Sparaxis, as a decoration of landscapesIt fills the site with a riot of colors and brings a special touch to the landscape design. Planting and caring for sparaxis in the open field requires a special approach and certain knowledge, since its homeland is South African countries and the plant is supposed to create conditions close to nature. Characteristics of the plant
Sparaxis is classified as a deciduous form. The plant has a bulbous root system, long fleshy leaves, reaching a height of 90-100 cm with spikelet above. The foliage is dark green in color, with a wiry structure. The flowering period is in May-June. Sparaxis flowers have a bright color with a contrasting core and pestle in the middle, the flower diameter is about 5 cm. At the end of August or in the first decade of September, the plant dries and drops the foliage, leaving only underground tubers. Gardeners have 20 varieties. In temperate climates, in order to plant and care for sparaxis in the open field, varieties that are most adapted to the given weather conditions are selected.
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The flower is quite whimsical and demanding, it is preferable to grow it in the southern regions. For example, if you plant sparaxis in the open field in the suburbs, then to achieve violent flowering is quite difficult. The flower prefers sunny open areas, reliably protected from the wind. When disembarking, a light substrate is selected, providing good drainage, for which small gravel or expanded clay is used. For better growth, it is recommended to add some sand and organic fertilizer to the selected soil. The bulbs are placed in a planting hole of 8-10 cm, keeping a distance of 10-15 cm.
To grow a beautiful flower, you need to know when to plant sparaxis in open ground. Under moderate weather conditions, disembarking takes place in late March, early April. In the southern edges can be planted seedlings in the autumn. Caring for sparaxis in the fall includes digging up the tubers after they have fully bloomed to plant in the spring. For this tubers:
- Cleared from the ground.
- Dry well.
- They are placed in a box and poured with straw.
After that, the container is placed in a room with a temperature regime of 8-9 degrees heat.
Before planting in the soil in early spring, flower bulbs should be placed in a place with a temperature of 25-27 degrees. This will enable the plant to quickly take root and grow.
In the south, you should not dig up the tubers. For this cut flower should be well covered with sawdust or fallen leaves. In the spring, the flooring is removed and a small part of the humus is introduced into the soil. How is planting and care for sparaxis in the open field in spring is described below.
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Planting and caring for spraxis in the Urals
As the southern plant in this region when it is grown, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions:
- Wait for steady warm weather.
- Plant tubers only in well-warmed land.
- Choose a good lighting.
- For the winter, it is imperative to dig out the bulbs.
- Water regularly.
The same prescriptions are supposed to be followed when planting and caring for sparaxis in Siberia. Many experts advise in colder climates for good growth and abundant flowering to plant flowers in greenhouses. This will allow the plant to feel comfortable and constantly enjoy bright colors.
The plant is moisture-loving, so it needs regular watering.
When planting and caring for sparaxis in open ground, it should be watered often, and in no case should moisture be left to stand, this can lead to the death of the roots.
It is also possible to spray in strong heat, but this should be done only in the early morning or in the evening, in order not to provoke a burn. During the rest period, watering is reduced.
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In order to form new shoots, we regularly remove dry inflorescences and foliage. In addition, the flower requires monthly feeding. It is carried out with the help of mineral fertilizers, spreading 20 g of the mixture into a bucket of water. It is desirable to occasionally loosen the soil where the plant grows, and produce weeding.
Sparaxis, as a decoration of landscapes
Excellent decorative properties of the flower allow it to be used in the design of gardens, parks, country sites. With his help, create original compositions, combining with other plantations.
Sparaxis gets on well with lawn, dwarf trees and shrubs, grass, covering the soil. Also, some types are placed in pots and flowerpots for flowers, used in the design of balconies, loggias, decorate rock gardens, etc.