Ornamental and medicinal plant in your garden - Prince

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video Knyazhik - an incredibly beautiful cushioned figure that is using an unaccompanied scrub pattern, you will have to go to the same time you need to use the same cushion, you need to take out the cushion, and you have to keep the application on the way you are at the same time, you need to put the clump of the clumps of the

  • .The plant belongs to the genus Lomonos from the family of buttercups. The first mentions of this liana were found in encyclopedic dictionaries of the late 19th - early 20th century. At this time, the plant was known as wild hop or creeper. Such names are due to the fact that the plant has woody stems that cling as they grow to the support of the leaf stalks.
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    Knyazhiki varieties for the suburbs

    This is the closest relative of another popular among gardeners flower - clematis. Their main difference lies in the structure of flowers. At the prince they have the correct form. Their color range varies widely.

    Flowers most often have a color:

    • red-violet;
    • purple;
    • pink;
    • blue;
    • white or lilac.

    The root system of the vines is quite fragile, and the leaves are arranged oppositely. On the territory of Russia there are only three species of this plant. The most common type is the Siberian prince, also used in traditional medicine. This species is most commonly found in coniferous forests. The plant loves the light and reaches a height of 3 m. Behind it are species such as krupnolepechest and Okhotsk.

    Not less popular is the variety Prince Purple Dream with large flowers, whose diameter reaches 10-12 cm. Its buds are terry in any flowering period. The plant has a pleasant aroma with grapefruit notes. Adult specimens reach a height of 2 meters. This is a great option for a combination with perennials, as well as roses and shrubs of a decorative type.

    Which grade to choose?

    If we consider the princes in more detail, the varieties of this plant are very similar in appearance, but have some distinctive features. The Ballet Schert variety is also distinguished with flowers of a delicate pink hue. It can be used to form the living scenes of arches or trellises in the garden. Prince Lemon Dream looks delicately lemon-like. Its sepals are slightly elongated with wavy edges. The plant blooms in May, and in summer this phenomenon repeats, but not so abundantly. The plant can be used as a ground cover crop.

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    Gardeners and an alpine prince with beautiful flowers of pink or purple shade bypass the side. Its homeland is Central and Southern Europe. Flowering usually starts from May to June. If you create a favorable environment, the plant, as in the case of other varieties, blooms again in the summer. The soil is better to choose moist. The most successful location is in the penumbra.

    Knyazhiki: choosing the place and time of landing

    Caring for them is not so difficult, but you must follow certain rules. For planting, it is preferable to choose lighted areas, but if necessary, the Siberian prince, whose photos are presented in large numbers, can grow in partial shade, which also distinguishes him from related clematis. However, you should avoid drafts, and also take care of protection from cold winds. Since the plant is a vine, you will need to create support structures. This may be homestead fences. During the winter, you can forget about caring for a prince, since this is a fairly cold-resistant culture that does not require additional shelter.

    The most auspicious period of planting a prince in the garden is May.

    For this end of August will do. If you plan to buy princes of the variety for the Moscow region in Moscow, then it is worth considering that the biennial seedlings are the easiest to take root. It can and cuttings with the root system, but the same age. Before planting the soil must be enriched with humus or ordinary manure. In order to disinfect it, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. Liana will grow better if you create a drainage layer of approximately 10 cm. Soil preparation is carried out long before planting.

    Rules for planting and caring for princes

    Like clematis in a photo, a prince needs regular watering - about once a week or 10 days. Two days later, the soil can be loosened to keep the moisture longer. In summer, when the air temperature rises strongly, more frequent watering is allowed - 2-3 times a week. Before wintering, the plant also needs abundant watering. Fertilize the soil should not more than 2 times a month. As soon as the first shoots, should be feeding. Next, the procedure is repeated during the formation of buds. To make the plant feel better during flowering, it is worth re-fertilizing. If you choose organic ingredients, the most suitable option would be liquid urea or mullein. Some gardeners recommend using for this bird droppings at a ratio of 1:15.Before you make any kind of fertilizer, the plant should be poured abundantly.

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    There are three options for trimming plants from this family. It should be noted that most of the varieties do not require pruning at all, as it belongs to the group of lianas that bloom on last year's increments. In this case, it is sufficient to carry out preventive measures, i.e.remove dried branches and remove faded flowers. In order to form a certain form, it is possible in the autumn period, when flowering is already complete, to slightly correct the plant.

    Breeding methods

    Seed propagation rarely allows you to save varietal qualities of plants of this species. Before direct sowing, a so-called two-month stratification is required. To do this, the seeds are added to the sand, and then placed in a cold place, preferably a refrigerator. Due to this, shoots appear already in the third month after planting. If this is not done, the process is delayed to 8-9 months. At first, seedlings should be protected from light and should be regularly watered. Young copies are transplanted to a permanent place in the autumn months.

    A common method of dividing a bush is common among gardeners, although it is not as effective. This is due to the fact that already adult specimens do not tolerate a change of location and hardly take root. At the same time, only adult princes can be used for division.

    Grafting is considered a proven breeding method. For this, summer cuttings are used, and their rooting is carried out in greenhouse conditions. The main thing is to adhere to this period of a certain temperature up to 25 degrees. To accelerate the emergence of the root system, you can use a growth stimulator. Within a month, the first results appear. In more than half the case, grafting proceeds well. The substrate for this is usually a mixture of expanded clay and sand. Landing on a permanent place is carried out not earlier than a year after that.

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    Siberian knight: healing properties and contraindications

    This plant is considered not only decorative, but also useful for health. On the medicinal properties of princes known for a long time. Traditional medicine ranks them among the plants that can be successfully used to treat tumors. Currently, plants of this family are actively used in antitumor therapies. This is due to the presence in their composition of such useful substances as magnesium, iron, sodium and others. Specialists also noted antibacterial, regenerating and restorative properties of medicinal plants.

    Not only flowers, but also young shoots can be used for medicinal purposes. Preparation of raw materials is carried out during the flowering period. Collected grass should definitely be processed. Drying is carried out previously in the sun, and then under a canopy.

    It should be noted that the prince is not suitable for fresh use.

    Traditional medicine recommends preparing infusions and decoctions based on it. The finished products have a great effect on the work of the heart, stimulate the metabolism, eliminate the inflammatory processes of the gastric mucosa, and also do an excellent job with a headache. The plant can also be used for the treatment of female diseases.

    However, in any case, a doctor’s consultation will be required before this, since the prince, like any medicinal plant, has contraindications. This is a poisonous herb, the use of which is strictly prohibited during the gestation period. Paroxysmal tachycardia - another reason to refuse tinctures and decoctions from the prince. Doctors are also skeptical about the use of this herb in the presence of extrasystoles.

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