, then pour the vinegar and sunflower oil. Stir well.
Pour the previously prepared tomato puree from above. We put on medium heat and stir. After boiling the mixture, add the pepper and greens there, if it is present in your recipe as an ingredient.
The next step: reduce the heat and simmer for about 10-15 minutes, then add the remaining product - garlic. Again, stir the delicious creation and simmer the eggplants in tomato juice for another 15-25 minutes.
While the dish is being prepared. ..
While our culinary masterpiece is languishing on the stove, we are going to sterilize the cans. Since eggplant is a fastidious and whimsical guest, it is important to ensure that the dishes are sterile at the highest level. Let us consider two ways, and which is more convenient and practical - you decide.
Steam Treatment
Old-time Grandma's way to process jars for blanks. First of all, you need a pan and a grill, or a special stand for this method of sterilizing cans( it looks like a straight lid with a hole in the middle for the neck of glassware).You will also need a clean, ironed fabric.
If everything is available, then proceed:
- You need to make sure that both the banks and their necks are whole, without chips and cracks.
- Caps better to use new. If there are none, you should make sure that they are not bent, whole.
- We wash the jars with a clean new sponge and soda, we don’t wipe them after the procedure!
- Put the pan with water on the fire, leave to boil.
- Put the cap in the water.
- Put the jars upside down on the grid / in the hole of the stand.
- Reserve for 7-12 minutes. The finished can has large drops of water inside. Be careful, the dishes are hot!
- Carefully remove the jar and set it upside down on a clean, ironed fabric( towel).We take out the covers with a clean fork, put it on the same cloth.
Read also: Delicious zucchini preserved in tomato juice for the winter
Processing in an electric oven
The second method is no less simple than the first. It will take all the same ironed clean cloth and electric oven. Gas will not work - the temperature in it does not keep uniform:
- As in the case of steam sterilization, we check the cans and lids for integrity and quality.
- Thoroughly wash the glassware with soda with a new clean sponge.
- Put the jars upside down in a cold oven, spread the lids nearby.
- Adjust the temperature to 120 degrees, leave for 15 minutes.
- We take out the cans and the lids, leaving them on a dry, clean cloth, as in the first case.
Preparations are made in dry dishes. If the bank is needed immediately, it is necessary to clean the container from the inside with a clean fork and a clean cloth( not with your hands!).
The dish is ready, it's time to lay out the blanks in jars, roll up tightly and leave upside down for the night. A simple, but such an unusual and tasty salad for the winter will surprise not only the hostess who is just beginning to master the culinary business, but also the homemakers, who are experienced in the preparations, because pickled or canned eggplants in tomato juice for the winter is always a good idea.
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