In the spring its bushes are covered with hats of white flowers, in summer they are pleased with lush greenery. By the fall, ripen clusters of bright shiny berries, which taste good and very useful. Today, large shrubs of this plant can be seen not only in the wild. Viburnum has many admirers among summer residents, the culture is used in urban gardening, grown for the production of medicinal raw materials.
The healing properties of viburnum have long been noticed by man and have been used in traditional medicine for many centuries. Modern research on the composition of berries and other parts of the plant has helped to fully assess its capabilities and scope.
The composition of viburnum berries and their beneficial properties
Kalina is a rare plant, all parts of which are saturated with a variety of bioactive substances.
Ripe fruits and their seeds, flowers and leaves, branches and bark are used as medicinal raw materials in folk and traditional medicine. The most extensive application in bark and berries.
The round juicy fruits of viburnum red contain:
- a wide range of carbohydrates, the main among which are fructose and glucose;
- polysaccharides;
- carotene;
- ascorbins;
- pectins;
- organic acids;
- triterpenoids;
- tanning agents;
- flavanoids;
- bitterness;
- essential oil;
- minerals with a predominance of potassium salts.
The seeds inside the fruit are also not without beneficial properties and valuable components, the main ones being fatty acids. Becoming red at the end of summer or at the beginning of September, the fruits are technically ready for harvest, however at this time sharp bitter and tart notes prevail in their taste.
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In order to really feel the charm and useful properties of viburnum berries, they are harvested after the first frost, and then pickled, dried, frozen. For therapeutic purposes, on the basis of berries, decoctions and infusions are prepared, make lotions, rinses, ointments and compresses.
Delicious fruits are loved by cooks. Berries make marmalade, liqueurs and wines, boil kissel, use as a filling for pies and an additive for sauerkraut.
Due to the content of minerals, vitamins, beneficial for the body, organic acids and sugars, as well as other components, fresh fruits and products based on them are used as:
- is an excellent general tonic in the prevention of respiratory diseases and seasonal viral infections;
- sweatshop in case of heat;
- mild natural laxative;
- antiedematous and diuretic in diseases of the kidneys and liver, metabolic disorders and the desire to get rid of extra pounds;
- soothing, antipruritic for dermatitis;
- wound-healing drug.
Fruits of Viburnum have the ability to stimulate heartbeat, relieve cramps and spasms, reduce inflammation. Among the therapeutic properties of Viburnum red is the ability to gently soothe, improving sleep and increasing efficiency.
By activating viburnum berries in the menu, you can stabilize and return to normal acidity in the stomach and intestines. Fruits help excrete toxins from the body, reduce cholesterol levels and counteract the development of atherosclerosis.
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Traditional medicine recommends viburnum as a means of combating stomach and liver diseases, as well as an antitumor drug for cancer problems. Cosmetologists value viburnum and its fruits as a safe opportunity to lighten pigment spots, freckles and face in general.
The anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and soothing properties of Viburnum are used for acne.
Viburnum bark: useful properties and composition of
Viburnum bark is no less valuable medicinal raw materials. Compared to fruits, it contains less carbohydrates, but it is rich in:
- resins;
- organic acids that make up the essential oil;
- alkaloids;
- saponins;
- tannins and other bioactive substances.
The maximum amount of nutrients in the bark of viburnum red accumulates by May. At this time, it is collected and dried. For medicinal purposes, decoctions, water and alcohol infusions are made from this plant raw material, which adopt the following properties of the bark:
- is soothing, sedative, hypotensive;
- antispasmodic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- wound healing.
For gynecological problems, the cortex helps to reduce discomfort during menstruation and menopause, reduce the intensity or stop uterine bleeding. A decoction of bark used in hemorrhoids, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
During stress, depression, or vice versa, neurotic states accompanied by increased excitability, the infusion of viburnum bark has a calming effect. Useful properties of viburnum and its bark are indispensable:
- with high blood pressure;
- in diabetes mellitus;
- during catarrhal respiratory diseases, accompanied by cough, sore throat, rhinitis;
- with gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontal disease as mouth rinses;
- in atherosclerosis.
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The presence of tannins, organic acids and vitamins make viburnum bark useful in treating many inflammatory and infectious processes on the skin.
Kalina red: contraindications to the use of
With considerable health benefits of viburnum, the harm from its incorrect or excessive use can be very significant.
Bioactive substances that all parts of a medicinal plant are rich in can worsen health or lead to complications of the disease:
- with hypotension, causing an even greater reduction in blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, nausea and other unpleasant consequences;
- during pregnancy, increasing the tone of the uterus and stimulating preterm labor;
- in the presence of a tendency to allergies and individual intolerance to viburnum;
- for urolithiasis;
- for gout and arthritis;
- with increased blood clotting rate and risk of thrombosis;
- during acute gastritis or peptic ulcer.
With a lot of useful properties of viburnum contraindications to its use should not be neglected, especially in such crucial moments as pregnancy, the postpartum period, breastfeeding.
During breastfeeding, fresh viburnum berries and bark-based preparations can be used only with the permission of a physician. Due to the high activity of natural medicine is not recommended to give children infants and young children.
Interesting about Kalina red - video