Do you know how to open a wine without a corkscrew?

.An articlebanquet and good mood. But bad luck, the corkscrew is lost. And the guests are waiting, the dishes get cold. .. And everyone starts vying to give advice on how to open a wine without a corkscrew.

Interesting ways to open a bottle

Mankind has invented many ways to uncork a cork with improvised means. Some sentences are so comical that it is difficult to believe in their effectiveness. But, nevertheless, cope with a bang. So, a selection of the most interesting and proven methods of how to open a wine without a corkscrew.

Squeeze the cork with your finger or improvised means

The method is very effective. Only in the first case, you need to have a strong force. In the second, you can use everything that is at hand. Women can even use heels from their favorite shoes( preferably not from a courier).Some advise instead of a corkscrew to use a knife. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to close the bottle if the wine is not drunk.

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Using the

boot Still thinking how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew? All you need is a men's shoe, in the heel of which you need to put a bottle. Now, coming up to the wall, they knock on it with a shoe with a bottle. After a few blows, the cork climbs so much that it can be pulled out with your fingers. Similarly, you can open the cork by simply wrapping the bottom of the bottle with a towel folded in several layers. The secret is in the so-called water hammer: while knocking, the wine rushes to the side of the cork with the force applied by you, bumps into the cork and starts pushing it out.

Using the method, it is important not to overdo it and not to break the bottle itself. True. .. experiment on inexpensive wine.

Screw to help

The method is similar to how to open a wine with a corkscrew. Using a screwdriver, a medium-sized screw is screwed into the cork, but so that the cap sticks out somewhere between 0.5-0.7 cm. Next, use a plier to hold the screw cap and, applying force, pull out the cap. But there is one thing: the cork can crumble, and you will be left with nothing.

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Kitchen knife

And here is another way to open a wine without a corkscrew at home. It turns out that with a knife you can not only cut products, but also open bottles. To begin with, turn the bottle upside down so that the cork is moistened with wine. Now they take a knife with a fairly narrow blade and stick it into the cork as deeply as possible. Holding the knife at a small angle, make circular movements and at the same time gently pulling up. A little patience and cork pulled out.

Use the method with great care - most likely to cut yourself.

Heating method

There are two options here.

The first is to heat only the neck above the flame of the candle, the lighter, the burner or just the burner. The air in the neck will heat up and expand, thereby pushing the plug.

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In the second version, you can put the bottle in a pan with hot water, fire( for example, in a fire, if you are in nature).As in the first case, the contents, heating up, squeeze the cork. By the way, in this way you will kill two, no, not even three hares: have fun, uncork a bottle and make a drink that is very healthy for the body - grog( just do not forget to stock up on spices).

"Fishing" with a string

All you need is a fairly strong and long cord. At its one end tie a knot. Now, using thin shila, they make a hole in the cork and push the cord inside the bottle so that the knot is fixed inside. All that remains is to carefully pull the cord and everything, you can drink wine.

Now you know how to open a wine without a corkscrew and you can easily do it, using only knowledge, skill and improvised means.

Open a wine without a corkscrew - video

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