A special place in the landscape design of Tui Khozeri

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Cultivation and use in the landscape design of juniper cultivar Mint Julep

Cultivation and use in the landscape design of juniper cultivar Mint JulepLandscape Design

The content of the article: Characteristic Landing Features of care Pest and disease control Photo of juniper in landscape design . Juniper Juniper is considered a short, evergreen shrub, ha...

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Unpretentious, useful and spectacular willow white

Unpretentious, useful and spectacular willow whiteLandscape Design

The content of the article: Reproduction, cultivation and care Healing properties of white willow Use of white willow bark in folk medicine Use of white willow in needlework White willow in land...

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Popular perennial - juniper cossack Tamariscifolia

Popular perennial - juniper cossack TamariscifoliaLandscape Design

The content of the article: Description of juniper Tamariczifolia Planting of juniper Tamariscifolia and caring for the culture A selection of juniper photos Tamariscifolia in landscape designGe...

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