Design of a garden and vegetable garden with fruit trees and stone figures

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If you are a happy owner of a plot of land or a luxury garden near the house, you will certainly be interested in learning how to create an original garden design by yourself. There are many ways to decorate the territory, but the most interesting is that you can do it with the help of improvised tools, and it will turn out beautifully and with a "twist".

We start to embody the invented landscape design in a reality!

If there are trees in your area, do not hurry to cut them, firstly - home fruits are more useful than store trees, and secondly, trees can be correctly included in landscape design.

In their lacy shade, you can equip a recreation area: install a gazebo or hang a hammock, near which there must be stone figures of animals - a symbol of success and wealth.

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If you are only going to plant trees, give preference to fruit. Under coniferous flowers grow poorly, that's why it will not work to combine Christmas trees with roses. The best option is to divide the site into functional zones: for flowers, trees, rest, shish kebabs and friendly gatherings with friends.

Each zone should be decorated appropriately, and if there is no opportunity to invite a designer, you will have to come up with everything yourself. Ideas can be mass. Consider the most universal, those that are suitable for any garden and garden. We bring to your attention a master class on making stone figures.

Landscaping of the garden area with original figures

Animal figurines, which will be an excellent addition to manicured lawns, decorative stones and neat trees. Whatever landscape design of the garden area you have not chosen, decorative figures will complement it.

So, we make a frog. We need:

  • Cement mixture
  • Green dye for cement
  • The shape of a frog (you can buy it at a building store or take a shape for cake and other baking)
  • Glue
  • Sponge
  • Stacks for modeling
  • The old bucket
  • Wooden rail
  • Screwdriver
  • Paper
  • For decoration: pieces of tile or broken glass
  • For safety: rubber gloves, respirator and safety glasses
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Getting Started

  1. A quarter of the dry mixture is put in a bag, the rest is mixed in a bucket with water and dye until the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Put the mixture into a plastic mold and tamp well. Filling the form to half, shake, knock on it to leave air bubbles.
  3. Completely filling the form, remove the wooden slats remnants of the solution. Leave for several hours, and when the solution begins to turn into stone, align the future frog with the stacks. Leave to dry for 2 days.
  4. Then place a board under the bottom and gently turn over, remove the mold.
  5. Using a flat screwdriver, remove the deposits of stone on the sides.
  6. Now it's up to little: decorate the frog. Eyes can be made from colored stones, the back can be decorated with broken glass - all this is glued to the glue.
  7. From the poured mixture at the beginning, make a solution and fill it with gaps between the glass. Use a sponge to remove excess solution from the glass mosaic.
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The stone is ready - give it a week to insist, and you can safely introduce the craft in the landscape design of the garden plot. Such crafts can be done a few and decorate them with a garden around the perimeter or plant frogs at the beginning of the path leading to the house - sea options.


The beauty of your site!

In conclusion, I want to say that the beauty of the landscape design of the territory depends on your imagination. There are different types of garden design, but it is very important to single out one and not to mix styles. For example, if you like a classic with smoothly cropped lawns and stone columns - stick to it in all the details. But if you decide to decorate the territory with your own hands, try to do every little thing with love!

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