Useful properties and contraindications for the use of exotic ziphys

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Zizifus, whose useful properties and contra-indications we consider today, is a tree and belongs to the Krushin family. Also, the plant is known under the names of "unabi "jujuba "zhuzhub "Chinese date". Its dimensions reach 5-7 m in height. The distribution area covers Europe, Australia, Asia, Japan. The favorite places are the hills and mountain slopes.

With the onset of autumn from the trees collect round or elongated fruit with a glossy red-brown skin. They are fleshy, juicy and pleasant to the taste.

According to legend, the zizus grow in paradise and the names of all people living on the planet are written on its foliage. The most amazing thing is that a snake never crawls to a tree, and many people protect the plant and consider it sacred. Due to its useful properties, unabi is considered one of the most effective medicinal plants. Consider what is the benefit and harm of the jeep.

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Molecular chemistry

Zizifus is rich in useful substances. Its composition includes mineral components, such as copper, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iodine, iron, styrenes, acids of organic origin, flavonoids, vitamins (B6, C, A, B1), tannins, pectin.

As for caloric content, in 100 g of fruit contains 287 kcal. Nutritional value in 100 grams of the product is, /, / 7, g (proteins, fats and carbohydrates, respectively). But the glycemic index is very high - 110 units.

Due to the composition and useful properties of the Chinese date are determined:

  1. Protein is a building material for all types of tissues. In addition, it promotes rapid regeneration of damaged areas.
  2. Amino acids are used by the body in vital processes. So, they are necessary for the synthesis of protein, with a lack of which the body begins to age early, there are malfunctions in the work of the nervous system and the brain.
  3. Mineral components control fraudulent processes.
  4. Flavonoids not only rejuvenate the body, but also eliminate the effect of harmful radicals.
  5. Ascorbic protects immunity.
  6. Vitamins are important for the proper functioning of the whole organism.
  7. Fats are not only consumed by the body as a fuel, but also are a building material for nails, hair, skin.
  8. Organic acids control the acid-base balance.
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Beneficial features

Even in ancient China, useful properties and contra-indications of the ziphysus were described. It is talked about as a gift to people with heart problems, indicates a beneficial effect on the digestive, blood and nervous systems.

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The most important therapeutic property of a plant is the ability to lower blood pressure. Therefore, it is actively used in hypertensive disease. True, the fruits should be eaten according to the course.

Scientists have found that unabi not only strengthens the immune system, but also helps nursing mothers in the production of milk.

Decoction of the ziphyphus is recommended for insomnia, severe sweating, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, neuralgia.

The Chinese date zizifus helps to eliminate toxins and cholesterol from the body.


The prepared infusion has a healing property, so it is well used in the treatment of ulcers, old wounds. Also, the infusion can be used as a mouthwash, a fortifying agent for the hair.

Well established Chinese dates in the fight against diarrhea or constipation, as well as with gastrointestinal problems, in particular gastritis.

Prepared ointments based on medicinal fruits, as well as decoctions, can be used to treat purulent wounds, skin ulcers, burns, cuts.

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Due to its diuretic properties, unabi is a diuretic, so it is often prescribed to cleanse the kidneys or enter into the diet of those who want to lose weight.

Only to consume fruits is necessary in small quantities because of the high content of natural sugars.

Zizifus is an effective tool for the treatment and prevention of the liver, cardiovascular system, cancer, respiratory system.

For medicinal purposes, all parts of the plant are used: fruits, roots, leaves and even bones.


Despite the mass of useful properties of the ziphysus, contraindications and harm are also present. So, it categorically can not be used for hypotension. Also it is not recommended to drink broths or eat fruits to pregnant women. Like the whole vegetable world, unabi can be intolerable by the body itself. Therefore, to start treatment or eat berries you need from small doses. If everything is in order, you can increase the dosage.

Now you know what a useful zizifus. Having learned to prepare various medicinal drugs from the ziphys, one can not only enjoy the taste of juicy fruits, but also improve their health.

Video about the benefits of ziphys

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