Graceful multi-colored anemones - landing and competent care

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How nice to watch thousands of beautiful flowering plants around you, filling the earth. Among them stands out for its bright color - anemone. This is a gentle perennial garden flower. Its name comes from the Greek word "anemos", which means wind. In the people the flower is called an anemone because of its delicate petals, which react even to a weak whiff of the wind.

Anemone is a perennial plant, the inflorescences of which come in various shapes and colors. It looks wonderful in the company of other garden plants and on the background of decorative stones. To please yourself with these flowers, it is advisable to get to know them better.

Simple ways to plant anemones

In nature, there are a huge number of varieties of anemones. Some of them require careful maintenance, others are completely unpretentious. The difference is due to the fact that these plants are tuberous or rhizomatous.

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In accordance with careful observations of color lovers, the rhizome planting and care of anemones does not require special attention. In addition, these flowers tolerate the winter comfortably.

Before you plant a graceful garden beauty, you should choose the right place. To protect the delicate petals from the summer heat, it is better to find a slightly shaded area. Here, the anemone will receive enough light and heat for proper growth.

If she finds herself in an unprotected area, the petals lose their color and fall to the ground. In a dark place, flowers bloom later and they are much smaller.

Since there are many different types of anemone, the requirements for lighting, irrigation and soil composition vary significantly. But such universal conditions are suitable for any kind:

  • is a slightly shaded part of the garden;
  • reliable quality drainage;
  • loose fertile land.

These principles will help to grow unfamiliar varieties of plants for beginners flower lovers.

To create a suitable soil, you can add a small amount of sand. This will loosen it and provide excellent air circulation. In addition, this soil does not trap moisture, which contributes to the prosperity of the plant.

When the place for planting is ready, you should choose a method of growing anemones in open ground and care for it. The easiest is sowing seeds. This method is used extremely rarely, since it is not always effective. According to the observations of gardeners, only a small part of the sown seeds germinates. And even if they are fresh. However, such a method exists.

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Sow seeds in small holes. This will help delicate stalks rise above the ground and strengthen. The soil should be porous and loose.

If you sow anemone in the fall, the seedlings will appear at the beginning of spring. When spring or summer planting - sprouts spit in a month. During this period, you should wisely water them so as not to overdo it. Due to excessive moisture, the plant may die.

Care and planting of anemones in the open field in a vegetative way is widely used by experienced gardeners. To do this, take the rhizomes or tubers. Then they are neatly divided into parts. Each must leave 2 or 3 buds. Subsequently, they will become the crown of an elegant garden flower.

If you are wondering when to plant anemones in the fall or spring, the breeding method should be considered. Just a variant of rhizome division is best done in the spring. During this period, the plant is full of strength and responds easily to such a radical procedure.

It is much more difficult to grow these plants using tubers. To do this, before planting, they are filled with warm water. Being in fluid, planting material increases in volume. It has a beneficial effect on the rate of germination of anemone in the open field.

Another option for preparing tubers is to wrap in a cloth or polyethylene for several hours. Then you can proceed to disembark. It is also important to take into account the rules of how to plant anemones in the fall.

The top of the tuber is always flat, so it should be placed in the hole with a sharp tip down. At the bottom of the pit is placed a mixture of humus with wood ash, which serves as a starting dressing. Then spread planting tubers at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Top sprinkled with earth, slightly pressing down.

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Wash with clean water. Planting of anemones in the fall in the ground is made to a depth of 3 to 7 cm.

To prevent the tubers from turning over in the hole, they must be fixed. One option is mulching.

Competent care for the garden beauty

Who does not like the garden, decorated with colorful anemones, of which there are more than 20 types of varieties. Although in nature there are much more of them - about 170 species, garden hybrids require careful maintenance.

Virtually all anemone plants are perennial plants. But they have different resistance to cold. Given this fact, it is worth thinking about whether it is necessary to dig up anemones for the winter so that they do not die.

Most often, the life force of a plant is stored in thick rhizomes and delicate tubers. They are the planting material of flowers in early spring or autumn.

Depending on the weather conditions of the area in which the anemone grows, the time of their extraction from the ground is different. Usually the suitable months are September or October. Therefore, the gardener independently decides when to dig and how to store anemones in the winter.

After removing the tubers from the soil, they are dried in a shaded area of ​​the garden. Then cut the above-ground stalks and transferred to a cool room. There they are dried for a month. For the winter they are hidden in the cellar, where they are miraculously preserved.

The specific timing of when to plant anemones depends on the climate and the properties of the plant itself. In the southern part of Russia, plants are planted in open ground, starting in April and beginning of autumn. In cooler areas, weather and air temperature should be taken into account in order to avoid freezing of the plant.

In order for the anemone to settle down after disembarking, it is necessary to provide it with competent care. It includes such important points:

  1. Gentle manual weeding of young shoots.
  2. Regular loosening of topsoil.
  3. Additional protection from cold winds and frost.
  4. Moderate watering plants.
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In addition, young flowers need feeding. Better to do it during the flowering period. If the land is fertile - once is enough.

Rhizomatal anemone can be mulched with peat and humus. The minimum layer is 5 cm.

Tuberous varieties and hybrid varieties fertilize with minerals and microelements. This approach increases the flowering period.

Proper care and planting of anemones in the suburbs gives excellent results. Rhizome species in this region grow wonderfully, so they should be thinned regularly. So they get access to light and air.

Some tuber varieties are dug for the winter. Those that remain in the ground, it is desirable to carefully insulate the fallen leaves.

Sometimes gardeners use scrap materials for shelter: coniferous spruce branches or nonwovens. Perennial plants should be rejuvenated after 3 or 5 years.

Enchanting Anemone Species

Anemone is a member of the buttercup family. Biologists classify more than 150 of its species. Having considered only some of them, you can immediately fall in love with this charming garden beauty.

Anemone tender grows in the mountainous regions of Europe and Asia Minor. She likes wet fertile soils. It is a tuberous plant. Blossoms in May about 3 weeks in blue or purple buds. It grows up to 20 cm in height. There are also white, blue and pink types of tender beauty.

Butter Anemone has a creeping rhizome. It grows rapidly, completely covering the ground. Plant height up to 25 cm. It blooms in nature with bright yellow buds in the middle of May. Cultivated varieties come with purple leaves and double petals.

Anemone oakwood grows in almost all forests of Europe. Blooms white inflorescences with a diameter of 4 centimeters. Sometimes there are pink, lilac or cream shades of petals. In its decorative form, there are more than 30 species.

Due to its attractiveness, these flowers are used for group plantings. They look cute at the foot of the bushes or near the garden paths.

Any variety of this elegant beauty will bring joy to real flower lovers.

How to grow an anemone - video

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