How to cook at home classic pizza

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If you have left the rest of various sausages and cheese in the fridge after the festive party, you can quickly make the pasty into the pastry in the fridge after the holiday meal. The recipe is quite simple and even a newcomer to the kitchen can handle it.

As usual, the basis for the pizza is the yeast dough and the filling, which everyone chooses to his own taste.

Features of making dough for pizza

For the dough, you first need to make a sponge:

  • yeast( dry, 1 sachet) pour it into a container;
  • pour a little sugar( not more than 0.5 tsp), mix;
  • pour dry mixture with warm water( 50 g);
  • break the lumps with a spoon and set aside so that the yeast comes up a little.

Yeast according to any recipe must be dissolved in warm water, but in no case in hot.

Pour the flour( 2 tbsp.) And half a teaspoon of salt into a separate bowl. Gradually add the yeast base, gently knead the dough. It turns out quite a tight mass - it's not scary, the dough will "separate" and become soft. Knead the dough and form a ball. If necessary, add more flour - the dough should be elastic, uniform, without lumps and cracks.

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The dough is well lubricated on all sides with olive oil and put in a warm place so that it fits.

Pizza Stuffing

In order for the pizza to turn out juicy, it is recommended to add tomato sauce to its composition. The recipe for its preparation is also not difficult:

  • cut 1 small onion;
  • finely chop three garlic cloves;
  • slightly fry onion with garlic in butter;
  • add tomato paste( 100 g) to them and heat for a few minutes without water, then add liquid in such quantity that a thick sauce is obtained;
  • put seasonings: laurel, fresh or dried basil, sugar( 1-2 tablespoons), ground pepper and salt to taste;
  • protome sauce 20 minutes.
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Forming pizza

Prepare a baking sheet and roll out a thin layer of dough according to its size. Grease a form or put parchment, put the dough and smooth it again. Place the baking tray in the preheated oven for 2 minutes to raise the dough slightly.

Now it's time to start laying out the filling. Pour the dough in the oven richly with cooked sauce, put the thinly sliced ​​sausage on top and sprinkle with hard cheese. If desired, you can put fresh tomatoes.

To make the cheese in pizza stretch, it is better to use a mixture of two varieties: cheese with a solid structure like parmesan and mozzarella. Hard cheese grate, and soft, you can just chop finely.

Put the pizza in the oven for a quarter of an hour until a golden crust appears. Last but not least, put greens on the ready-made pizza.

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Cooking Delicious Delicious Pizza at Home - Video

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