Diversify your meal with fish casserole


“The Tsar wishes to eat,” exclaimed Theophilus, and invited the guests to the table. In the famous movie for dinner served various dishes, among which was a fish casserole. This exquisite dish was known not only by Russian cooks of antiquity. It won the hearts of people all over the world. Having tasted the food once, many amazing sensations that I wanted to repeat again and again. This unique delicate taste, when pieces of fish melt into the mouth with intoxication, cannot be forgotten throughout the day. Therefore, at the thought of a delicious dinner, fish casserole comes to mind. What is the secret of wonderful food? The answer lies in the method of preparation and selection of products.

To get a dietary meal, use lean white meat. Red fish makes the meal nourishing and gives it a spicy look.

Royal cuisine with red fish

When you want to cook something new and unusual, you can try a simple Asian dish. It will take literally half an hour, and the aftertaste will remain for the whole day. It consists of the following components:

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  • 0.5 kg salmon;
  • 2 zucchini( preferably without seeds);
  • 2 carrots;
  • bulb;
  • coconut( milk);
  • ginger;
  • fish broth;
  • seasoning( curry, laurel, coriander);
  • garlic( 1 clove);
  • salt.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Fresh salmon fillet is boiled for 5 minutes in salted water with an onion and bay leaf.
  2. Carrots and courgettes are cut into strips or grated on a coarse grater.
  3. Garlic, chopped ginger and spices are put into the fish broth.
  4. When it boils, pour coconut milk. Mix well with a wooden spoon. Give time to infuse.
  5. At the bottom of a special form lay out straws from zucchini and carrots.
  6. Vegetables are carpeted with chopped salmon. On top of the dish is poured coconut broth with spices.
  7. Fish Casserole is placed in a preheated oven at 200 ° C.After 20 minutes, the royal food is served on the table.

Salmon can be replaced by another type of marine fish, the main thing is to remove all the bones from it. This can be done by hand or kitchen tweezers.

Delicious gourmet dish

An excellent appetizer for the dinner table can please not only adults, but also fastidious children. A surprisingly simple recipe for fish casseroles in the oven, many use to diversify the diet. Just take the following list of ingredients:

  • salmon fillet;
  • soft potato varieties;
  • large onion;
  • milk( can be homemade);
  • cream;
  • oil;
  • hard cheese( "Parmesan");
  • chicken eggs;
  • spinach;
  • Spices;
  • salt.

Experienced chefs add a little mustard to the casserole. It helps to hide the peculiar smell of fish.

The instruction for making a fish casserole consists of the following processes:

  1. Potatoes are peeled with a sharp knife. They are washed in a spacious container, cut in the same pieces, put into a pan and cook until ready.
  2. When it is cooked, drain the liquid. Add butter, salt and milk. Thoroughly knead, until the consistency of soft mashed potatoes.
  3. In a frying pan, fry the finely chopped onion in butter until brown.
  4. Next put the spinach( you can even frozen, if any) and fry for 5 minutes.
  5. Fillet is cut into miniature cubes, salt, and spices are added. After that lay out on the bottom of the portion form. Fish covered with fried onions and spinach.
  6. For sauce, low-fat cream( about 100 g), mixed with eggs. Put in a mixture of salt, pepper and whisk hand whisk.
  7. Fish stuffed with cream sauce. Put potato mash on top of it. The dish is sent to the oven.
  8. Grated cheese mixed with cream.5 minutes before readiness, the food is taken out of the oven, covered with cheese filling and then sent back to the oven.
  9. When the cooked fish casserole has cooled, it is served for dinner.

To make the dish look attractive, the top layer of mashed potatoes is smeared with a beaten raw egg.

A simple dish for students of

If it is expensive for someone to prepare salmon dishes, cooks offer to try a budget casserole of minced fish. To create it, you need the following components:

  • potatoes;
  • fish or minced meat;
  • large onion;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • tomato paste or fresh tomatoes;
  • Spices;
  • salt.
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Easy way to cook a dish:

  1. First of all - peel potatoes, thoroughly wash, put on the fire and boil.
  2. The onion is peeled and chopped into small pieces.
  3. Prepare minced hake, cod, pollock or mackerel. First, carefully remove the insides, fins, tail and all bones. The carcass is passed through a meat grinder, to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  4. Chopped onion mixed with minced meat, add spices, salt, tomato paste or tomatoes and fry a little in a frying pan.
  5. Put slices of boiled potatoes on a baking dish. Next, cover it with minced meat. The next layer is potatoes and mince again.
  6. Beat eggs with a fork, add milk and mix with a blender. Then the sauce is pepper and salt. The resulting product is covered with the top layer of the dish.
  7. The oven is heated to 180 ° C.Put the dish in it and bake about 40 minutes.10 minutes before full readiness, the dish is covered with cheese, grated on a coarse grater. Served with fresh herbs.

Fishmeat casserole in the oven will be more appetizing if you use the original baking dish( in the shape of a heart or a beast).

Tasty delicacy from yesterday's products

In our difficult time, when prices inexorably stretch upward, I want to save money. Therefore, do not throw away food left over from dinner. Fish dish with rice can become an exquisite dish of yesterday's products, if you include a little imagination.

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The required set of ingredients:

  • fish of marine origin( salmon, hake, pink salmon);
  • boiled rice;
  • butter;
  • milk;
  • flour( several spoons for sauce);
  • cheese( can be "Parmesan");
  • green peas( frozen or canned);
  • dill and onion feathers;
  • lemon for juice;
  • salt and spices.

Cooking steps:

  1. First prepare the bechamel sauce. In a small saucepan, melt a piece of butter and mix it with two tablespoons of flour. Next, pour in a thin stream of milk and boil until thickened.
  2. Sea fish is cut into strips or cubes( as such, during baking, it will not disintegrate).Mixed with green peas, finely chopped onions and dill. Pour on top of lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  3. At the bottom of the form, pour a portion of bechamel sauce. A piece of boiled rice is put into it. Next, a layer of fish. Bechamel again. Repeat the process several times.
  4. Bake the dish for 30 minutes in the oven. Served cold.

If you put some grated cheese in milk sauce, it will turn out with excellent taste. Accordingly, the casserole will be much more appetizing.

Video-recipe for cooking fish casserole of pollock

Amazing dish of a multicooker

Casserole has long been a favorite dish of ordinary citizens. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more new recipes of this dish appear. Preparing a fish casserole in a slow cooker is very easy if you follow the guidance of experienced chefs.

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First of all, the following ingredients are selected:

  • white fish fillet;
  • potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • chicken egg;
  • white bread;
  • oil of vegetable character;
  • Spices;
  • salt.

The step-by-step path to the goal consists of the following actions:

  1. Wash potatoes and carrots thoroughly under running water and cook in a slow cooker for 20 minutes.
  2. Ready-made vegetables are sown in a colander to cool. Then they are peeled and rubbed on a grater with a large base. The chips are mixed and divided into two parts.
  3. White bread cut into slices. Soaked in milk.
  4. The fish is washed well, folded onto a kitchen board to dry. Crush using a blender to obtain a homogeneous slurry.
  5. Bread is mixed with minced meat, salted and spices are added to taste.
  6. At the bottom of the multicooker spread a bowl of vegetables. On it is a layer of fish mixed with bread. Top potatoes and carrots. Top smeared with beaten egg.
  7. Close the pan with a lid, install the program. Prepare a potato casserole with fish for 35 minutes. Spread the food in layers, decorating with a fresh sprig of basil.

In order to emphasize the taste of fish, it is desirable to additionally casserole to fill with nutmeg, rosemary and a mixture of peppers.

Video recipe for cooking fish casserole with cauliflower

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