How to grow at home bonsai Sakura

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Bonsai Sakura in natural conditions can reach large sizes. With proper care, it will be placed in a small pot, while remaining an exact copy of Japanese cherry. Sakura is a recognized symbol of East Asia, the flowering of which is accompanied by national holidays. A reduced reproduction of such a tree is possible to grow at home, but this process is lengthy and painstaking.

Description variety

Japanese Sakura Bonsai is an ornamental tree that easily takes root in a house. It is resistant to increased air pollution in the room, but requires good light and daily watering.

Sakura is valued for unusual flowers, in bonsai they reach 1 cm in diameter. In nature, they are bright pink in color, but artificially bred varieties with red, green, purple and other colors can be purchased. Individual flowers are collected in inflorescences.

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How to grow a tree from seeds

Growing bonsai sakura from seeds at home is difficult, but possible. You need to prepare for the process in advance and be patient. In terms of formation of bonsai is not inferior to ordinary trees, and you can get a full-fledged home garden in 10-20 years, subject to daily care.

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Bonsai sakura seeds can be purchased at specialty stores. It is better to take more seeds, because the percentage of germination and survival is quite low. You need to be prepared for the fact that only 1-2 seeds out of 10 will turn into full-fledged trees. There is a specific algorithm for preparing and planting bonsai sakura at home:

  1. Seeds are scarified( punctured) to speed up the germination process. A day before sowing, they should be placed in water at room temperature.
  2. Next, the seeds are placed in a slightly moistened soil, deepening by 0.5 - 1 cm.
  3. In order to germinate, the seeds of the bonsai sakura must undergo a stratification, which will imitate the natural winter conditions. The container is covered with foil and sent to the refrigerator for 2 months.
  4. After this time, the seeds continue to germinate at room temperature and good light, maintaining a constant soil moisture.

When the seeds begin to germinate, they must dive - transplant into a new ground. If the seedlings are placed in a common container, the distance between them should not exceed 10 cm. It is best to plant the plants in separate bonsayers - special flat pots.

You should consult with the seller how to grow bonsai sakura from seeds. Different varieties have their own preferences for soil, fertilizing or watering. Together with the seeds you need to purchase all the necessary equipment and learn in advance about the rules of care for dwarf trees.

Rules for the care of bonsai

Those who managed to grow a full-fledged bonsai tree at home are recognized - the plant is very capricious and requires daily care. Particular attention is paid to the mode of irrigation. In summer, a bonsai needs half a glass of water a day, otherwise it can quickly die from drought. In winter, it can be watered less often. No less important is the illumination in the room. Bonsaynitsa located in the brightest areas, protected from drafts.

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Bonsai are grown in flat pots up to 20 cm in diameter so that the root system does not have the opportunity to grow. Plant transplantation is carried out annually, shortening the roots as necessary. The choice of soil should be taken responsibly - Sakura grows well in soils with a high content of nitrogen, humus and potassium. Organic fertilizers are applied to the ground approximately one month before planting, and nitrogen fertilizers are added directly along with the seedlings.

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When growing bonsai sakura, you can shape the crown arbitrarily using improvised means. The trunk of a young tree is fixed with wire or stretching. When the plant reaches 25-30 cm in height, the main shoot is cut so that the crown grows in breadth. After flowering, you can prune side shoots, thus changing the direction of their growth. Rhizome shorten with each transplant to prevent the growth of the tree in height.

. Another way to restrain plant growth is to apply horizontal cuts to the bark. The juice will be extracted from them, which will weaken the bonsai and leave it dwarfed.

There are many varieties of crown bonsai sakura. You can leave the main trunk straight, and you can form unusual bends. If it is right to withstand the technology of cultivation and devote a small amount of time to the plant every day, it will bloom with decorative flowers every spring.

How to Grow Bonsai - Video

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