Gasoline generator: which one is better to choose for a summer residence?

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Out-of-town life today attracts many, but being in the bosom of nature, newly-born holiday-makers collide with frequent power outages and or its complete absence. The same trouble is familiar to new settlers, who can not do without connecting a construction power tool, as well as travelers who want to make the rest as comfortable as possible. The only solution is to equip your own autonomous power supply system. And here the gas generator for the house or country plot can come to the rescue. It, being a permanent or emergency power source, will allow you to use all the necessary electrical appliances in any conditions.

Advantages of gasoline generators

In comparison with diesel and gas devices of similar purpose, gasoline generators have a number of undeniable advantages:

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  • wide power range;
  • light start even at sub-zero temperatures;
  • low cost of equipment;
  • low noise level;
  • light weight and overall dimensions of generators;
  • Operation without special training and knowledge.

As for the inconvenience, the owners of gasoline generators can only face the need for frequent fuel addition and preventive maintenance.

How to choose a gasoline generator?

Buying a generator, it should be remembered, then this is a rather complex device that will have to be entrusted to practically life support of the house. Therefore, before buying it is important to pay attention to several parameters of the device:

  • Generator power;
  • The resource of work;
  • Engine's type;
  • Number of phases;
  • Fuel consumption;
  • Fuel tank capacity;
  • Type of launch;
  • Dimensions.
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Rules for choosing a gasoline generator by power

The power of the gasoline generator is the most important parameter when choosing a device. How to choose a gasoline generator and calculate the power required for a comfortable operation?

There are a lot of models of generators that provide the user with different power, starting with portable, very compact 500 W models, ending with powerful devices designed for 15 kW. You can find out the optimum value of this parameter by summing the starting capacities of consumers.

It is worth remembering that when starting electrical appliances with inductive loads, they consume significantly more than in stationary operation.

  • Ohmic consumers. In such devices, the starting current coincides with the rated current. This class includes household incandescent lamps, kettles, electric stoves, irons, soldering irons.
  • Devices with low inductance. Here the starting current is higher than the nominal one and a half or two times. Such devices include household electric tools, microwave ovens, video and computer equipment, fluorescent lamps.
  • Devices with large inductance. Starting is three or more times higher than the rated load. This includes devices equipped with electric motors: compressors, well pumps, welding machines and transformers. In order to conduct welding work without any problems it is reasonable to purchase a special gasoline generator for welding with the possibility of switching modes.

For a number of devices, increasing coefficients are calculated to determine the starting power of the device.

In order not to complicate the calculation of power, one can start from the sum of the nominal power of the devices in the house, taking into account only 25-100% of the reserve for starting loads.

Type of gasoline generator

Along with conventional devices, modern inverter generators are offered to the consumer today. Such devices are equipped with built-in voltage regulators, they are compact, light and economical, consuming at least 20% less fuel.


The peculiarity of the inverter gasoline generator design allows to reduce the voltage surges in the network up to 2.5%. Which is extremely necessary when connecting any electronic equipment.

Despite the convenience of this type of generator, conventional models are more durable and unpretentious in maintenance.

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Types of engines

Today, there are models of gasoline generators for the house and suburban area, equipped with different types of engines:

  1. The two-stroke engine is installed on units up to 2 kW. These are simple devices with small size and weight. However, for the operation of such an engine, it is necessary to manually make a mixture of oil and gasoline.
  2. The four-cycle engine has its own lubrication mechanism. Here, fuel and oil are poured separately, which increases the reliability of the device. This engine is more resistant to loads and is much longer.

Also, gasoline generators can be synchronous and asynchronous:

  • Asynchronous generator has a high class of protection, is not sensitive to short circuits, high dust content of the air and the presence of moisture in it. Such devices are good on construction sites, and a gasoline generator for welding should be just like that.
  • The synchronous generator has a rather complex device. The principle of the device is based on the formation of two magnetic fields rotating at the same speed. Short-term overloads are not critical for such a gasoline generator. Therefore, it can be used for backup power of complex household appliances, computer and electronic equipment.

Engine start type

On the type of generator start depends on the convenience of using the device and the speed of renewal of power supply. Petrol generators can be equipped with an electronic starter or a manual start device.

  • Manual start is structurally simpler. But it is convenient to use it only if the generator is warm, that is, indoors or operated in the summer.
  • The electronic starter allows to start the device without significant efforts even at temperatures up to -20 degrees.
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Acquisition of a gasoline generator with an auto start and its connection to the power supply system at home It will allow you to comfortably use all household appliances when switching from one power source to other.


It is convenient when the generator has the ability to connect different types of consumers.

As a rule, sockets are installed:

  • for single-phase in 220 V current;
  • for three-phase in 380 V current;
  • output to 12 V.

That provides convenient use of household appliances and professional equipment, as well as provide charging of batteries for building devices and other devices.

Generator installation

There are no strict requirements to the installation site of the gasoline generator. However, the general safety requirements for the operation of such equipment should be adhered to:

  • When installing the generator indoors, it should be remembered that the ceilings can not be lower, meters.
  • The generator and its working mechanisms must be freely accessible.
  • The temperature of the air near the generator is also important. It is most important to provide coolness for models with air cooling.
  • Overheating of the device can occur and because of prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  • For gasoline generators for the home, a system for removing combustion products and effective ventilation are necessary.
  • The equipment must be protected from moisture and dust.

Rules for selecting generators for cottages (video)

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