Photo and description of Allium varieties

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Allium flower grows mainly in the countries of the northern hemisphere, but you can observe the abundance of plants in Chile, Brazil and in some countriesanah of africa. Studying allium in the photo, it is impossible to keep a smile - the appearance of the flower is similar to the overgrown and blooming onions. In contrast to the vegetable in the formed flower umbrella, you can notice a small onion size - no more than 5 mm in diameter. They are dark in color, often replacing variegated flowers.

At the moment, the decorative Allium has about a thousand species and varieties, differing in shape and size of flowers. All of them gather in umbrellas, why the flower bed takes on the form of numerous clusters of balls. Depending on the variety and region, the height of flowers varies from 5 cm to 1.5 m. For the outlook and the choice of the most suitable variety for the purpose of independent cultivation, it is necessary to study the most common species.

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Allium round-headed ( sphaerocephalon)

Allium sphaerocephalon is the most common species in Russia, as it is unpretentious to the climatic conditions and in the wild, can grow on the coastal cliffs and sands, and in meadows of European countries and countries of North Africa. Russian plant breeders and flower growers are attracted by a bright, brown inflorescence of a plant that blooms in mid-July and pleasing the eyes for 2-4 weeks.

The arrow of the round-headed allium can grow up to 60 cm in height with an inflorescence of at least 5 cm in diameter. The flower umbrella is tight, perfectly combined with the decorative greenery planted between the bulbs.

The flower grows well in loose soils, while tolerating the winter without the need to dig out the bulbs. Allium spherocephalon is enough to cover with special material and sprinkle with fallen leaves.

Allium Roseum( roseum)

The presented type of flower is the opposite of the above described variety. Its formed umbrellas are scattered, with the presence of light pink flowers. The flowers are large in diameter, can reach up to 1.5 cm. Allium Inflorescence Roseum grows up to 60 cm in length. The plant grows predominantly along the Mediterranean coast.

The presented bulbous plant species is one of the few that has thin leaves that are only 1 cm wide. The buds are located on a thin stem.

Allium Purple Sensation(

) Thanks to its color, the flower got its name - umbrellas are dense with lots of small flowers with six petals. The variety of allium Purple Sensor is actively grown in the gardens of Russian flower growers. Most attract unpretentiousness, as well as the possibility of growing even in the harsh climate of the country.

A plant can grow in the shade, tolerates winters. It reaches a height of up to 1.5 m( minimum height - 1.2 m), allium purple inflorescence inflorescences in diameter up to 12 cm.

Allium Gladiator

The presented variety is similar in its characteristics to a familiar vegetable. It grows up to 1 m with inflorescences in diameter of 20 cm. The umbrella is dense, contains flowers with six petals. Allium Gladiator differs from the rest of its persistent aroma. Despite the similarity with the vegetable, this variety is whimsical in care, so it is mainly grown in the greenhouse or in the dendrarium.

Variety Gladiator is not only similar in structure and characteristics to the onion vegetable, but is also edible. Eat not the stems, but the leaves of the plant.

Allium Ivory Queen( Ivory Queen)

Allium Ivory Quin is planted in Russian gardens quite often, which is explained by their unpretentious care, as well as with a small growth - shoots reach a maximum of 35 cm. At the same time, the flower pleases with large inflorescences - up to 12 cm. Buds' color - white, milky, ivory.

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The special charm of the plant gives the green-blue tint of leaves and endless fragrance. Allium bloom begins in mid-July, the buds can be seen within a month.

Allium Giganteum or giant

The name of the flower is fully justified. The plant reaches at least 1.5 m in height, which is represented in the photo allium. Inflorescences of lilac and bright purple hue with a diameter of 8 cm. The interesting shape of the flower is a familiar star, rather small for a dense umbrella. Flowering begins in the middle or at the end of summer, florists are happy during the month.

Allium Giganteum is contrasted - its tall pillar does not “match” with the leaves. They are squat, wide and quickly turn yellow.

Allium Proud

This variety is classified as a short-growing plant, because its height reaches only 10-20 cm in height. Flower bulbs are small, no more than a pea. The inflorescences contain flowers that are more similar in shape to the usual bells. Umbrellas are loose, so flowers can be counted - there are no more than 40 of them here.

Allium Gorolyubivy grows in central Russia, blooms in late May and pleases the eyes of just 20 days.

Allium Moli

In the gardens of Russian gardeners, you can find a small plant with numerous yellow and loose umbrellas. The flower is not more than 25 cm tall, begins to bloom from late May to early June. This is Allium Moli, which pleases with unpretentious growing and the shape of yellow flowers - the usual stars.

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Allium Sativum( Sativum)

Most will be surprised, but the allium presented in the photo is garlic. From the point of view of studying plant species, this is the Allium Sativum variety, the bulbs of which are edible. Umbrellas are small in diameter and mostly contain unopened buds of white small flowers. Gradually, the flowers change their shade to gray. Flowering often stops the desire of the gardener - he just pulls out the inflorescences, collecting bulbs for practical purposes.

Allium Mixed( M ixed )

Breeders are actively using the considered flower for the breeding of new varieties. Here and Allium Mixed is one of the results of the creative activity of specialists, called the Stunted Mix. The plant really reaches a height of no more than 25 cm.

Mixed is chosen by those growers who like to create landscapes with long flowering in their beds. This artificially bred variety blooms from June to August, unlike other varieties that can hold flowers for a maximum of 25-27 days.

Peculiarities of home care

If there is a desire to plant the presented decorative flower with the presumptive use of certain varieties in food, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of self-cultivation at home. Here are the following features of planting and care:

  1. Selecting a landing site. These are extremely dry places with lots of light. There are some varieties that can withstand the shadow, but the brightness of umbrellas depends on the lighting. Therefore, it is better to choose places that are under sunlight most of the time.
  2. Landing. Plant bulbs should be in autumn - from September to October. The soil should be fertile and loose. To do this, you can add a little sand while digging. For the best habituation of the bulbs, it is recommended to add mineral fertilizers suitable for bulbous plants. Planting is carried out in pre-prepared wells with a depth of 2 bulb diameter. The distance between the holes is at least 30 cm.
  3. Care. Allium needs to be watered as the topsoil dries. Since the plant is a bulbous, a large amount of moisture is detrimental to it. During cultivation it is enough to weed the planted area and loosen the ground.
  4. Feeding. The flower during its growth and flowering must be fertilized 3 times. The first time in the spring, as soon as the first shoots appear. This should be a special mineral fertilizer. During flowering for fertilizing choose compositions intended for flowering plants. In the autumn phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied. Wood ash is also recommended to add to the soil during planting bulbs in the fall.
  5. Reproduction. The bulbous flower propagates only by the daughter bulbs. They are separated from the main, and then planted in a closed ground until next fall. Over the year, the bulb will grow and gain strength. Landing is also carried out in the winter.
  6. Diseases and pests. The flower is susceptible to fungal diseases - powdery mildew or neck rot. Often this happens if the dug bulbs were kept at home during the winter is wrong. The disease is quickly transferred to healthy bulbs - they become softer and crack. To plant them into the ground is unacceptable. To avoid infection, the bulbs are kept at a temperature of +40 for 112 hours. From pests produce onion flies, moths and spider mites. If relevant traces appear on the plants, it is necessary to use chlorophos solution.
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Allium is a perennial plant that can be in the gardener's grower for 5 years. Digging bulbs every winter is not necessary. The beauty presented in the photo of Allium inspires independent cultivation, which even a novice grower can handle. If there are notes of doubt, you can try to plant low-growing varieties at home. After flowering, the bulbs can be taken out of the ground, wrapped each separately in a newspaper and put into the refrigerator. In the autumn it is allowed to plant them in open ground in compliance with the recommendations presented above.

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