Step-by-step recipes for caviar from the pumpkin for the winterIn the raw juice all the beneficial substances are stored completely.
Prepare viburnum and separate it from the seed. Determine its volume, for example, using a liter jar and pour the juice into the pan.
Stainless steel or enameled utensils are suitable for cooking jam.
Pour into the pan the amount of sugar equal in volume to the juice. Stir the sugar until completely dissolved.
In order to speed up the process, the berry mass is slightly heated on a small fire, not boiling. When the sugar is dissolved, jam from viburnum is poured into sterile jars, sealed. Store in a cool place.
Recipe for
Honey Lovers
In this recipe, viburnum jam is prepared for the winter without sugar - with honey. The berries are washed, dried, cleaned from twigs and bones. Scroll in a blender to give uniformity and mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 0.5.Honey is added in small portions, mixed thoroughly and tasted. When the jam seems sweet enough, it is stirred again and poured into clean cans and twisted with lids. Stored viburnum jam with honey in a cold place.
Kalinovy cake from skins and bones should not be thrown away. It is added to the compotes or make extremely useful viburnum oil.
The following recipe is for those who do not really like the viburnum flavor, but you want to stock up on a useful preparation.
Read also: Delicious Peach Jam
Viburnum Jam with Lemon and Vanilla
A subtle citrus scent and vanilla flavor turn boiled viburnum juice into an exquisite dessert. This jam is perfect for cheesecakes, for cottage cheese pies or as a layer for cakes. For the preparation we need:
- 1 kg of viburnum;
- 0.8 kg of sugar;
- 0.5 liters of water;
- 1 ripe lemon;
- vanilla sugar to taste.
Boil syrup from sugar and water and leave to cool. In the meantime, prepare the berries - sort, wash and separate the bones. Wash the lemon, dry it, cut off the zest with a sharp knife and chop it. Squeeze juice from lemon. Combine viburnum juice with syrup and set on fire. Boil the viburnum jam until thickened, stirring regularly with a wooden spatula. Five minutes before readiness, put crushed zest and vanilla into the berry mass. When hot, pour the product into sterile cans and roll. Stored billet without a refrigerator.
For inexperienced housewives, we prepared a video of making jam from viburnum: