Learning to care for gentle achimenes at home

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We offer to get acquainted with the indoor flower achimenes, which enchants with its long and lush flowering. Apply the plant as an ampelnaya or cluster, depending on the variety. Caring for achimenes is simple, but there are features. The name of the flower itself is translated as “fearing the cold,” it is already cold at 20 degrees. There are other subtleties in the care of a handsome man. However, the extraordinary decorativeness of the flower is fascinating, and at home they promise to create all the conditions, pamper you with love and care.

The origin and main characteristics of the plant

Ahimenez belongs to the Gesneriyev family, a close relative of Uzumbar violet and gloxinia. Tropical guest arrived from South America, loves warm and humid air. The shrub grew under the shade of trees, I did not see the sun rays in my homeland, I am not inclined to change my habits.

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Low bushes of achimenes, depending on the variety, grow from 30 to 60 cm. The leaves of the plant are dark green, shiny, pubescent and jagged at the edges. Funnel-shaped flowers, cup with long-tube crown. They are up to 5 cm in diameter, of different colors and borders. During the flowering period, the leaves are almost not visible under the carpet of flowers, which are opened not for long, but are constantly being replaced by new buds.

Ahimenez root system is superficial. During the summer season, nutrients accumulate in tubers and rhizomes. Each scale of such a cone is ready for reproduction in spring. With the end of the growing season, the stems dry out, the plant retires until spring, and care for it during this period is minimal.

Home care for achimenes at home.

If the conditions are maintained, the plant from spring quickly grows green twigs and enters flowering, which lasts up to 4 months. From the bosom of each leaf can come a beautiful flower, and not one. In order not to disturb the beauty, ottsvetshie corolla should be immediately removed, leaving a few pieces on the seeds. Seeds ripen about two months.

It is possible to acquire any indoor plant, if it is possible to create conditions for its development. Requirements of colors are sometimes opposite. To create a composition you need to select plants with similar care conditions.

In order for a plant to be comfortable, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  • summer and winter temperature of keeping;
  • lighting conditions;
  • air humidity, watering mode;
  • composition of the substrate and capacity for planting;
  • top dressing and transplanting;
  • pest and disease protection;
  • special conditions of detention.
Read also: Storing and planting the rhizomes of Ahimenes

Admire the riot of beauty in the video about achimenes, and caring for the plant does not seem burdensome. The summer temperature for the plant should be kept at 20-24, in winter there is a rather dark cool corner from 13-15.

Young plants that have not yet begun to bloom can even be set on the south window, dabbed with a light curtain. But the developed plants need to be removed from direct rays to the east, west window or to the back of the room. In any case, the light should be enough. A signal of poor lighting will be the stretching of the stems, their exposure, reduction in the size of both leaves and flowers. It is necessary to find a middle ground. If the balcony or veranda has the ability to create a shadow, then the plants will be comfortable.

High humidity value. The plant likes regular abundant watering, but without stagnant water at the bottom of the pot. But even more it needs a microclimate, humidity about 60%.It is impossible to wet the leaves and flowers with fine spray while caring for achimenez. A misty cloud is created around, but not above the plant. When droplets hit the flower, black dots appear. Rescue the aquarium. You can put a pallet with moss and claydite, a humidifier nearby, and you can do it as shown in the photo. At home, the Ahimenes in the summer suffer precisely from dry air. The higher the temperature in the room, the more moisture is required.

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A plant of intensive growth and flowering requires special nutrition. In winter, the plant does not grow, in early spring it is transplanted into a fresh substrate. At home, Achimenezas are transplanted annually, but for better development and flowering during the period of mass gain, transshipment is done twice in the spring.

The composition of the soil is selected nutrient:

  • turf ground - 2 volumes;
  • leaf humus - 3 volumes;
  • sand - 1 volume.

It is suitable primer for violets, or the composition of equal parts of perlite, vermiculite and biohumus.

The utensils for achimenes should be shallow and wide, since the roots of the flower are superficial and the rhizomes come out. Therefore, the top of the pot is nice to cover with mulch from moss or similar material.

It is possible to feed a plant after the beginning of vegetation not earlier than in a month, with good growth, in two. You need to use liquid fertilizer for flowering plants every two weeks.

In the fall, the plant retires, sheds leaves, twigs dry. As the ground part disappears, the nutrition goes to the root system, where it actively accumulates in the nodules. Therefore, it is important to allow the plant to gather food, prepare and then prune the achimenes. By this act, the plant is completely freed from the ground part and retires.

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Since the rhizomes are in the surface layer of the soil, you can not overdry or freeze the plant. The resting place of the flower in winter is chosen cool, 13-15 degrees. How to save the root system of Ahimenes in the winter and what to do with it? Find a nook in the apartment with a blackout and install a flower there. From time to time it is necessary to check the condition of the clod of the earth, preventing it from drying out. In February, with a noticeable lengthening of the day, the plant is taken out, transplanted into a new substrate, propagated, if necessary, and placed in the light to resume life. In this case, starting with a scanty, constantly increasing watering, awakening the kidneys.

Care of ahimenez involves a careful examination of the settlement of pests. Ordinary pests of houseplants, such as the aphid, whitefly, and spider mites, can enter the plant. In this case, treatment with insecticides is inevitable. If the conditions of detention are not followed, the flower can be infected with gray rot or other fungal diseases that are treated with copper solutions, fungicides. With the observance of agrotechnical Ahimenes at home rarely get sick. To alert the grower should:

  • the appearance of spots on the leaves - watered with cold water or the plant stands in a draft;
  • yellowed leaves - not separated hard water, not enough nitrogen fertilizers;
  • brown and dry buds - dry indoor air, the plant is hot.

To grow a flower at home is easy. Enough to pay him a little attention. As a reward all summer he will give a lively bouquet, pride in his ability to grow such beauty at home.

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