CareElegant green twigs not only decorate the composition, but are used in cutting by florists and decorators. The genus asparagus donated tropics, in the form of shrubs and vines. Belong to plants in the family of asparagus. In total, there are up to 300 species, at times not at all alike. At home, used asparagus, unpretentious to the conditions of the content of varieties. Asparagus care at home
Asparagus and ferns are sometimes confused because of the similarity of the structure of the ground part. Most varieties do not have leaves in their usual form. They are reborn in needles. The structure of these parts is a leaf, turned into scales, from which needles, cladonia. This is the same kind of escape, like a frond in a fern. Scales, in fact, are leaves. An adult plant becomes 5-6 year, then it can bloom and produce seeds enclosed in poisonous berries.
Some types of asparagus are used to produce high-end food, asparagus. In food use shoots of asparagus ordinary, specially cultivated for food use. In Germany, one fifth of the agricultural land is occupied by asparagus plantations, the sprouts of which are manually dug out from the topsoil in the spring.
Breeding asparagus at home is an exciting experience. The flower is relatively unpretentious, but there are certain requirements, without fulfilling which you can get not openwork bush, but bare twigs.
- Lighting should be sufficient, but without direct sunlight. Covering the southern window with tulle is not enough, the plant should be moved back to a distance. Therefore, it is ideal to use asparagus in a hanging or wall composition. In low light the leaves turn yellow and fall off.
- The winter temperature of maintenance at home should not fall below 10, summer comfort can be reached at 22-24 0. Higher in dry air needles will start to dry out. In this case, you need to spray the plant more often.
- Humidity is a necessary condition for the existence of all varieties. To dry a clod of earth means to destroy the plant. Watering is sufficient and regular, spraying in the summer at least twice a day. A humidifier or a pan with evaporating moisture from porous materials is required. In winter, depending on the temperature of the content, spraying may be rare.
- Asparagus is a good air purifier from harmful impurities, but does not like drafts.
- Transplants are frequent, but the best way is transshipment.
- In case of violation of agricultural practices, the cladonia will give a signal by changing the appearance.
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Content rules are important and are common to the entire species, for each variety of asparagus agrotechnology has its own characteristics.
When purchasing a home flower, you should be familiar with the features in the care of a particular variety of asparagus. In room dilution, asparagus is the most common:
- asparagus;
- pinnate;
- the thinnest;
- Meier;
- densely flowered or Sprenger;
- crescent.
Not all are listed, only the most common varieties, but they are much more. With good care, asparagus grown by you may look like the photo in the article.
Asparagus Cirrus
Delicate openwork green in the form of needles resembles a veil. In this plant, everything is elegant, thin needles, numerous ramifications, creating a falling stream. Care for feathery asparagus is not difficult.
It must be remembered that it can not stand the sun's rays, immediately becomes covered with spots. Spray, water the plant often. This variety is demanding to the soil, it should be prepared on the basis of peat, be light, acidic. The best composition of the substrate for transplantation, composed of equal parts: peat
- ;
- sand;
- leaf and sod land;
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The plant is used in gardening office and residential premises, but in the bedroom it does not belong, like other lianoobraznymi. Feather asparagus reproduces when seated, dividing rhizomes, grows rapidly. Asparagus plumosus Nanus is most suitable for indoor gardening. Drying the plant will lead to its death.
Asparagus Meier
Asparagus Meier is particularly compact and the beauty of its bristles resembling candles. Each shoot separately resembles a dishwashing brush. The plant produces such "candles" more than half a meter in length, grows very quickly and requires an annual spring transplant. This plant does not like pruning. You can propagate by dividing the bush and seeds. Compared with feathery, asparagus Meier is unpretentious, tolerates a temporary drought, but does not tolerate insecticides. Therefore, to destroy it pests can only folk remedies.
Asparagus crescent-shaped home care
A native of Africa, this flower in its homeland produces vines up to 15 m long. Under room conditions, its growth is much more modest. However, its growth still reaches 5 meters, so often this species is grown in greenhouses and botanical gardens. It blooms with small white flowers, clustered in clusters, which have a pleasant smell. This plant does not require special care, it is content to change every few years. On hot days, caring for asparagus sickle at home is often watering and moistening the leaves. Transplantation combined with reproduction. In addition, this species of aspargus is well propagated by cuttings and seeds. The soil for the plant must be prepared slightly acidic, based on peat and leaf humus.
Asparagus the densely flowered
Another name for this plant is Asparagus Sprenger, which care at home does not cause any particular difficulties. This is an evergreen shrub with long shoots that fall under its weight gently. The length of these arrows, depending on the conditions of detention, can reach almost two meters. It blooms twice a year with small flowers, fruits - red berries that are poisonous.
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This plant is thermophilic and the temperature of the content in winter should not fall below 15 degrees. For Sprenger is not scary sunlight. Getting into the shade, the plant pulls shoots and become less decorative. The soil for this variety needs a neutral or slightly alkaline very fertile. Watering plentiful, but in winter with a decrease in temperature, moderate. Caring for asparagus Sprenger eliminates pruning, it will stop its growth.
The plant is responsive to fertilizing with fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season. This is the only variety of indoor, which is just happy in direct sunlight.
Signs of Asparagus Development Disorder
Each plant has signals that report trouble. For this is the general condition of the rastishki. An experienced grower will be able to notice the signal in time and quickly take action:
- fall off the needles and turn yellow, which means that the water balance is disturbed;
- needles darken and turn brown from the bright color and dry ground;
- appeared bright spots - not protected from the sun's rays;
- turned green - add light, you can artificial;
- wilted bush, look for the cause in the roots;
- berries dressed in gray bloom, settled gray rot.
Knowing the disease, it is easy to eliminate. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor your pets, and they will ask for help themselves. You can not miss the moment of settling on the asparagus insect pests. Everything is terrible, but the spider mite is the most dangerous, which is difficult to remove with home remedies, and asparaguses do not like being chemically affected by their tender needles.
Asparagus Transfer - Video