Recipes for preparing capers from nasturtium seeds

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On the culinary pages of sites, we increasingly began to deal with recipes for capers from nasturtium seeds. Someone leafs through this wonder, and those who are interested and tried to make capers will come back to them annually. These capers are quite expensive, but you can save money by making them at home from the nasturtium.

A bit about the nasturtium

Nasturtium is not only beautiful in appearance, but also useful. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, also iodine, potassium, phosphorus and essential oil. Tinctures and decoctions based on it have long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of influenza and immunity.

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She also became famous in cooking as an additive. To bring an unusual dish to life, you can take buds, seeds, immature fruits, even leaves. Prepare them in two ways: pickle or pickle. Marinated nasturtium is a spicy seasoning for other dishes. Seeds are pickled in various types of vinegar or simply salted. As a result, their unusual taste fits perfectly into soups, sauces, salads and sandwiches. A nasturtium seed box is suitable for capers, so some recipes for their preparation from nasturtium seeds are provided below.

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Recipe 1 - seeds of nasturtium long salting


  1. Place the dried 100 grams of seeds in a jar.
  2. Make marinade for salting. To do this, take 15 grams of salt, pour in 200 grams of wine vinegar, here add 5 pieces of black pepper. Boil the mixture.
  3. Pour marinade on the nasturtium and roll up the lid. Provisions will be ready in three months. Nasturtium capers ready.

To enhance the taste, you can add bay leaf, thyme branch, garlic cloves, and celery seeds to the billet.

Recipe 2 - seeds of nasturtium quick salting


  1. Make a salted brine( 2 tablespoons of salt, pour into about 1 liter of water) to saturate the seeds. Pour chilled pickle jar with seeds placed there for a day.
  2. Drain the liquid the next day and leave to dry completely.
  3. Prepare marinade( 4 tablespoons white wine vinegar 2 teaspoons sugar).For flavor add 2 bay leaves and a branch of thyme. Boil.
  4. Pour marinade seeds and wait for cooling. Screw the cooled nasturtium in a jar tightly with a lid and send in the refrigerator. After 3 days, the potion will be ready.

Those who wish to obtain a caper-based sauce from seeds, pickle the composition should be diluted with mayonnaise, chop the onion and pour in a little lemon juice.

Recipe 3 - Marinated Nasturtium Seeds

To marinate capers from nasturtium seeds, you need immature ingredients. Marinated nasturtium seeds are excellent as components of solyanka, fish and meat dishes. They have a peppery flavor that is why they are so popular as a spice.

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  1. Wash and dry green seeds. Place in a jar.
  2. Make marinade: 3 tbsp.spoon wine vinegar( white) pour 1 tbsp.a spoonful of salt, the same spoon of sugar, throw in 2 pieces of allspice, the same clove, a bay leaf and dilute with half a liter of water. Boil.
  3. Pour marinade with a jar of immature seeds, cover with a lid and set aside for storage.

Recipe 4 - Capers from the Unripe Nasturtium Fruit

For such a recipe, strictly green immature fruits are taken. A slight shade of yellow or white already in the recipe does not apply.


  1. Pour the fruit with salted boiling water.
  2. Boil marinade consisting of half a liter of water, 1 tbsp.tablespoons of salt and the same amount of sugar, 25 grams of vinegar.
  3. Pour marinated unripe ingredients and seal the capron lid. Store not in the refrigerator.

When preserving immature fruits, you can use 9 percent or grape vinegar instead of vinegar.

How to choose raw materials?

To prepare capers from nasturtium seeds, the Capparis plant should be studied in detail. It belongs to the family Kapersovye and is divided into two types: herbaceous and prickly. The flowers on the shrub pink or white. If we consider an immature fruit, which is used as pickled capers, it is a green small oval process, the inside of which, after maturation, takes on a scarlet shade with brown seeds. Centimeter buds of high density are considered very valuable. Such buds can be obtained only in the early morning, having been plucked from the bush, while they have not yet dismissed, to be sorted and put into action. A distinctive feature of the herbaceous caper is that its branches are not as strong as those of the spiny one. Also, the name of the prickly caper speaks for itself, because its bushes prick, thanks to the appropriate structure of the leaves. On the basis of everything, nasturtium seeds are in many respects similar to caper buds, so they can be safely interchanged and make capers from nasturtium seeds.

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