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Labaznik (tagolga) is a perennial herb which belongs to the Rosy family. In nature, it grows in a temperate climate, the taiga can be found in meadows, banks of rivers or lakes. It is harvested during the flowering period, dried and used to prepare medicinal broths and infusions. The plant can also be grown at home - it is characterized by a long and abundant flowering.
Description of the plant
Tavolga unites more than 16 varieties, 4 of which are used in folk medicine. These are perennials that have a straight sturdy stem and leaves of different shapes - they differ depending on the species. The grass of the labaznik in nature multiplies by seeds, quickly grows and forms thickets. Shrubs can reach from 80 to 150 cm in height. Flowers form inflorescences, painted in white or bright shades, appear in late spring and early summer.
Types of mendicant and their application
Labaznik grown as an ornamental plant, to decorate the garden or flower beds. For medicinal purposes only 4 varieties are suitable: vyzolistny, six-leaved, Kamchatka and paleriform. Varieties of this herb can be easily distinguished by the shape of the leaves, the size and color of the flowers.
Labaznik six-leaved (common)
Labaznik ordinary - this is one of the most useful species. The adult plant does not exceed 60-80 cm in height, while it has a developed rhizome with tubers. It can be found in well-lit areas: on meadows and roadside roads, also the grass can grow on forest edges. Flowers form paniculate inflorescences with a white tinge and pronounced odor.
This species is used for medicinal purposes. From its roots, leaves and dried flowers, infusions and decoctions are prepared. Such aids help with various pathologies:
- chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- diseases of the kidneys and urinary system (labaznik has a diuretic effect);
- arthritis, arthrosis, joint pain of different origin;
- decoction of the rhizome - for washing wounds, from bites of poisonous animals and insects.
Tavolga vulgaris is a rather rare species. However, it has the most pronounced therapeutic properties and has found application, including in official medicine.
Tavolga vyazolistnaya
Labeznik vyazolistny - the most common variety. It is a tall herbaceous plant, can reach up to 150 cm. The environment of its growth in natural conditions - forest thickets, shores of marshes and reservoirs. This species is also used in folk medicine and is part of the official preparations. It has a pronounced anticonvulsant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, can be used for a number of diseases:
- disorders of the heart and vessels, especially hypertension;
- disorders of the nervous system;
- dermatological problems, including burns, ulcers, diaper rash and dermatitis of any origin;
- any inflammatory pathologies of internal organs;
- catarrhal appearances.
According to the photo, the cobblestone is easy to distinguish from ordinary. This plant is larger, has a straight sturdy stem and feathery leaves. Inflorescences have a white hue, but they are larger and lush.
Labaznik Elegance
The cultivator of the falconer Elegance is distinguished by bright decorative inflorescences, painted in a purple hue. These are shrubs of medium height (50-100 cm) with original leafy leaves. They are rapidly expanding, so they can be used to create floral massifs or hedges. Labaznik can be added to bouquets, but more often it is planted in open ground.
This variety is popular for home breeding for several reasons:
- unpretentiousness to conditions of the maintenance - plants well transfer temperature differences and adapt to weather conditions;
- duration of flowering - the period continues throughout the summer;
- Possibility to carry winter in the open ground without shelter.
Photos of the fiancé Elegance will be different. The color shades range from gently pink to bright crimson, and the height of the plant also differs. It depends not only on growing conditions, but also on the way of reproduction - individuals grown from seeds, smaller and weaker.
Foam grade
Labaznik Plena - a low ornamental plants, which can reach up to 40 cm. They are popular in landscape design due to their spectacular appearance and unpretentiousness in the care. This variety is well adapted in the shade of trees or higher shrubs, and in open areas. It is popular for decorating flower beds, creating lush floral massifs and low decorative borders.
At the end of May or early June on each bush appear peduncles up to 15 cm in length. On them are located lush white inflorescences, which consist of flowers about 1 cm in diameter. Flowering period lasts no less than a month.
The fender of red Venusta
The fender of Venus is one of the largest varieties. Adult shrubs can reach up to, m in height, differ particularly sturdy stem and developed rhizome. Flowers are collected in lush inflorescences, get the coloring of various shades of pink. Tavolga begins to bloom in early summer, but retains a decorative appearance before the first frost due to the unusual shape of the leaves. They are large, five- or seven-lobed.
Labaznik red is a wild plant. It can be found everywhere: in the forest-steppe zone, on the banks of rivers and reservoirs. In landscape design, these flowers are popular when creating hedges, planting green areas and recreation areas.
Bushes can be planted both in open areas, and in the shade of trees and in mixed plantings with larger plants. However, a strong darkening can lead to loss of flowering.
Cultivation at home
Labaznik can be found in natural conditions. For medicinal purposes, it is collected during the flowering period, and it is also sold in pharmacies in dried, crushed form. At home, decorative varieties are often grown. They quickly take root, do not require daily care and shelter in the cold season.
There are two ways of multiplying the mallin: seeds and division. The first method is simpler, it is enough to collect the seeds and plant them in late autumn. They need stratification (they must transfer the winter temperature drop), so spring planting is not suitable for them. A more reliable way is cuttings. For planting are suitable areas of rhizome or shoots with 2-3 vegetative buds. They simply put in the ground at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The procedure is carried out in September or in April.
Tavolga is an unpretentious plant. It can grow and bloom in the shade or under the open sun and even endure short-term periods of drought. However, there are several rules that will help to achieve the fastest growth and lush flowering bushes:
- maintain a constant soil moisture on the flowerbed;
- periodically loosen the ground;
- weeds are removed for decorative purposes - the fumer is rapidly replacing extraneous crops;
- bushes can be transplanted at least once every 5 years;
- the neutral or weakly acid soils are best suited.
The mendicant has one feature - its rhizome grows upward. If you do not periodically add new soil under the bush, it may be under the open sun.
Photo mopaznik, landing and care for which will not be difficult even for beginners, will differ. Due to the wide variety of varieties, it is possible to choose lower or higher varieties with colors of different shades. These plants are more suitable for growing outdoors and planting trees, but they can be grown and cut. In bouquets they are in harmony with other colors, complement pastel colors and dilute brighter shades.
Labaznik (tavolga) is more than 15 varieties of wild herbs. They are used for decorative and medicinal purposes, they are collected in natural conditions or grown at home. Plants look impressive thanks to large bright inflorescences and leaves of unusual shape. This is a non-standard solution for decorating flower beds, lawns or prefabricated bouquets.