Recommendations and tips for the care of honeysuckle in the fall

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Honeysuckle is known to many. Residents of our country are planting it in their backyards. The value lies not only in the taste of the berries, but also in their healing properties. Honeysuckle fruits can help cope with many ailments. They are especially valuable for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Berries strengthen the walls of capillaries, help with atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and many other problems with the body. People who live in areas with high radiation background, they are simply necessary.

But many of those who plant honeysuckle on their site are faced with a problem - low yield of berries. The thing is that the cultivation of this shrub has its own characteristics. All the main stages must be done in the autumn, when the plant enters a state of rest. This article will discuss how to properly care for honeysuckle in the fall, as well as its planting and transplanting. Why is it necessary to carry out all work with this shrub in the fall? In spring, honeysuckle grows actively and forms new branches. Therefore, transplantation and pruning during this period are contraindicated in her. Otherwise, the harvest of berries will not have to wait.

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Care for honeysuckle in the fall

The care of the owner is needed both for the newly planted shrubs and for those that have been growing on the site for many years. In both cases, the care includes the following steps.


The soil around the shrub must be constantly wetted, especially during the fruiting period. The required amount of water is 1-1.5 buckets, and in a dry summer it will be necessary to irrigate 2-2.5 buckets under one bush.

The soil should be wet, but an overabundance of water is not desirable. Honeysuckle categorically loves neither dryness nor excessive moisture.


This is an important stage in the process of growing shrubs, which has its own characteristics. Honeysuckle pruning is done differently depending on the variety. Shrubs that serve as a hedge on the site are especially in need of rejuvenation. Pruning gives decorative varieties a beautiful appearance, helps the intensive growth of green mass, heals and gives strength. In this case, it must be carried out every autumn. During the summer, cut only the protruding branches, which spoil the appearance. The first time pruning is carried out to the desired size, then as it grows to maintain shape. It also helps the shrub to bloom more intensively. For edible varieties, pruning is required for better fruiting.

It is better not to trim the honeysuckle of edible varieties until it reaches the age of 5-7 years. In addition, pruning should be carried out in this case very carefully, because the shrub grows very slowly.

After eight years of life, honeysuckle should be rejuvenated through the season, while conducting intensive thinning. To rejuvenate the honeysuckle edible varieties, you need to trim the upper old part of the skeletal branches, also remove the dry branches and lying on the ground. Pruning is carried out only in the fall and after the shrub has thrown off all the leaves. To understand this question and not make mistakes, it is better to watch a thematic video on pruning honeysuckle in the fall.

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In order for honeysuckle to produce an intensive green mass and fruits, organic fertilizers need to be applied every three to four years. For this, manure, compost, humus or chicken dung are perfect.

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Loosening and weeding

Every time after watering, the soil around the bushes must be loosened. You also need to remove all weeds. At the same time, when caring for honeysuckle in the fall, do not remove the foliage from the soil around the root system. It helps the shrub to endure cold well, and also provides additional nutrition.

How to plant honeysuckle in the fall

If you have not planted this shrub in your garden before, then the information below will come in handy. After all, as it was said above, not everyone can get a good harvest of honeysuckle. Most often it is a few berries from the bush. The fact is that the cultivation of this culture has its own characteristics.

So, the next question to be answered is how to plant honeysuckle in the fall. To do this, follow the following recommendations:

  1. The first thing to do is to find a suitable place. Honeysuckle does not like wet soil, areas with poor penetration of sunlight. If you want your shrub to give both green mass and a good harvest of fruits, then try to find a place on the site where the upper part of the honeysuckle will be in the sun and the lower part in the penumbra.
  2. Soil. Honeysuckle does not like poorly ventilated and poor soils. It is best to have the soil drained, sandy, and with weak acidity. If there is none, then during planting you need to pour a mixture of peat, sand and sod land into the pit.
  3. Neighborhood. The third point means that honeysuckle refers to those crops that can not independently form the fruit. To get a harvest of berries, you need to plant several shrubs nearby.
  4. Time. The best time to land is mid-September.
Read also: How to plant honeysuckle in the fall?

How to plant honeysuckle?

To do this, you need to prepare a pit, measuring 45 by 45 cm. Add humus to it, and then planting. Next, the shrub needs to be watered well. Top grin. It is advisable to plant neighboring bushes not less than one meter from each other. At the same time no more than a half.

In order for the honeysuckle to give a good harvest, the root system must be soaked in a fertilizer solution before planting. When planting, be sure to straighten all the roots so that they do not intertwine and do not bend over.

Honeysuckle transplant in the fall

All actions during a transplant are similar to those you perform during planting. Shrubs should be placed to the distance between them was not less than a meter. Dig a hole from 45 to 50 cm deep. Then add the superphosphate or potassium salt. You can make organic fertilizer in advance.

Be sure to ensure that the root neck is at ground level.

Honeysuckle transplantation in the fall is best done in late summer or early September. At this moment the shrub overgrows to grow. That's all the basic recommendations, following which you can get a good harvest of honeysuckle. Also have a great hedge on the plot.

Honeysuckle Trimming - Video

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